The good bad and ugly of stress

if you think stress is dangerous then it is
It is the season for stress! We got it, so now, what do we do about it? Harvard tells us that the healthy development of the brain can be derailed by chronic activation of the stress response system. Leading to the risk of physical ad mental illness or even death.
Free chat here And the facts are that kids can't even identify stress, let alone deal with it. It impacts their ability to learn, store memories and regulate not only their minds but their behavior.
But the truth is, that adults also have difficulty identifying and regulating stress. Why? Because we often normalize or numb the feelings.
The stats are frightening! Stress is the leading indicator for almost everything that ails us, including heart disease. Where stress becomes the leading indicator.
You probably already know that 54% of the women that dies last year of heart disease, never knew they had a problem. Where 67% dies without ever mentioning any concerns to their Doctor and sadly 27% of all women will die prematurely from heart disease.
But it doesn't have to be that way. We can change those stats and the outcome for many.
First we need to understand a little more about stress. There are three types and the transition from one to the others are invisible. We drop into deeper stages without knowing and that is the danger.
Stress is natural to our well-being when it is current and brief. It becomes more serious yet tolerable when we feel stress, but take measures to reduce our stress, Through supportive relationships, mindful activities such as Yoga, walking, song, dance, mediation. Only to name a few.
But prolonged periods of stress are considered toxic. Especially when they are absent of supportive relationships and all the other natural and remedial methods at our disposal.
What is stress? It is defined as an uncomfortable emotional experience accompanied by a biochemical response that causes both physiological and behavior changes.
Often times it includes anticipation or situations or encounters. Symptoms can vary for each of us. Some may experience low energy, headaches, upset stomach, bowel issues, aches and pains.
More symptoms include rapid heart and respiration rate, insomnia, decreased immune response; which I will talk more about; and decreased or inability of sexual desire.
According to Doctor Kim Randall Young, stress has the ability to interrupt our immune response for six to eight hours, every time the response is engaged. Imagine being unprotected by your natural defenses for significant periods of time! She has given it a name, a toxic psychological constitution. And it can be deadly.
Our toxic psychological constitution can be maintained by the thoughts filtering and dominating our minds. Our mindset reflects our toxicity!
Yes our mental emotional disposition is mirrored in our physical bodies. Stress hormones and chemicals not only create havoc in our minds, causing loss of will power, decreased rational, poor judgment and choices, cloudy focus and breeding unhappiness and interrupting our minds ability to intercommunicate. They also create physiological and behavior disruption.
In fact Harvard tells us again, that our mindset is the critical factor for turning on or off the genetic markers of predisposition. We can no longer blame our genetics. It is our ability or inability to control of our mind!
Dr. Bernie Siegal, professor of psychology Charles Carver University writes that our attitude equals a predictable health recovery. And traits such as optimism and openness engage coping mechanisms and lower stress.
He says when we Feel bad we are more likely to eat less healthy, take more risks and do nothing. All diminishes our quality of life and our bodies ability to heal.
And then we compensate, numb the uncomfortable feelings rather than removing them. And we continue to feel stress.
But other facts contribute to our demise as well. According to researcher Kelly McConigal; who says,"change your relationship with stress and you can change the results. She goes on to say that if you think stress is bad you are 43% more likely to die than those who believe stress is good. For example, if someone things stress creates focus and makes them more alert, they remain unaffected by stress. #myfreedomdomday #whatdoesfreedommeantoyou
Why? Because positive expression results in positive physiology. Again we see the power of our mindset!
So go a little further and we become aware of the power of all thought. The words that we use in everyday conversation. Are they positive or negative? Because once we know that positive thoughts and words result in positive physiology we can take responsibility and remove blame, all reducing our stress.
How do we begin? Awareness is key. Tune into the thoughts flowing or stuck within the mind. Take note of the words we use. Be conscious and mindful. Begin with just few minutes each day and before long you will be on your way to greater insight into health and wellness.
Then we can move into detoxifying our thoughts and words. Become conscious of our inner state. And then begin the process of change
Tune into 54321 and how we can quickly move between our different brains and recover from stress quickly. Then take a closer look through a meditative exercise of locating where within the body stress is felt.
From this meditation, find the shape, color, texture, thick or thin, three dimensional or flat. In your imagination, trace the outside border with your finger. Then look for movement, direction of movement, listen for tone or vibrations, odors, tastes. If you could imagine taking your hand and reaching inward and holding this item. How heavy would it be, how large, dense, sticky or smooth would it be? Know everything about it, and then change it.
How? Change the color, shape, and direction it is moving. If there was no movement then move it! By altering how your mind recognizes stress, you can dissolve the feelings of stress within yourself. Repeat as often as needed.
Simple NLP tools to empower and control your mind, so you can feel fantastic.
#NLP #NLPcoach #Stress #stressrelief #mindovermatter #youhavethepower #mindmaps #mindpower
Adele's bio: I live through passion and purpose. In love with neuroscience, drawn to the power of the mind; as a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. What I experienced while drowning. The stuff I now know to be true.
I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don;t want. Living a life I love waking up to every day.
I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer.
My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They want to be listened to and are looking for a personalized caring approach.
If you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior.
Feel stuck.
Experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body.
Wake up feeling dis-satisfied. Are living under stress or simply looking for a new beginning that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven.
As a NLP trainer, I create perceptual shifts, teach and provide life skills. Plus install the neuro-networking necessary fro transformation.
My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care.
Clients report that they feel happier, sleep ,ore soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting.
Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul
NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress.
Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve.