Nov. 11, 2021

Are we just chasing a ghost?

Are we just chasing a ghost?

When science says not everything is understood, but it merits a genuine investigation without prejudice

Death occurs when the heart stops and breathing ceases and while the brain appears not to be functioning, people who have had an NDE or near-death experience; a lucid structured process with greater consciousness and awareness of themselves in the humanities.

About 17% of people who died while in care experienced a review of their life through the lens of humanity, dignity, kindness and compassion. A judgement of the material things didn't seem to appear, but what was consistent was their evaluation of their ontology. The beingness of being human.

When I began to drown in that capsized plane, I felt my body and consciousness separate. Time did not exist, but what did exist was a profound sense of well-beng and unconditional love.

It was profound experience that has culminated in a 30-year quest of science and spirit to understand my experience of life beyond death.

During this time, I interviewed many people that had NDE's and our experiences had so many similarities. The calm, secure feels, bright light, fields of wildflowers and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. 

I am not afraid to die.

None of this helped me watch my soul mate being devoured by cancer. Or watch his death, the pain of separation and a reality of a future without him.

But as Dr. Sam Parnia of Resuscitation Research says, "death is not absolute" Not everything can be understood by science.

For centuries man has explored the knowledge frontier, continents, mountains and ocean trenches, upward through the sky and into the universe beyond. And there seems nothing controversial about it.

Yet, exploring the outer limits of our inner experience draws skepticism. When through science we already know that what was accepted yesterday as truth does not always stand the test of time, and yet our beliefs become embedded deep within our psyche.

Until someone we love dies. Then our heart, mind, and soul grasps at what seems beyond our reach. Understanding, are they ok? Are we OK? How will I know..

And yet there are things we do know. Philosopher Joseph Levine called it a explanatory gap. Consciousness according to Professor David Chalmers; "the number one unanswered scientific challenge of our time." He goes on to say that consciousness may not be explainable in the same way that space and time are not explainable. We study the laws that govern them rather than space or time itself.

Why? He goes on, that consciousness may be a fundamental building block of the nature.

So are we chasing ghosts? Or are the ones we love a part of the mysteries of consciousness.

For centuries human-kind has turned away from paranormal studies, intuition, mediumship, clairvoyance. And I did too. It wasn't until my early 20's that I becan to explore things that couldn't necessarily be explained.

And some of it frightened me and I turned away. But after Willis died, I had a deep need to connect with him, and I did.

I connected and set up an appointment for an Akashik Record reading. I knew nothing much about it, but I had met the lady who would read for me. This one reading was beyond my expectations.

This person knew very little of me and certainly had no knowledge of my relationship with my husband. But, she was able to offer me information that was so uniquely personal, that I needed to understand more.

Even more, I had a complete sense of calm afterwards. My believing became knowing at a deep level. I accepted my reality, knowing that there is more to understand about life and life after death.

Four months into widowhood, I have transitioned from deep and painful grief into feeling calm and at peace. I understand my journey is just that, a journey. I feel compelled to help others reach this state of comfort and relief, and so I am reaching out to you again today in love and with empathy for those who grieve.

I invite you to join me for a conversation to allow yourself grace and accept a inner feeling of peace and calm again. I have discovered a deeply rewarding and healing mechanism in spiritual growth through grief. We can talk about upcoming retreats, "Soul"utions, and Love and Above. Deepen the conversation


Soulutions for Grief session

web: Gratitude Dr. Dean Radin

Cambridge Studies parapsychology

South Hampton U NDE