Do you ever feel like you are “doing all the right things” in your business but still not hitting your goals? Here’s the truth… if you are not hitting your goals, chances are you are NOT doing the 'right things'... for YOU! Good...
We are never repelling, we only attract.
Manifestation is about discover HOW you are meant to make things happen for yourself.
It’s also about getting radically honest with yourself about what it is that you really want.
In this episode Betsy and Laura share how to discover your Human Design manifestation stype in your Human Design chart, what it means, and how to use it in your life and business.
New to human design? Get your free chart HERE.
THEN, learn how to use your Human Design to ignite your inner magnetism and start attracting more of what you desire with the OWN YOUR AURA free Human Design training.
LUSCIOUS HUSTLE ACADEMY: The Human Design Reader Certification Course
This 12-week live certification program will give you everything you need to integrate Human Design readings into your business.
Elevate your leadership, coaching, and business expertise with Human Design.
Here are some great episodes to start with.