Nov. 7, 2017

45: The Millennial Mindset with Stevie Wright

45: The Millennial Mindset with Stevie Wright

IN THIS EPISODE: Stevie Wright (Holistic Health Coach for Millennial women) is helping us dive deep into the Millennial mindset.  This conversation has a little something for everyone: setting health and wellness goals,  entrepreneurship and tackling ma

IN THIS EPISODE: Stevie Wright (Holistic Health Coach for Millennial women) is helping us dive deep into the Millennial mindset.  This conversation has a little something for everyone: setting health and wellness goals,  entrepreneurship and tackling massive personal growth. 



- How millennials are different from other generations and what that looks like in terms of health and wellness goals.  

- How a quarter-life crisis kick-started Stevie’s health journey and inspired a career change.  

- The value of unplugging and investing in your health. 

-  Why it is never too late to start a side-hustle and how following your passion can lead to more contentment and success.    

- The importance of feeling good in all stages of your life. 

- Stevie shares a simple mindset shift around money that brought a dramatic shift in  life and business. 


Stevie Wright is a certified Holistic Health Coach and light worker. She helps millennial women lose weight and overcome emotional eating so that they can ditch their quarter life crisis and confidently live their best life. Her mission is to spread love and light and to bring self-love and healing to everyone she meets.



On Instagram @livewrightwellness

On Facebook: Health Goddess Sisterhood
