March 8, 2021

Self-Love for Life with Chrystal Rose

Self-Love for Life with Chrystal Rose

Chrystal Rose is a multi-preneur and health & wellness expert. She is the podcast host of the Self Love Breakfast Club, an author, speaker and her boutique Rebellia is dedicated to helping women who struggle to find clothes that fit. Her coaching business includes XL Nutrition which helps busy people reach their fitness goals in a sustainable & balanced way.

Chrystal also offers a deeply different approach to personal development with her Self-Love for Life coaching program for high achieving women. She is obsessed with self-love, self-empowerment and helping women feel really good about themselves in every aspect of life.


Be your best self. Reach out to Chrystal Rose if you want to reach your fitness goals the sustainable and balanced way.

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The Self-Love Breakfast Club Podcast - Listen and Subscribe

Through this podcast, listeners will receive inspiration and tips to increase their self-love.
