May 9, 2023

Amplify Your impact - While Scaling Your Business! | MDIDS2E18

Amplify Your impact - While Scaling Your Business! | MDIDS2E18

Today we have a very special guest on our podcast - Jim Padilla, global impact strategist, the founder of Gain The Edge, and a renowned expert in personal development and business coaching, especially when it comes to sales.

What sets Jim apart from others is his philosophy: it's not what you say, it's who you are when you say it.

Do you know who you are?

Is your messaging clear?

Have you been trying to break free from the mundane task of seeking leads and sales?

Are you looking to achieve personal and professional growth?

Then you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from Jim and gain valuable insights that can transform your life and business. Tune in to our podcast now!

Key Highlights:

Scripted (4:58)

Be Clear (7:39)

Power Of Partnership (15:50)

Show Up & Deliver (19:32)

Biggest Secret (23:01)

Strategic Play (26:06)

About Jim Padilla:

Jim Padilla is a Global Impact Strategist & Investor and the founder and CEO of Gain The Edge - a done-for-you provider of industry-leading sales systems and unicorn sales professionals which he co-heads with his wife, Cyndi Padilla. Jim and his wife have generated over 1/4bn in sales for a long line of high-level entrepreneurs. Jim’s mission is to help purpose-driven thought-leaders untangle themselves from the day-to-day minutiae of seeking leads and sales so they’re free to amplify their impact - while scaling their business!


About the Host:

Paul Finck is The Maverick Millionaire™. Paul brings to the table a vast array of knowledge and skill sets from 36+ years of sales, marketing and entrepreneurial life experience. He has consulted in numerous industries, including the Medical, Dental, Financial, Retail, Informational Marketing, Direct Sales, Multi-Level Marketing and Speakers/Coaches/Trainers. He is a former mortgage broker, real estate agent and investor. Starting with a desire to be great, Paul learned from several of the biggest names out there and Dared to be Different – he dared to be a Maverick. His successes include moving multi-millions of dollars in Real Estate, and over $20 million in informational products. With his primary focus on multiple streams of income, he has built up several businesses in Informational Marketing, Network Marketing, Real Estate Investing and now speaks and coaches internationally, teaching others how they can create this success in their own lives while Doing It Different – The Maverick Way.

Paul is well known for his success and his awesome family, and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNN Live, The Jane Pauley Show, The Montel Williams Show, local Channel 8 and Channel 11 News, Parents Magazine, and most local newspapers in his home state of Connecticut.

Connect with Paul

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Paul Finck:

Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is Paul thing, The Maverick Millionaire and this is the Mavericks Do It Different podcast. And this is where we think different, be different, do different, create difference in our world to create a different world for you, for me and for our whole community. This is the maverick universe, this is where it happens. Today I've got somebody special who's well again to maybe change some things and how you experience that world and how you might approach it from this point forward. This person is a global impact strategist, the founder of gain the edge, Jim is known as the personal development and business coaching world as the go to guy all things sales. highly important in this day and age, is the master collaborator whose purpose is to help entrepreneurs leverage the power of collaboration, he to scale their business so that they can impact the world the way they intended. Jim is known for instilling into his sales team, and I want to talk to you about this. It's not what you say, it's who you are being when you say it. Please, please welcome to the podcast, Jim Padilla. Welcome. It is a pleasure to see you, buddy. How's it going?

Jim Padilla:

Fantastic. Thanks for having me on. I'm looking forward to the conversation.

Paul Finck:

So right off the bat, this whole idea is not what you say. And so what happened to the whole concept of scripting, sales scripts, I've memorized those for the last 36 years being in sales. And now your job maybe that's not important. It's just about who you were being. Explain?

Jim Padilla:

Yes, well, you know, I'm never here to poopoo on on scripts, they have their place. The biggest challenge is, you know, you ever been in a situation I know, you, I guarantee this has happened to you, as a leader. You're speaking from stage or coaching somebody, and you say something magnificent. And the person says, wait, wait, wait, can you say that again? And you're like, I don't even know what I just said, What are you talking about? Right? It just came out of you. And, you know, and it's like, even if I were to give you if I were to rewind the last 30 seconds and give you my words, it would never work for you that way. It's not about what I said. It's about who I'm being. So I tell people all the time, do your best to capture my mindset, my perspective, my energy, and then put your words to it, because you know, your people better than I do. So you know, the right words to say sometimes you're just not saying them the right way, right?

