If you’re spending too much time in your masculine energy, try this; I went 21 days without coffee and it helped balance my feminine and masculine energy. In this episode, we’ll go deep on the difference between the 2 energies, how each is...
If you’re spending too much time in your masculine energy, try this; I went 21 days without coffee and it helped balance my feminine and masculine energy. In this episode, we’ll go deep on the difference between the 2 energies, how each is valuable and how spending more time in your feminine energy can help heal your bodies energies!
How Feminine Energy Can Help Heal - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/love-your-anxiety-podcast/id1437335986?i=1000420853403
How Food Can Help Heal Your Anxiety With Denai Johnson - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/love-your-anxiety-podcast/id1437335986?i=1000447847217
Why Your Period Gives You Anxiety - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/love-your-anxiety-podcast/id1437335986?i=1000443937673
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