Season 1

Dec. 2, 2022

The Power in Aging

Our guests Christine and Melanie share how they found a gift in aging, and how they share that with the world. They discuss how aging can be powerful and there is also a grief process as we age and realize our goals and dreams have changed. There is so much power in community and coming together …
Nov. 18, 2022

The Abundance Journey

Elaine offers an incredible perspective about ABUNDANCE and how her life changed after having a stroke in 2005 during which, she had a conversation with our Higher Power. She shares how during this download she learned: how everything works, why we’re alive, what we’re supposed to do during our l…
Nov. 4, 2022

Embracing the Divine Feminine: Why it's so Important to Collectively Share our Stories.

Embracing the Divine Feminine is a better way to live and work collectively in the world today. Laurin explains why it is so important for women to share our stories of consciously cultivating the Feminine and how to deal with the Toxic Masculine. Laurin is calling for contributors to her upcomin…
Oct. 28, 2022

The Magnetic Voice

Today's guest, Monique McDonald is a grammy nominated award winning vocal specialist and a certified conscious transformational coach. Julie and Monique discuss the difference between writing and speaking and how to engage the audience in both ways. Monique believes that our voice is a reflection…
Oct. 21, 2022

Trusting Your Intuition

Today's guest is a business intuitive and has the unique ability to help business owners learn to use their intuition, or use hers, to direct their business. Ronnie Ryan uses her gifts as an intuitive to help entrepreneurs and together Julie and Ronnie dive deep into the topic of intuition, spirit…
Oct. 14, 2022

Moving to Oneness

Julie and her guest Meilin enjoy a very juicy conversation about how to create your life on an energetic level and manifesting who we are, and what we are in the world. They dig into the topic of how one generation can influence and guide the next generation and how to live without the constraints…
Sept. 16, 2022

A Fresh Look at Marketing for the Conscious Entrepreneur

Join Julie Ann as she dives into a look at a fresher, more interactive way of marketing with her guest Julia Vitality, a digital PR Strategist. Julia's unique approach to marketing includes radio and speaking opportunities, and offers training as part of her marketing program. She is also gifti…
Aug. 26, 2022

The Responsibility of Influence

Julie Ann examines the topic of the responsibility one has as an influencer and the importance of being discerning when choosing a trainer or mentor in your life. She shares her heart for inviting only trustworthy influencers to train at her new House of Influence. (Casa de Influencia) She also …
Aug. 5, 2022

Happy Birthday Azukar

Julie Ann dedicates this special episode to her beloved Azukar on his birthday. Azukar passed on almost 1 year ago and so much has happened since then. Join Julie as she speaks from the heart about Azukar and how he continues to be present in her life with the development of the retreat centre; C…
July 22, 2022

Living Life to the Fullest

Julie met Sally and Kelly at Podapalooza in June and together they have a stimulating conversation covering multiple topics that all blend into how to help others in the world. The topics range from a live example of unblocking things in our lives that stop us from shining fully, to how to love our…
July 15, 2022

We Can Do Anything We Want

This episode talks about our ability to have whatever we want. Lady Zen shares a little bit about the inspiration for the song she wrote entitled "I Can Have Whatever I Want" and how that relates to the art film she made for $5000 that has just won 24 film festival awards around the world. Everyth…
July 8, 2022

Slay Hard Every Day (SHE)

Krystal is passionate about coaching because of her own experiences in childhood and through her life, and wants to teach and coach others to be the most authentic and best version of themselves every day in everything they do. She shares her journey that led her to coaching coaches how to map thei…
July 1, 2022

Moving the World Together

Kathryn is an expert in discovering the joy and finding the gift in any experience and showing others how they can do the same. She is passionate about living life to the fullest, and shares with us how she love to help others recognize the important role they are meant to play in our world.
June 24, 2022

Walking a Crooked Smile

In this episode Jerry Wong talks about his book titled "Walking a Crooked Smile" He explains that life is like a river with many turns and often the flow is slowed down by obstacles, just like life. He discusses how energy works and how we can heal ourselves and others by clearing energy blocks. …
June 17, 2022

Living a Life of Enlightenment

Join us this week as Julie interviews guests Natalie Gregson (agent and developmental content editor) and Audrey O'Donohue (author) as they speak about Audrey's new book releases and the inspiration that started the journey. Audrey uses humour and wit as she tells her life stories of experiences, …
April 15, 2022

Remarkable Resilience - Lessons From History for Today's World

This is a very special interview with Diane Sue, the author of Remarkable Resilience: The Life and Legacy of Noemi Ban Beyond the Holocaust. In her book she shares the heartwarming and poignant story of Noemi Ban, a holocaust survivor who spent 33 years educating the world about her experiences wi…