Paul Finck:

Yes. Yeah. It's kind of the concept that our communication is only what 7% words, right. Everything else is that intonation, that physiology?

Jim Padilla:

And all of that, you know, it's interesting, because we hear that all the time, right? And I put one word around it. And it's just believability. Right? Are you believable with what you say? Because people are buying you, before they're buying anything else that you're saying, or selling or doing. And so you have to show up confident, clear, certain, because when people buy that they're moving.

Paul Finck:

But, man, now that's the hard part. Right? Like, now you want me to actually like change who I am. Just give me the script.

Jim Padilla:

Go for it. You can say this 100 times a day. And hopefully somebody will buy from you, if that's your concern. And again, please use the script. But the script, no script can ever account for every scenario, no script can ever lead you to a place where you this is the perfect outcome. When you're dealing in a world with billions of people. And they all have different varieties, sizes, shapes and colors. There's literally nothing you're going to say that's going to work for everybody. So just focus on being the best possible version of yourself who's going to show up as the confident, certain clear leader that they need the person who can deliver the outcome, and then let the words fall? Because when you're in that space, you should be if someone if I have to tell you how to be you, then you're not really being you.

Paul Finck:

Know, how do I how do I know? So there are two things that come up for me like, how do I know that I'm being me? And then what does that look like? How do I become mean, more me? If you will?

Jim Padilla:

Yeah. Well, you know, it's interesting, because if you're going to, if you're going to operate from a script, then the script should be more prompts than directives. Right? Shouldn't be say this. It should be. Here's what you're trying to achieve at this point of the conversation. Right? And then you do that in a way that comes naturally right here. You're trying to elicit empathy right here. You're trying to show credibility, right here you're trying to show, you know, you're trying to really help them understand that there's a problem to be solved, right. And so then that can give if you if I say, Paul, how are you going to help this person understand there's a problem to be solved? You should have some question or some scenario that you can paint for them?

Paul Finck:

Oh my gosh, yes. Yeah, it's so fascinating because this is not being taught. I've been in sales I started 36 years ago in sales, straight commission sales. And this is the, the reading between the lines that they kind of alluded to, but they never quite tell you, in all the scripting, all the sales training I've had for 36 years, with the understanding that it that no matter how much you script, there's got to be a new scenario, a new person in front of you, and what do you do with that?

Jim Padilla:

Right, you know, and that's where you have to default to us, you know, I could put you in front of your children, and you don't need a script. Because you know, what they need, you know, what's best for them, you know, how to communicate with them, you know, what are the parameters and outcomes, the intended outcomes of the interaction, right? And you just need to take these same skill sets, to your stage to the live event to the podcast set, or what is the outcome you want to affect for people? You know, we used to do monthly workshops before COVID. We used to do them here in Sacramento, and be about 100 people a month, whatever. And when they came in, we always had them put on their nametag, what was their verb? And the verb is, when you interact with somebody, you want them to feel think or do something different. What is that? Right? I, when people interact with me, I want them to feel powerful, empowered, enacted, I want them to so that means I everything I do around people is to show them that they can overcome anything, that there's a high side of every opportunity, right? So what's your verb? Because that's what we do. We either attract people, we repel people, we make them happy, we make them sad, we piss them off, we do all those things. So you might as well do it with some intention.

Paul Finck:

Indeed, and so in everything that you do, this isn't, this isn't simply how to enter into a sales arena, this is how to enter into every conversation. Right? So where do I begin in that process? Is there is there a step by step process? Where do I start?

