Discover the #1 reason why we fail

Success has a formula so get it here
It has been said, what we believe, becomes us. So, what happens when there is part of our plan that we are not enjoying? And we say; something to the tune of; it can't be done.
What's to become of us then?
But let's take a deeper look. There are a few moving parts here.
First off, we have a plan, right? Is your plan ambitious enough to hold your attention? Or really beyond your wildest dreams so that it seems unattainable.
A good plan has a known method. The plan is Smart. Meaning Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and reasonable, with a timely outcome.
And the plan should be actionable by identifying and defining concise doable tasks. So, we can get the results we desire, within the time we gave ourselves to achieve it.
But what else needs to be in play for all the starts to align? Number 2 is Action! We must make it happen, for days, weeks, months and possibly years.
Sure this requires stamina, but more than that it requires passion and a belief in what you want to happen.
Number four is passion. Know what you want but more important that what is the why you want to achieve it. What is it going to do for you, others? It is the why that drives our behavior.
Yes, for sure, but we must believe, have passion and pursue our goal. So how can we fail?
Psychology says the number one reason why we fail is because of self-limiting beliefs. And this is where it gets interesting, because we have a dream and we are passionate about that dream. And still so many dreams fail.
So, what is a limiting belief anyways? We have them in many areas of our lives, health, success, wealth, sex, religion, social, race, culture and gender. The list is long as life itself.
Another thing is understanding why we should heal self limiting beliefs. Because they make us feel bad about ourselves, trip us up!
For example, what if we want to build a successful company. We know we have a strong work ethic, the education and the resources. But we have a negative belief about wealth. Inside your mind, wealth is referred to as those people.
What they do with their wealth, how they achieved their wealth, power, lucky, born into it, silver spoon, whatever it may be. The belief is revealed through how we feel. So how do you really feel about wealth?
Because, if our feelings are negative; when it comes to wealth; our goal becomes a much bigger challenge. As success begins to arrive, we may even self-sabotage.
Self-limiting beliefs are common. We all got them as we grew up and engaged with our families, larger social groups and structures.
How do we know we have a self-limiting belief? They show up as our insecurities. The I'm not good enough, not strong enough, all the "I'm not". Add in all the time we say I can't, should haves, would haves and tries we have mustered over a lifetime.
And they are negatively charged and keep us from achieving greatness. I call then negatively charged sticky Neuro-peptides. And that doesn't sound so insurmountable, and it isn't.
Neuroscience has shown us a back door into releasing these negatively charged peptides from our memory.
Through a process of neuro-linguistics programming, using a new code exercise, we can release single negative emotions. Where a timeline exercise can release the emotion from all a persons' painful events.
And this levels the playing field, making one's mind feel light and fresh. But this is only one process available, for truly releasing the pain from our past. A process that like goals, asks more of us. To make the choice to let go of a painful past.
And when we do, we open new doors to a limitless future! But until then we may struggle.
How else do we self-sabotage? Going it alone. It is said that we do better when we reveal our plan to others. Having someone to share both struggles and successes is invaluable. And sharing makes it is harder for us to slide. Like a workout buddy, we don't want to let them down. So we continue to reach higher when someone has expectations of us. And we may need this, for the days when we lose steam.
There will always be another "bully" A person that says something to break our stride. or maybe it's someone who is having a bad day and want to ruin someones day due to their pain.
It may not be pleasant to experience, but I know now that this too becomes a gift. How could that possibly be a gift?
It couldn't hurt us if it didn't resonate in some way. It reveals a wound. The emotion rises because it resonates; we have felt this pain before.
You already know that some days, a sarcastic remark may run off your back, like water off a duck head. But other days it stings like a bee.
These are the times when it helps to have a mentor, friend or supporter to encourage us, refocus our power. It is proven that having a coach speeds our journey to recovery and success.
Just like doing it alone has its' pitfalls, having a coach is a winners' advantage. I coach holds the space, keeps you focused, on track and accountable. And success is reached more often and at a much faster pace.
Facts are we hold others to their dreams more than we hold ourselves. Like a new years resolution that rises and sets with the sun. Dreams can be put on hold for so long that we lose sight of them. A missed calling.
So having a team, coach, mentor, mastermind group or friend on your side makes it more likely you'll succeed.
Before we begin, know there will be gritty times. Plan for them. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses. Take care of yourself and your beliefs. If is part of your success formula.
With a success formula, you will have the tools to self correct when willpower wains. Knowing how willpower works is helpful too. Willpower halts us whenever we are hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Now you know, so limit how willpower can interfere with success.
And lastly, realize that the path to our dream may hold tasks will bore us to tears.
Tune into these tasks before their time. That feeling of dread that tingles in the back of our mind, when we really resist. The unsettled vibration of anxiety. Maybe it's learning something new and you are in the "door of confusion". Consider to some, what we dread is the final nail in the coffin of broken dreams.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Let your eyes open to the least favorite tasks. Switch it and learn to manage those tasks differently.
Rewrite it, with a new positive perspective. Remove the un-enjoyable. Create a new plan that includes making you happy.
Create the step by step, create the task, in positive terms by first thinking about the tasks you thrive on. Decode why you love certain things and see how this task can be redesigned.
Decide where this task fits in the overall design of your goal. Then ask yourself, does this task require daily action. Is it possible you need to ask for help? And is it essential for achieving your short-term goal, your long-term goal, or both?
Once it is molded with a positive focus; where you can really feel and see the outcome; progress is certain.
Remember that happiness is fueled by dreams. Create the life you desire by following a success formula that works!
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Adele's bio: I live through passion and purpose. In love with neuroscience, drawn to the power of the mind; as a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. What I experienced while drowning. The stuff I now know to be true.
I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don;t want. Living a life I love waking up to every day.
I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer.
My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They want to be listened to and are looking for a personalized caring approach.
If you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior.
Feel stuck.
Experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body.
Wake up feeling dis-satisfied. Are living under stress or simply looking for a new beginning that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven.
As a NLP trainer, I create perceptual shifts, teach and provide life skills. Plus install the neuro-networking necessary fro transformation.
My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care.
Clients report that they feel happier, sleep more soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting.
Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul
NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress.
Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve.