Disc Deep Dive: Transforming Conflict Into Opportunity | MDIDS2E49

Have you ever considered how your inherent nature shapes your approach to conflict?
Today we're unraveling the layers of DISC personality assessments – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. How do these traits manifest in our daily interactions and decisions? From the decisive Dominance to the harmonious Steadiness, each personality type has its unique way of handling conflict. But what makes an approach healthy or unhealthy?
This episode isn't just about identifying these traits; it's about learning to harness them effectively.
So how will understanding your DISC profile change the way you face life's challenges? Let's find out together on the "Mavericks Do It Differently Podcast”.
Key Highlights:
- Intro (00:00)
- Healthy Or Unhealthy Conflict Resolution (02:16)
- Personality Types And Their Approaches To Conflict (06:09)
- Personality Types And Conflict Resolution Strategies (08:20)
- Effective Conflict Management Strategies (11:43)
About the Host:
Paul Finck is The Maverick Millionaire™. Paul brings to the table a vast array of knowledge and skill sets from 36+ years of sales, marketing and entrepreneurial life experience. He has consulted in numerous industries, including the Medical, Dental, Financial, Retail, Informational Marketing, Direct Sales, Multi-Level Marketing and Speakers/Coaches/Trainers. He is a former mortgage broker, real estate agent and investor. Starting with a desire to be great, Paul learned from several of the biggest names out there and Dared to be Different – he dared to be a Maverick. His successes include moving multi-millions of dollars in Real Estate, and over $20 million in informational products. With his primary focus on multiple streams of income, he has built up several businesses in Informational Marketing, Network Marketing, Real Estate Investing and now speaks and coaches internationally, teaching others how they can create this success in their own lives while Doing It Different – The Maverick Way.
Paul is well known for his success and his awesome family, and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNN Live, The Jane Pauley Show, The Montel Williams Show, local Channel 8 and Channel 11 News, Parents Magazine, and most local newspapers in his home state of Connecticut.
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Welcome, welcome. Welcome everyone. This is Mavericks Do It Different podcast and I am Paul Finck The Maverick Millionaire. And today I'm really excited to change your world by introducing you some concepts and some belief systems and some information that will have a real impact in your life. See here at Mavericks do a different podcast, we do share information that helps us think different, be different, do different in our world in our life, to create different results, different results for ourselves, for our family, our society, our whole community, the whole world, one person at a time, understanding that this is all about conflict, and oh boy, is conflict good or bad. Some people like love conflict, and we know those types, they get right in there, and they can't wait to rough it up a little other people like avoid conflict like the plague. Well, the question is what's right? What's effective, what really works is conflict, something that we want to engage in or something that we want to avoid, or maybe something in between, ought to get down into this conversation with you. And we're going to talk about this in regards to a another layering of information. And that is on disc, disc profiling assessments. And you may or may not have ever heard of this. It's fairly popular in the sales community. And in the entrepreneurial, or business communities you hear about this. And it's one of the major assessment tests or personality assessments that are utilized throughout the world. It's called disc and it breaks everybody up into a minimum of four quadrants for quadrants one, and it's an acronym di, S and C for those four quadrants. One is the for dominance. Next one is I for for influence persuasion. The next one is asked for socially conscious caretakers of the world, and C is conscientiousness, or detail oriented components. And so, with with those four scenarios, those four quadrants, if you will, how do we effectively engage in conflict based on what our personality is. And that's what I want to talk to you about today. So understanding conflict, conflict is not inherently bad or inherently good. It's how we react to the world or how we react to conflict that makes the difference. And I'm going to talk primarily about whether there's healthy ways to engage in conflict, based on what your tendency is your your your go to personality, and what is unhealthy aspects of approaching the challenge approaching the conflict. So let's get down into it and figure out well, maybe a little bit about who you are along the way. So let's talk about the D personality type. Now, a D personality type is your dominant personality type. It's the person who goes in for absolute results oriented behavior, and looks to create results. He's not concerned about people or about their feelings, he's concerned about how to get the best results for the best. And for the most number of people. That's as usual focus. And so very much a take action type of guy a risk taker. Take moves into the battlefield right away. And so when we think about that type of personality, and we think about some, let's say world leaders, or even some people that are fictional characters, just to prove a point, Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs was a de, he went in there and got results done a problem solver. However, he would do it in a way that was very healthy, he would do it in a solutions aspect, and usually respecting difference of opinion and having people come forward with their different thoughts. Before he would say here's the game plan. Now, if we contrast that, and you may or may not agree with that analysis, but let's just assume that that's who Steve Jobs was. Contrast that with if you know the movie, Wall Street and Gordon Gekko, Gordon Gekko was absolutely aggressive, prioritizing his own personal gains over everybody else's. And it was that collective just massive success that he was looking for, to prove power and authority and that's an unhealthy The components of D. So how would the two of them engage in conflict? With Steve Jobs with conflict, he would approach it with collecting information, and then making a definitive decision based on everybody's input. Gordon Gekko would approach conflict by dictating and telling people exactly how it's done regardless of their thoughts or feelings without ever really engaging in their input whatsoever. Let's look at an AI, the influencer, the influencer is this fun loving Party Party Party. It just socially like v v life of the party, very much outgoing. That's what an AI personality type is in DISC personality assessment. So an AI personality when we're engaged in conflict, well, like a Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Oprah would engage in conflict directly pulling everybody in ingratiate everybody with her presence with her own own charisma. Now you conflict that with the Gatsby, Gatsby was very much a our person the character the fictional character Gatsby was very much this showcase man that that would absolutely engage in just all personality was all actions were about being liked, I want to be liked, I want more. I want more, more acolytes in my life. And so all this was his, his approach and so in that he would he would engage in avoiding direct conflict. And all it was was creating agree ability or likability. That's what an eye unhealthy would be versus a healthy which would persuade and influence through charisma. Again, talking unhealthy, unhealthy and some of the differences we talked about an S personality and s personality is someone who is is steadfast no change doesn't really like conflict at all, is a pleaser for everybody. And versus the eye is the pleaser for everybody. In in creating a party atmosphere or fun or outgoing, the S is a pleaser. No matter what the other person wants, they'll they'll applied they'll, they'll create that scenario. So Mr. Rogers was a perfect example of an S personality. Just calm, perfect in every way would just ingratiate everyone and be the caretaker for the world. And that was Mr. Rogers as far as a personality was concerned. And his approach to conflict was calm and collectiveness was giving everyone a shoulder to lean into, and to see how we could all work together creating a win win win win win scenario at all times. An unhealthy approach to conflict would be let's say, Neville from from Harry Potter. So Neville from Harry Potter would avoid conflict at all costs, you would make up stories or or create a goal around suit, avoid the conflicts that were showing up in his world. And with that close more challenges, every conflict he avoided, has sound familiar with anybody that we know. We see these personalities all around us start placing it. So avoidance of conflict for an asset is really common. And that is an unhealthy way of handling and managing conflict. A healthy way is to get everyone together to talk to figure out a win win win scenario. Again, healthy and unhealthy conflicts and where they're showing up. See personality a C personality is your analytic, the the engineer of sorts the computer programmers the person who goes step by step by step logical patterns of behavior.
Paul Finck:They also hate conflict, they avoid it. And so a typical avoidance conflict in a C personality will create this, this wave of of challenge and what they also may do is with avoiding the conflict, they may get into it and be a little bit derogatory to the other person or We're almost looking their nose down on the person and creating this air about them. Because they're smarter than everyone else in the room almost like Sherlock Holmes would approach it in and snub his nose all the people around him. That would be the way that a C might a unhealthy approach from an analytical point of view might approach conflict is just to, to snub conflicting points of view and to make them feel bad. What would be a healthy see point of view analytical approach to conflict would be to be the data collector almost like I talked about Steve Jobs and getting really directive will a C personality like Elon Musk, where he collects a ton of information and just comes at any conflict with a very much matter of fact approach. That will, here's the step by step, you may agree or disagree, here's where the logical pattern of behavior leads us. And he'll approach it in that way all conflict in conversation, he'll approach in that same aspect. Again, the healthy and unhealthy approach. Understanding all these components, understanding how conflict shows up in our life, and how we approach it has everything to do with whether it's good or bad, because not good or bad, it's more whether our approach is effective, or ineffective, whether we manage the conflict, effectively, head on creating a understanding with the conflict on how to overcome it, or whether we're simply like some of the personality components might do avoid conflict at all costs. The way you approach conflict, the way you manage it, the way you engage with it, will make the difference in your life. So here to say, Man, understand conflict is a way of life conflict will happen in your life every single day, no matter what happens. Now, it's a matter of how do you approach it to be effective? How do you approach it so that you are facing it? To create the best outcome? For you the best outcome for your future for your life? What would you do? Would you move towards it or away from it? Are you going to be the caretaker and figure out a win win win? Are you going to be the one that avoids? Are you going to be the one that comes in and collects the data and goes through a logical pattern of of step by step process with everybody in the room? To engage with them to see where we all end up as a team? Are you going to look your nose down and tell everyone that they're stupid and just ignore them all? What's your approach to conflict? How's it working for you? These are the questions for you to be asking. Oh, and you're doing great engage in this thought process as you go through the day, look for the conflict and figure out how are you approaching the conflicts in your life and what would be a more effective approach? Be thinking these questions as you go through your day. Watch what happens in your life. This is Paul Finck this is Mavericks Do It Different podcast continue to share, like follow and engage with us every single week because we are here to engage with you and to help change this world one person at a time. Look forward to seeing you all talking to you all till next time everyone. Take care now.