Jim Padilla:

You know, it's interesting, because it's been so long since I've worked with new entrepreneurs, we primarily work with sixth and seventh and beyond, you know, entrepreneurs, now, there's a lot of people who can teach in a far more instructional way than I can to an elementary student. However, at the end of the day, you have to be really clear on again, what is it that you're trying to affect for people? What is it that they need to know about themselves? What is it that they need to know about you, in order to decide that they should be engaging you? Right? Do they? What's the problem? They need to be crystal clear that exists? And not just be aware, but the problem that they're committed to solving? And that they know that now's the time to solve it? Right? And how can you articulate that? And then what is it they need to know about you? I'm good at tennis, that I'm what I do, am I world class at what I do? Am I figuring this out, because all of those are good things. There's plenty of people who will buy for me when I'm trying to figure it out. Because I've already invested some money on further down the road. You don't have to be world class expert, to be able to sell yourself. So just understand what do they need to know about you? And what do they need to know about themselves in order to determine this is a great conversation. And it's actually because I don't do a lot of sales training our company does. But you know, I'm more deal making and trying to acquire companies and stuff now. But here's, here's the thing that I would give to everybody. You and I can't get away with this, because we are sales experts. But for 99% of you out there trying to figure this out. Take this perspective and take this line. Tell everybody you get into a conversation with say, I'm world class at solving this problem of just not world classes selling it. So please give me a little grace. And watch people's empathy explode.

Paul Finck:


Jim Padilla:

Because they're gonna go, oh, Paul, you're doing great, man. Don't worry, you're good. You can like you can all of a sudden they're actually rooting for you to win.

Paul Finck:

I love I love that line. I used to call that the rookie technique. Right? That and I use that for years at a version of that where I just said, Listen, I I'm brand new. I don't know what to do with this. What can you tell me what this does? I was in the medical and dental fields. So a lot of complex stuff. And I walked in, and I have no idea and I started when I first started. But that worked for me for like 10 years. Like, I don't know what this is. Can you tell me what you would use this for? Is this any good? And they would sell it to me and very similar in that regard is that they will take ownership of the sales process.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, well, what we're really doing here is you're trying to break down the walls of barriers. Because when we show up to talk to people, whether they show up at an event, or in a one on one conversation, most people are, whether they do it physically or not, they're giving you some version of I don't want to buy your shit, get out of my out of my wallet, leave me alone, or there's like, okay, dance monkey, what do you got for me? Right? They're giving you something. And so while that's happening, they're not engaging you, they're not actually engaging in the process. If you're not there, there's not a two part, it's not a two way communication. So you're spending all your time trying to break down those walls. So the best thing you can do is provide as much simplicity and transparency right from the beginning to let them know that you are here for them. And that you're on their side, you know, and these are things that I learned, you know, I grew up in an abusive environment. I was in foster care as a 13. And on the streets, in gangs, as a teenager and in jail by 19. And, you know, I used to get the crap beat out of me as a kid. And I literally spent every waking day Paul thinking about how do I go home and influence my mother not to want to hurt me? Then when I was in foster care, how do I set myself up so that I'm an ally? When I was in gangs? How do I become an asset to everybody around me? So they don't want to hurt me? When I get into jail? How can I be the guy that everybody leans my way and says, He's our guy, right? And so I spent all my time mastering, how do I influence people like that, so that we can break down those barriers, and they could see me as an ally instead of a threat. And then all of a sudden, influence just happens is the byproduct.

Paul Finck:

It's so interesting. And the, the underlying topic that you and I could spend hours on is, is what develops some of the people that you and I are, and I had a similar, I had, that my background and my childhood carved the person that I am today. And it was everything to do with there was no clear communication in my household. There were there was abuse going on in the household, and I had to figure out how to communicate or read between the lines. And it's the same type of thing that, that the environment carved out my greatest superpower. And that then became the thing that I then developed into a life and a career and and a profession that I didn't even know existed.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, it was the greatest gift I ever got God, this thing that God ever allowed to happen to me, right? Because it also it's helped me to see that everything is possible, and everything's overcomable. And it's also given me an incredible gift of not, you know, I can be the ultimate advocate for somebody who was ready to give up. Because what they're in the middle of is extremely overcome, and well, they just can't see it. Right. So that's how I lead my team. That's how we serve our clients. That's that's everything.

Paul Finck:

Just loud and clear. Yeah. Yeah, it's such a key component of perseverance of of staying the course and realizing that, that every single person that's listening can do whatever they can imagine. And when they need some, we all need a team and we need assistance. And we need people around us that that see it for us and are with us. And we can be those those people and you are a stand for all that.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, it totally. And I, you know, I fancy myself and opportunity maker. And it's something that always I'm always been on the lookout for opportunities. And because I have a high pain tolerance and threshold, that old 10 Things don't tend to knock me over when I see things coming. I don't I'm not the guy who circles the wagons. I'm the guy who leans in and says, Where can I solve. And, you know, we're literally working right now to create a movement of opportunity makers. I'm launching a podcast opportunity makers, which I'd love to interview you on. And it's all about people who are world changers at scale. And the focus of it is to bring hope to a very confused world right now that people are they see all these problems and they don't know what to do. They're full of fear, doubt, anxiety, they're circling the wagons, they're running for cover. And that is the ultimate opportunity for the leaders to step in for you to step in you listening say hey, how can I find all these opportunities that are raining or these problems that are raining down are just opportunities waiting to be waiting to be taken advantage of?

Paul Finck:

Yes. We have a lot in common in that regard. And absolutely. right there with you. You need an advocate want an advocate with everything that you do and just ring ring the phone, for sure. You talked about being and I want to change some some direction here. Just a little bit to ask you. So who is your perfect clientele, if you will, if we could bring the perfect person to the doorstep that would engage with you on a business level? Who would that be?

Jim Padilla:

We have two separate avatars. But our primary focus is somebody who is seven figures and above, or very serious about achieving that mark, who is an expert selling services and not products, we focus on people who are really selling the invisible selling a future outcome of some kind. And who is extremely serious that this is the time for a hockey stick curve kind of growth.

Paul Finck:

Yeah, and that so many people focus in on well, they have the money to engage in the marketing, or they get the money to engage in something. And for me, it's never been about that you give me strong desire, and we can paint the world. And that's, that's what you're looking for?

Jim Padilla:

Very much so. Yeah, it's a lot of it is about the win, not even so much to who, right it's when you're at that trigger event, you know that you've got something that must be brought to the market or, you know, we've had clients who come to us because they're ready to scale to an exit, or they're ready to go public or they're ready for their they're launching some SAS platform. So they need this side of the business to just explode and take care of itself. Right. So it's that when What's that trigger event that says, I'm ready for something massive and big, and I need a partner to help me do that?

Paul Finck:

Oh, very cool. Yeah, very exciting. So with that, you talked about the power of collaboration to scale, want to talk about what what, what is the power of collaboration? What does that mean?

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, well partnership is one of our core values. One thing I learned at a very young age is that you can't do anything on your own. And so I've always been the guy who I remember reading a book, by APG, and any, or about ABC, and any as a kid, and he talked about becoming, being the master of the guys that I would never, ever want 100% of one man's efforts, I always want 1% of 100 Man, that way, you're always going to be in a position of growth, and you never get taken out. Right. And that just made sense to me as a kid. And I've done everything that way. Every everything from when I was dealing drugs to, you know, winning sales competitions in school selling scholastic magazines, the same thing, isn't it? It's all the same things. Right. And so I have always learned that the power, you know, we partner with sales experts, because we do done for you sales, but we are we have a network of 500. Salespeople that work with us, and we give them opportunity. They are our partners in fulfilling for our clients, we partner with our clients to deliver an extreme outcome for their clients. Right? When we're working with an event we partner with the event not with the expert, if we were working with you on an event ball, we wouldn't be partnering with you we'd be our whole objective was how do we collaborate with the events so that the event wins, everybody wins, right? What's, where's the partner, the right partners and every opportunity and there's always somebody who can help you do it better, you know, read a book, the business secrets from from the Bible. And it's by a rabbi, I forget his name. But he talks about the Jewish community, and how everybody in the Jewish community spends their time just doing the thing they do best and encouraging and supporting their community to do everything else. You won't go to a Jewish community and find a homeowner mowing his lawn and working on his car because he hires the other people in the neighborhood to do those things so that everybody is achieving their best and living their best life.

Paul Finck:

Yes, yeah. And for me, I mean, all I hear is, oh, delegation, and do what you do best and delegate the rest.

