Sept. 7, 2018

Luscious Bite 61: Energy Work: Why The Woo Has Everything to Do With Our Business

Luscious Bite 61: Energy Work: Why The Woo Has Everything to Do With Our Business

Today we sit down to chat about how we use the cyclic phases of the moon to guide the slow-and-steady growth of our business. We discuss how to flow between the divine feminine and masculine, and how to use the woo to support your health on your entrepre.

Today we sit down to chat about how we use the cyclic phases of the moon to guide the slow-and-steady growth of our business. We discuss how to flow between the divine feminine and masculine, and how to use the woo to support your health on your entrepreneurial journey, because, as Laura so eloquently puts it: “Ain’t no one got time to be sick.”





How the moon phases shift from masculine to feminine [ 7:38 ] How to move from “hustle” to “inspired action” using the moon [ 9:00 ] How the woo grounds us and supplies the energy to execute [ 13:24 ]



 Learn more about the tools we use in our business by clicking here

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