Is fear driving your behavior during this pandemic?

The times that test our ability to rationalize and be reasonable
Many people have stressful lives. Stress is negative physiology, similar in nature to fear. Fear is a mechanism that can initiate flight or fright mechanism.
You know the one; The one that feels like you're being chased by a saber toothed tiger so, run really fast. It also, if we are not careful, set us up for other fears like, us verses them.
I know that many are experiencing fear. Why? Because people are hording. And toilet paper, truthfully, we can live without. So why toilet paper? When we are under duress, we tend to make poor choices?
But, what it really tells us is that our coping mechanisms are struggling. Not only are choices less rationale, we naturally make more mistakes.
Have you ever had the experience of having a conversation that was stressful? And you lost your ability to articulate really good responses? And some may even have noticed they were in reaction, rather than communication.
Once you got home and calmed down, you probably knew all the incredible responses that you should have made, but they seemed illusive at the time. Why? Because of stress.
When we are stressed in the form of fear, some may also experience less resiliency. Stress also decreases immunity making us more susceptible to disease.
So what happens when stress hit in the form of a pandemic? We witness people begin to hoard. Gathering up supplies for a long and scarce time ahead. I am taking notice of how many people are making eye contact, or are they keeping their heads down.
Faces look pinched, indicating shallow breathing and I notice the brief lifting of the head shows eyes that darting left and right.
And what's that all about? The reptilian brain, scanning for surrounding danger.
And it would make for a good movie. But it is not a movie, we are living it! The state of community was revealed in my local neighborhood grocery store this week.
So how do we cope during these difficult times? We begin by breathing. Breath in and breath out. Check in with yourself now and then self correct. Take a deep breath that fills your lungs, long and slow breaths trick our brain into thinking we are well under control and relaxed.
1. Consistent long and slow breath is my number one suggestion.
Next, check in with your thinking. What is the thought crossing through your mind right now? Is it about dinner or is it about safety?
If it is safety then of course, make sure you are in a comfortable and safe spot. And then check in with your mind again. If your thought is based in fear, then identify what you are feeling.
2. Identifying what we are feeling and the emotion that we are experiencing lowers our stress and initiates your neo-cortex. Naming what we are feeling is quite different than feeling the emotion. So identify.
Then reach out. Often when we are fearful, we shrink away from our support groups. Rather than hiding away, reach out with a supportive call, or an email. Not always to talk about the scary news, but to offer support and friendship to others that may also be feeling, rather than identifying.
3. Connect even during social distancing. There are many ways to keep connected to our communities while staying in safety.
Kindness and caring are integral to good health. Where stress is negative physiology and lower immunity, kindness and caring are huge positive physiology boosters. What I've done, is keep in contact with neighbors who are required to isolate. Friends that have compromised immune systems may need supplies, but it would be better if they stayed inside their home. So lets get together and help our snowbirds, aged travelers returning home that need groceries and basics while in isolation.
Then gratitude. Being grateful for what we know and understand already. The many stride that are being made each day as we move towards the end of the pandemic. Be grateful for all of us that have good health.
There are many things I am grateful for. Our great country, plenty of food, systems in place to deal with emergencies. We are fortunate to have access to a good medical system, a homes and spaces we can use, as we give this virus time to resolve.
There will be other times in this amazing life where we will require these skills again. We can each take this time to learn how to calm our inner body and mind. Take this time to connect over distance. And remember that this too will pass. stay well out there. xoxox Adele
#myfreedomdomday #whatdoesfreedommeantoyou #mindyourfreedom Adele's bio: I live through passion and purpose. In love with neuroscience, drawn to the power of the mind; as a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. What I experienced while drowning. The stuff I now know to be true.
I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don;t want. Living a life I love waking up to every day.
I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer.
My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They want to be listened to and are looking for a personalized caring approach.
If you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior.
Feel stuck.
Experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body.
Wake up feeling dis-satisfied. Are living under stress or simply looking for a new beginning that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven.
As a NLP trainer, I create perceptual shifts, teach and provide life skills. Plus install the neuro-networking necessary fro transformation.
My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care.
Clients report that they feel happier, sleep more soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting.
Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul
NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress.
Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve.