Stress relief for a pandemic, more than survival, thrive!

NLP provides real tools to reduce or remove the stress we feel
N.L.P. or Neuro-Linguistics Programming has been used for decades to create change in peoples lives. Used by the rich and famous, now N.L.P. has become a tool we all can take advantage of.
Life can be stressful, and chronic stress is known as a silent killer and has been linked to so many diseases and human conditions that you think we would have a multitude of tools to manage and remove stress from our systems. But right now, this minute, we are being impacted by another silent killer, Covid 19.
And it is creating so much change in our lives, shut down, shut in, separation and financial pressures. And then there is worry, the person that worries about everything has much to worry about! And so, they do.
But did you know that 98% of what we worry about never happens? And worry is often mixed up in our mind. If we look at it logically, worry has nothing to do with caring. But I am certain that most of what we worry about are the people we care about.
So, switch up your words and change the outcome of your stress level. Today I am thinking about family because I care. This sounds and feels much different that I am worried about family. The words we use and think matter, changing the physiology inside our body. And there are other simple and easy methods for reducing what we worry about and the stress it causes us.
I've noticed that Mother nature has a simple stress reliever. Watch a stressed animal shiver and shake off their distress, then calmly walk away. Somewhere along the evolutionary line, humans stopped this natural and innate way to relieve stress from the body. And yet, I heard recently that survivors of 911, who did not develop PTSD, did exactly that. Shake it off.
There is simple science behind the phenomena. When we understand our mind and how it functions, then we can adopt change to help ourselves.
I bet you can imagine being in New York, during 911. The horror, fear, grief and devastation was palpable. So then consider that our heart rate, respiration, body stance, body temperature and physiology embodied horror, fear, grief and devastation. Picture yourself or others you witnessed. Now picture yourself or that same person shaking it off.
Its a movement change. Altered body alignment, temperature, respiration and heart-rate change. By changing the physical nature of ourselves, we can and do alter the physiology inside our bodies and release the prior state.
In cases of P.T.S.D., it is said, that interrupting a high state of anxiety within the onset stage or first thirty day, can in effect limit the probability of P.T.S.D.
And then there is the intentional release. One we can initiate through an NLP process. As you are already aware, awareness is the first step in neuroplasticity. That initiating thought brings the event into our consciousness of our neo-cortex. Now we have forty-two days to create change.
With NLP, the change is often noticed the same session. But I find it effective to peel back the onion a little further. Think of behavior change like a spider web. Think back and discover that many life events share the same emotions. This links them together like a spider web. A spider web can be similar to neuropathways. When we reduce or remove just one emotion from an event, the removal cascades through all the events that contained that emotion. You already know what happens when a spider web collapses. Now visualize the spider web collapsing to be like neuropathways dissolving.
So how can we affect change in behavior and calm our emotions using NLP? There are several methods we use. One method is called red green blue. I use this game to remove an emotion attached to a singular event. ( instructions) Another is drop down and through. I use this one to discover the underlying emotion that is bothering someone. This process is a visualization and effectively removes a negative emotion and restores balancing the mind and body. (instructions) Lastly, I employ time line therapy to remove the painful emotions from all past life events. The five most common emotions that get stuck are anger, hurt, sadness, guilt and fear. (instructions)
Once we understand that generic emotions are the vessel that holds almost all of our complex emotions, we dedicate one session to each. After five sessions we have affected deep change and created freedom of body mind and soul.
I would love to have a deeper conversation, call me 604-885-0562 or text me: 604-885-8236 Until we speak in person, stay well.
#myfreedomdomday #whatdoesfreedommeantoyou #mindyourfreedom Adele's bio: I live through passion and purpose. In love with neuroscience, drawn to the power of the mind; as a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. What I experienced while drowning. The stuff I now know to be true.
I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don;t want. Living a life I love waking up to every day.
I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer.
My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They want to be listened to and are looking for a personalized caring approach.
If you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior.
Feel stuck.
Experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body.
Wake up feeling dis-satisfied. Are living under stress or simply looking for a new beginning that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven.
As a NLP trainer, I create perceptual shifts, teach and provide life skills. Plus install the neuro-networking necessary fro transformation.
My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care.
Clients report that they feel happier, sleep more soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting.
Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul
NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress.
Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve.