Wondering how to make next year your best year? Is it even possible to live, love, and create even more than you’ve already experienced? Do you secretly worry that you’ve peaked, and the rest of your life will be a disappoint...
On a flight from Canada to Dubai, to celebrate an early Christmas with my daughter, I started listening to the Audible version of Ed Mylett’s book; The Power of One More, I was intrigued by his confidence that we can use a pa...
A mantra, word, phrase, or hashtag for your vision board and or growth stage of your life, is very powerful reminder of your intention of how you want to feel and what your desired outcome is. Each time I start a new Visual E...
Your values guide you throughout your life, and are reflected in how you live, love, work, and play. We begin to calibrate our values compass at a young age, and continue to refine it as we experience life, and as we age. Lik...
When is old too old? When are you too old to reinvent? What age is the right age to stop being curious, passionate, evolving? What age do you look like? Act like? Want to be? In conversation with a dear friend who I hadn’t se...
Perhaps it’s because I’m older – in what some call the second half or the final third of my life, I was inspired to get out of bed at 3:30 am, bundle up against a chilly, damp November pre-morning and hurry outside to find a ...
A seed was incubating in my thoughts for more than a decade. Rooted in my experience as a single teen mom, I dreamt of creating communities for girls without support or financial means, and establishing residential and educat...
A walk through early morning fog proved to be very enlightening. "If you don't know where you are going, you won't get there" is the theme of this show. I admitted I was overdue to capture my desires, goals, and dreams for th...
At the time of her death, Dame Angela Lansbury was one of the last surviving cinema stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Born in London, England in October 1925, she died October 11, 2022, in her Los Angles, California hom...
Our podcast host, Isabel Alexander, shares her feelings and outcome from a life changing decision one year ago. Twelve Months. Ten Lessons. Zero Regrets. One Life to Live. How do you want your life to be remembered? What will...
Our podcast host, Isabel Alexander, invites you to join her on her sunrise walk and avail yourself of her morning ritual to engage all your senses. She shares her Abundance Affirmation here and encourages you to use it or per...
Who knew? Not Me? Three years – how is it possible this much could change? Three birthdays – how is it possible I could change this much? It’s been said that most people underestimate what they can accomplish in one year, and...
Making a difference in someone’s day, week, or life could be as easy as a spontaneous, no cost gesture, or simple act of kindness. Making a lasting impression may not even be something that you think is significant. Think bac...
A major obstacle to personal growth and life fulfillment is confusion and discomfort around who we are now. Letting go of the past identity, roles, and routines that we got used to, and purposefully, stretching to become a be...
This is the launch of Season Two and an affirmation that my passion for this podcast and lifting and climbing is unchanged after a rocky year of personal upheaval and changes. At age 67, I divorced, uprooted my life of 10+yea...