April 27, 2021

325. The Lifecycle of Money and the Role You Play (Money Sprint Part 2)

325. The Lifecycle of Money and the Role You Play (Money Sprint Part 2)

Does spending money give you anxiety? It’s not uncommon to feel vulnerable or even anxious when making a purchase, and for some (who maybe love to splurge a little too much) it can even be a helpful reminder to keep you pragmatically grounded in the...

Does spending money give you anxiety?

It’s not uncommon to feel vulnerable or even anxious when making a purchase, and for some (who maybe love to splurge a little too much) it can even be a helpful reminder to keep you pragmatically grounded in the present.


But when persistent anxiety turns to feelings of downright fear around how you invest in yourself (spend money), how you receive money (ask for a sale), or caretake money (manage your cash flow) - it’s time to examine and REIMAGINE your relationship to money.


In part 2 of our April Money Sprint, we look into the natural lifecycle or flow of money in the world, the role you play in it and how you can take steps to address the true cause of your money fears to step into a (literally) more abundant life.


In this episode you will learn:

  • Grounding down into a concrete understanding of what money really is.
  • Identifying your childhood and generational money triggers.
  • Becoming a ‘caretaker’ of your money.
  • Readying yourself to receive large amounts of money.
  • Key Questions to REIMAGINE your relationship with money.


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