Jim Padilla:

Right? Yeah. And we know and a big part of ownership part of partnership is also understanding that there's no such thing I don't understand or resonate with a 5050 partnership. The partnership partnership is 100 100, which means today, I may have to get your back to the point where you can't do anything else. And tomorrow, you may have to get mine. But if we're both focused on 100 100, that means we're always over delivering to each other. Whereas most people think like the whole Win Win philosophy. I have a problem with that. Because there's two people aren't equal. You and I are not equal. I'm better than you at some things. You're better than me and some things in order for us to do win win. To me that means somebody has to deliver less.

Paul Finck:

Oh, my gosh...

Jim Padilla:

What if I just show up to say, I'm going to give you my best regardless of what you give me today, and I'm going to trust that you're going to do the same for me.

Paul Finck:

It's the only way and and for all of you that are listening you are listening to major gyms are success doesn't matter what businesses you're talking about what industry you're talking about, or what you might think we are engaged with If I gotta tell you, these are, these are the cornerstone of success, because everybody that I know that has gone the distance has had this methodology of belief system, and which is what I would call the belief system of you, you get into a relationship and you simply do your best, you simply deliver 100%. And that whole concept, man is is it was foreign before. After COVID Oh my gosh, this is like non existent. Yeah. And, and to be the leaders to be the ones that Ford's the New World. This is how we have to show up.

Jim Padilla:

You do and it's all it's just an extension of service. I mean, Jesus was the best example where he lived to serve, he washed the apostles feet, he said, I'm I'm the Most High and the most high goes to the most low to serve. And we all have to be willing and able to do that.Too many times we get into positions of status, and we go, Well, I can't give my time away to those guys. My time is worth too much. All this like to whom? You know, I've had millionaires and billionaires who am I've texted, they've responded when I had literally nothing to offer them. But they knew they could help me. Yeah. Right, and now I do the same in return.

Paul Finck:

So the so a couple ways that that shows up and, and give some examples of that. Because one is the the idea that you don't put a price tag on everything you doing. You decide on a 10,000 foot view, the how your money exchanged is going to happen. But then when you're in the moment, you just do. Right?

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, well, it's you know, I learned this from from Kevin Harrington, you know, we've we've done a few different projects together. And, you know, I've been very blessed, we've generated, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. So we've been in a lot of environments, and I'll be honest, man, when I first started doing this work, I was so enamored with my clients, I was like, I'll do anything you want, I kind of want you to do anything you want, I want me to do what's going to work. Right, you're the expert. That's why we hired you. And so maybe they knew more about business and more about life than me. But in this one little sliver of the universe, I'm the expert, and I was there to help them with that. And we have to be able to show up and say, I'm going to give everything I got to deliver this, I'm not, I'm not going to measure this based on what you paid me. I'm going to measure this based on what I can deliver. And we have to deliver the best possible outcome, which then ensures that they are going to get what's necessary. And you know, without going over, but you can't go broke doing this stuff. So you know, they'll just throw stuff to the wind, but be very, very clear to over deliver in value, not necessarily in content and goods, make sure they understand what this partnership is about. And what is the measurement of a win for everybody.

Paul Finck:

Yeah, it's so interesting. I was doing speaker support. And we've talked about doing events. So I ran a whole lot of speakers events. And in going to the event there would be so many people would be like, Well, are you going to be around? You know, if you're a speaker at the event, you know, I don't want you to just coming in and out. I was like, No, why would I do that? I'm here 100%. I show up? I'm the first one here on the last one to leave. You had me and it and sometimes you'll get oh well is that the highest and best use? It doesn't matter. It was what I dedicated to.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, you know, here's your this, see if this resonates with you. Here's a statement that I say all the time. I think one of the biggest challenges in salespeople for sure. But definitely I see it in entrepreneurs also. Too many times, we're measuring the ROI of six of our time with a stopwatch instead of with a calendar. If somebody is there, what's the one of the biggest secrets to me winning and all of them, you know, 789 figure clients that we work with, is people understand the ROI that is measured with a calendar versus the stopwatch. If you're measuring stop time and ROI with a stopwatch, you are very transactional in nature and you'll never grow to where you need to

Paul Finck:

write them. Yeah, so powerful. And that I find that even in micro moments, like like I remember in so many of the sales events, you know their sales moments and so you have these great one on one conversations, and in the one on one conversations you're supposed to within a short period of time, get them to a closing documents, if you will, or add a closing moment. And I was always the one that took the longest with all my clients and I had people around me complaining, like what but I was also always the one that a closed converted the most number of people but also was connected with the most number of people And it was so fast. And I was always like, your sales are lower, maybe you need to stop critiquing and pay attention to what I'm actually doing. Because I'm focusing on the person in the moment, not on just how to get to the finish line, the fastest.

