Happy New Year, Luscious Hustlers! We’re kicking off 2019 by breaking down our bullshit excuses, otherwise known as limiting beliefs. Once we ditched our excuses, without judgment of our past selves, our business took off, and we want the same for...
Happy New Year, Luscious Hustlers! We’re kicking off 2019 by breaking down our bullshit excuses, otherwise known as limiting beliefs. Once we ditched our excuses, without judgment of our past selves, our business took off, and we want the same for you!
Today we are sharing how to shift your mindset and shed the stories that are holding you back from success. We don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but we do want you to take stock of 2018 by answering three key questions, so you can learn, grow, and hit the ground running in 2019.
Are you looking to take your business to the next level?
The Luscious Mastermind is a unique coaching experience, helping you to bust through your limiting beliefs, release your fears and create your dream business, all while being supported by other influencers, go-getters and heart-centered business owners who GET IT. Head on over to https://www.luscioushustle.com/p/luscious-mastermind for more information.
Here are some great episodes to start with.