What is Yoga - The true Origins

About the Guest:
For over 20 years, Yoga has been the focus and passion for Nara. Teaching and sharing yoga has been the joyous and natural extension of her lifestyle.
🙏In 2006, her travels brought her to Sayulita in Mexico, and she knew she'd found the area where the seeds of her vision could take root. In 2009, she opened Paraiso Yoga, and over the years, it has become the vision: a place of nurturing where one can come to practice and study yoga, tai chi, and meditation, among other healing arts, and flower into one’s full potential. She is also a Reiki Master trained in the Usui method.
💫And ventured into the path of shamanism, becoming a mesa carrier of the Q’ero tradition of Peru under the guidance of Maestro Puma Freddy Quispe, and learning from the Wixárika tradition with Marakame Andrés Taizan, working with sacred medicines. These experiences have enriched her practice and teaching, bringing a deeper dimension to her approach to healing and personal growth.
🫶Moreover, she is a Thai Massage Therapist and offer training courses for aspiring massage therapists in this specialty. her studies in Thailand, combined with Vipassana meditation, have profoundly influenced her approach to both healing and teaching.
💫As Paraiso Yoga has deepened and evolved, the natural progression has led her to focus on private classes and teacher training. This shift reflects a commitment to providing personalized guidance and fostering the growth of new instructors within the community.