Jim Padilla:

You know, think about this, if you're, you know, when you're listening or watching here is if you are a person who knows that, let's say as an example, you should be following up with your pipeline. And I know some of your own pipeline, what's a pipeline? But that's a problem in and of itself conversation for another day. But it's because you're too busy, right? I don't have the time for that. The time for that. That's a symptom of you being very transactional, in your nature and measuring, putting it over overly valuing the value of your own time. Yes, right. Because I promise you that if you like, we tell people, our clients all the time who hire us, you might find other companies who will make more sales for you today, you won't find anybody who will make more sales for you over time. Because we make sure that people are treated so well as an extension of your brand, that they stick around long enough to buy tomorrow if they don't buy today.

Paul Finck:

Love that. Right. Yeah. So So for all of you listening as we talk about business, and we've been mapping a whole lot of different layers of what it means to be successful. One of the things that Jim just brought to to bear is the understanding that there's a strategic play over time, that you can design on purpose. And it's one of the things that Jim is a specialist in, and an expert in is designing that, that game plan over time that guarantees success. And that is something that so few businesses pay attention to, that they end up at, you know, spattering, add pieces of their business together, just kind of throwing it into the pot and making a great goulash but never quite paying attention to each piece to make it perfect.

Jim Padilla:

Again, here's another example. You know, I mentioned before we started here that, you know, we're at a place where we're starting to acquire companies now. And what we're doing, we're really focusing on consulting and advising. And we're putting operators in place in all of our business networks. And we've made a commitment that we are always going to take the smaller share of the revenue from our operators. Because we're playing the long game, I don't need to win this today, he might have a bigger better year than me this year. But because we're so well diversified, and we're streamlining that over time, they're gonna they're getting the lion's share of it. So their effort will always be greater. And they will always do what they can to ensure the win. And then we're here to support that and make sure that that happens. I could easily flip those deals, and we take a lot bigger lion's share. But then now I'm also responsible to ensure that that engine is rolling. And they may not be as incentivized to want the bigger picture. Right? So you just always look at the big picture first, and then yes, you have to make money today we get that so we're never compromised. We're not saying don't make any money today. We're saying don't focus all of your money on today because 90% of the money you're ever going to make is

Paul Finck:

beyond today. Right? Oh beautiful. As someone who has been an entrepreneur now for 36 years, I fully appreciate all that you're talking about. Because it does not happen overnight. And the is a strategic plan to create a sustainable, scalable business that succeeds day in and day out. And that is what you are all about Jim, really appreciate you love that you've been here and spending your time today. Thank you so much. With all the listeners we've gone from coast to coast and around the world. Last minute thoughts and and words of wisdom to the Maverick Universe.

Jim Padilla:

Maverick Universe, see yourself as the solution and know that somewhere out there there are people who are literally praying for what you do for them and you may be the only person who can bring them a solution. So you have to get yourself visible and be found. Do not dispense with perfect dispense with any any desire to show up in a specific way other than to be the best version of you. Just show up and be seen be found and let these people follow you and be able to you know get the solutions that you provide.

Paul Finck:

Show up be seen be found. Jim, where can they find you?

Jim Padilla:

If you go to my personal site a It's my personal website all my social medias are there find out a lot of stuff about me. What I want you to do is give you an invitation. There's a contact button there, click on contact, find the text button, which is the first one, shoot me a text. Tell me you heard me on the Maverick, Do It Different podcast and say I want the anti closer system and I'll shoot you a system that we have that will help you bring in salespeople create a system in place that will prevent the need for top to your closers, and be able to help you deliver a system that any salesperson can sell it.