
When we recognize the Mother earth offers us everything we require to survive, why not this ancient practice?
Have you ever heard of "Earthing". The simple act of walking barefoot on the earth, drawing natural energies from making direct contact with the earths polarity.
I had but didn't really pay too much attention to this idea, until I watched a documentary call "Earthing".
I like when things make sense. We all have this inner knowing that can often be discounted. The intelligence of our gut instinct, our heart felt knowing of truth. This was one of those instinctual knowing for me, as I watch this documentary.
And then I pondered, could Earthing play an important role in our health and wellbeing?
Possibly! I encourage you to watch it!
Earthing is a documentary that offers us insight into being "grounded". I think you already know so I don't have to tell you about electrical impulses of our body. Ancient Chinese script reveals the use of acupuncture and meridians in the Huandgi dynasty 2500 BC but it can be referenced even earlier, 5-6000 BC.
Things that stand the test of time are rare and even more rare when those ideas and skills have been accepted and used both in eastern and in western medicine today.
Acupuncture is applied along, what is called meridians. When I taught Thai Massage decades ago, I liked to reference meridians as our nervous system, that run from our brain stem through our spinal column and connecting organs and systems throughout our mind and body.
Why I am bringing this up is that we understand that our nervous system functions as electrical impulses. Our nervous system is in effect our electrical wiring.
If you were a contractor, an electrician, or someone that worked in and around electricity, like someone who installs cable or telephone lines, grounding electricity would be understood.
And this takes me back to the documentary mentioned, Earthing. Clint Ober was a unique thinker. He worked installing telephone lines, and then had a thought. If telephone lines or cable lines were not grounded before entering a house, equipment inside the home didn’t work very well, static, and poor signals resulted.
So, he began wondering about human beings. He recalled a childhood memory where a child he knew had been ill, and nothing medically was helping this child. The child was native. This sick child was brought home, and one of the elders began to dig a pit in the earth, filling it was leaves to create a soft bed. They laid the child in the dug-out space and sat with her for comfort. Built fires for warmth, and there the child lay.
I’m not certain the length of time, the child laid in this sacred hole, but every day, her vitality returned, and one day she simply got up and was well.
He then recalled another moment, on entering a native teepee, she was told to remove his shoes, that they would make him sick.
Decades later, he found himself severely ill, hospitalized, and close to death. He was told to go home and put his affairs in order. But what he did instead, he too off his shoes..
We may be familiar with the alkalinity of our body’s; science says a slightly alkaline body is best to maintain good health. We understand negative ions around water, why it makes us feel better when we are close to water. So, what about our body’s polarity?
Through science we recognize that Mother Earth has a negative polarity. The atmosphere has a positive charge. The energizer and releaser of these charges is lightening! I found this fascinating!
As kids we run outside in bare feet, but when is the last time we did this as adults? Gardeners will attest to a feeling of wellbeing when their hands are in the dirt. Could this be that it is because we are gaining the grounding effect that is so necessary for our wellness? I think now that this is true.
I encourage you to watch the movie, and then consider a shift. I realize it is cold out there right now, but there are other things that we can do to balance our internal makeup. And then when temperatures permit, let’s get out there and get dirty!
Over the past months of becoming a widow, I have expanded into many new ways of thinking about health and wellbeing. Natural methods to balance body, mind, and soul, so that I feel better. This is my hope for you too. Stay well out there. Xoxo Adele. And, if you would like to connect: