Nov. 1, 2023

Masterminds Unleashed: Trust-Based Leadership and Self-Accountability with Nikki Gianni

Masterminds Unleashed: Trust-Based Leadership and Self-Accountability with Nikki Gianni

Join us for an engaging conversation with leadership coach Nikki Gianni. She's launching a podcast focusing on trust in leadership for new leaders and entrepreneurs. Here's what we discussed:

·       Trust Matters in Leadership: Nikki outlines three upcoming podcast episodes on trust's role in leadership and growth mindsets.

·       The Power of Lead Magnets: We explore aligning lead magnets with audience preferences and the potential for a pop-up podcast with workbooks.

·       Challenges in Self-Leadership: Nikki and Catharine discuss self-leadership, setting goals, and staying accountable as solopreneurs.

·       Trust, Fun, and Celebrating: The importance of trust in productivity is highlighted, along with the joy of celebrating the small and big wins.

About the Guest:

Nikki Gianni is a heart-led, military-infused Leadership Expert and coach. This award-winning Air Force veteran spent 25 years with the Department of Defense and was a senior leader for over 15 years. She has transformed organizations from zeros to heroes in record time, resulting in outstanding retention and performance. Now, she’s focusing on the next generation of leaders, coaching them to immediate success in 60 days to perform at 100% right out of the gate with her signature program, “Lead Like a Rockstar Bootcamp.”

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About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.

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Catharine O'Leary: Hey everyone, and welcome back to kickstart the conversation. I'm your host, Catharine O'Leary and I have a friend of mine, Nikki, who I actually met in I think it was Denver. Yep, yep. Denver at a media mastery boot camp with Angel tosee. You guys may have may remember, Angel was on the show, while she was on one of the first original shows. So Nikki is here, Nikki and I are actually kind of working through a well new to us at least idea of a lead magnet for a podcast host and for podcast guesting that may or may not include a quiz, I say it should but you know, like, they won't all. But Nikki has created a really cool what's called a pop up podcast. And what this is, is a private podcast that you invite people to, and they have to give you their email in order to get registered to hear the podcast. And you're effectively in audio, giving people a mini course or you know, kind of like three, maybe five sessions of your best content to kind of get them hyped up and get them kind of into your world and build that know, like and trust. So Nikki is working through hers now. So we want to talk a little bit about it and talk about some of the some of the things that she's got questions on or whatever. We were just talking about that. But Nikki, welcome to the show.

Nikki Gianni:

Thank you so much, Catharine. It's great to be here.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: And yeah, tell us a little bit more about your kind of pop up podcast and how that's kind of been working through how you've been working through that.

Nikki Gianni:

Okay, sure. So I'm a leadership coach, right. So I decided I wanted to talk about something that was important to leaders, right. And so what I came up with was trust the kid the hidden key to productivity, basically, because without trust, you're, you're gonna dead in the water, you know, as a leader, right. And so, and my focus, my target audience is new leaders, or entrepreneurs that are building their businesses to you know, hire people and whatnot. So you have to be able to gain people's trust very quickly, in order to lead them properly and get them to produce right. So that's what my podcast is about. Three different episodes. The first episode is the importance of employee trust and leadership. The second one is the key ingredients. And then the third is maintain trust and build a growth mindset.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: Perfect, so and then the the, like, Where, where are you offering these podcasts? Like, where, like, Where? Where are you kind of marketing needs? I guess?

Nikki Gianni:

Well, so that's a good question. So I'm working through the program that we're in right now with with Jamie and Angel. So I haven't gotten to that point yet. But it is basically going to be on like Facebook and like social media for the most part, and then emailing it out to my list and, and whatnot. So and hopefully it gets a lot of response. But they're gonna tell me how to do this, like perfectly in like a few more modules.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: Well, and I think I think what's interesting is that one of the things that that is talked about is to provide your lead magnet in the format that people are hearing from you.

Nikki Gianni:

Right, and, of course, podcasts. I'm sorry, I forgot.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: So as your podcast guesting, if you have a lead magnet, that's a podcast, you already know, that you're the audience that's listening to you is, you know, is already you know, pre qualified almost, to be listening to podcasts, because I cast listeners, listen to podcasts, YouTube, video, people watch videos, that kind of thing. Not saying that there's not a huge amount of crossover because there is, but that's what I kind of like, it's kind of cool about this pop up podcast idea of turning maybe a mini course, or something that has almost like a, it's a, it's a different way to do a five day challenge. I think I am kind of innovative and innovative, to me at least, and a way to really engage your audience. You can have homework, I know that you've got a workbook in in your pop up podcast around trust being the hidden key to productivity. So like as people work through that workbook, as they you know, get to know that as they get results. So what at the end of the podcast, what do your ideal clients get to be do or have like, what's what's the outcome,

Nikki Gianni:

I let them know that within 60 days, if you like, implement everything that I tell you to do, you're going to be golden, you're going to have a trust built, if not sooner, you're gonna have the trust built with with with your employees, not only with your employees, but with your peers and your leadership as well. And that you're going to be able to get a lot of stuff done as opposed to you know, you don't have people say, Oh, well, it takes years to build trust. No, it doesn't.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: It doesn't in this day and age, it doesn't and we talk about You know, building that know, like, and trust in as little as five date questions we I talked about that a bit with quizzes. I love this idea because it actually gets like, you know, I can use my quiz to send people to the pop up podcast in order to learn, like go deeper. Like it's it replaces it for me. It replaces my webinar. I don't like it, it kind of like, you know, and it's it's a little bit more good.

Nikki Gianni:

Right? It's fun. Yeah.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah, it's flexible people are I think people are zoomed out, like they are. They're a little bit like, tired of the of the summit. And like, in the three days, five days summits, you know, like, we just were kind of done. I'm, I'm a little bit done with being like, all the time on on the computer. So there's a

Nikki Gianni:

lot of times I'll let people don't have, and I love like,

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: you know, pop popping in my headphones and going for a walk and still like doing something like that's exactly like, that's kind of cool. So that's why I was attracted to this methodology. And I know Nikki, you've been working hard in the program, you're way ahead of me. And, and you, you know, got your your pop up podcast ready to go. Now one of the things we just finished talking about is that the popup podcast is meant to be evergreen. Right? And but in the same sense, like you want to be, you know, the call to action for you is booking a call, right? Right? to a higher ticket offer. Yes. So what you want to be doing is, is putting some urgency around the around the call to action, right? So you have built in a kind of a seven day like you can have the podcast as soon as you sign up, you get seven days to get all the episodes, right? Correct. And and they're they are drip fed so that you don't get overwhelmed and all of a sudden think that you have to do all the things all at once.

Nikki Gianni:

And there is a death, there's a timeline to work from what Jamie is telling us is that you have to You're it's data driven. So you can do, you can make it evergreen, you can use it over and over again. But you know, when you're releasing it, it's data driven. So that way people have a deadline.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: Right? Yeah. And then, and then they can kind of work through the workbooks and so on. But, but the intent is to get them to a call. Right? Right. How much have you enjoyed this process of setting this all up?

Nikki Gianni:

I really, I'm liking it, I still have to record them, though. So I'm not 100% done. So I'm not as far ahead of you as you think. But I want to get that done by the six. Because I have a big interview to do that is going to reach a lot of people hopefully. So yeah, it's exciting. I mean, I'm new to the coaching world, you know, I was, I was from a government bureaucracy for 25 years. So doing something like this is really fun, and flexible and different. So I like it a lot. And I'm learning so much and getting to meet so many cool people by going on all these podcasts, because that's the goal get on podcast, you know, give them your spiel. So that way they like you, and they'll give you a call. So yeah, it's so that

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: way that they'll go to the pop up podcast, you better and then get on your calendar. And when we talked back when we were in Denver, we started talking about leadership and and how to, you know, become a better leader and become a leader for your teams and so on. We touched on just a little bit on how do you lead yourself? Like how do you how do you be a good leader for yourself, because a lot of us are solopreneurs we don't have a team yet. We don't have the, you know, we don't have to build the trust up per se. Although you do have to do with your peers. And you do have to do with your clients.

Nikki Gianni:

And yourself too. You have to trust your judgment, right. Sometimes people don't trust themselves. So yeah.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: So what are the what are some of the tips for solopreneurs? In building that, like, they may not be ready for team yet, but how do they lead themselves? Because I know I fire myself all the time. Like honestly, like I'm always constantly being fired and rehired the next day, because but how do you how do you kind of lead yourself because that's that's a whole different, you know, bull wax?

Nikki Gianni:

I think it is. And I think it's more of like what you have to plan out what you really want to get done right and have a plan have a plan. You know, you the call of action is the same thing for that you need for the clients you need for yourself to be like okay, this is my goal. All right, this is what I gotta get to. So and then how am I going to get there? You know, I have I have steps Okay, that's good. What do I want to achieve at the end of the month at the end of the year and really put deadlines on yourself just like the puppet podcast does to the to the client, right potential client. So yeah, I think that's because you know what, I'm a procrastinator just by nature. I don't know why because I'm a Capricorn and we're supposed to be like, you know, crazy work workhorses and stuff. But when I have to be I do it. So if I don't put deadlines on myself, I'm dead in the water. But

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: So yeah, and then, and then it's easy to let yourself off the hook.

Nikki Gianni:

It is very easy. So really using things, use things that are outside of you to give you deadlines, right. So like I said, Okay, this is going to be done by November 6, because I want to release it to a giant audience. Right? If I didn't have that it would potentially keep going and going on. Well, I don't need to do it yet. You know, so use outside deadlines to drive your your, your you know, what you're getting done. Yeah, that workload, right. And I think that will help a lot too. Because if people are relying on you, it's different. Even if they're not, you're, you're even if you're not, per se meeting them. If your clients are whatever you it's important for you to come through for them.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: Pretty much the only time I've ever gotten any course materials done and like, you know, ready is when I have set a launch date, and I've got JV partners launching. So I've got like emails going out for this program. Program better get done, right. Honestly, that's about the only time like, I need that outside force. I need that. Like, no, this is the date and I can't move it. Right. I can't move it. Because now I've got other people saying, Yes, I'll help you. It's one thing for me to set a date and then not, and then not take that next step. You know, having people signed up? Yeah. And it's like, oh, wow, once people are signed up, then, you know, like, game on,

Nikki Gianni:

like, you got it on,

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: you need to get it done. So yeah, that's

Nikki Gianni:

definitely a good thing for you.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah. And then just setting goals for yourself. And, and, yes, we talked about, you know, don't procrastinate and so on. But you do have to give yourself a little bit of grace. Right. So, you know, like being, I always said, set your goals in stone. But, you know, put your timelines in the sand. Right. Oh, that's a good one. So that, you know, set your goals. Yes. But you know, like, make sure you're giving yourself grace. Because again, as solopreneurs a lot of us, you know, like we're, we can be really hard on ourselves.

Nikki Gianni:

Oh, yeah. Big time. And there's so much to do. There's just so much to do. I used to hate the bureaucracy that I worked in. And now I'm like, jam, where are they? Because I'm all by myself now. So one of the other good things to make yourself feel a little bit better, is write down what you do. You know, because you get a lot of things done every day, and you don't even realize it, because maybe you didn't get that giant list done that you have. Do three things a day. So that set it aside for yourself. Okay, at least I got those three done, and maybe I got two more. Okay, great. I'm doing I'm doing better than I thought I would. So yeah, you have to give yourself credit. Because if you don't, it's gonna be, you're gonna be so beating yourself up all the time, and you're gonna be depressed.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: It's just it's that's not where you went into business. Like, you know, exactly. I went into business for freedom for scheduling freedom for, you know, where I live freedom, so I don't have to commute. Right. But you know, like, that's a win for me every day is that I'm not three hours in the car. Exactly. But I forget that you forget it sometimes. Right? Yeah, totally do. Perfect. Well, Nikki, is there anything else that you wanted to let our guests know here? Any kind of final words to wrap things up with?

Nikki Gianni:

Well, yes. So remember that trust is the key to into productivity. And you can find out about that on my pop up podcast that's going to be released on November 6, and then in the show notes, and it's going to be on the website is key to Awesome, and you can sign up there. So yeah, or you can go to my website to to check me out Nikki And I have a bunch of information on there for you. But the key to productivity is where you go.

Nikki Gianni:

Catharine O'Leary: The key to productivity is where you go and you have to build trust and there's a pop up podcast for that. Just meaning that is like a three episode podcast that isn't running all the time. For you. It's it's a seven day podcasts that you can you can get your your trust factor up and making sure that you know as solopreneurs we have to have call to actions for yourself. To have goals. We have to have grace, and we have to have some fun. Yeah, I appreciate what you do. And it's been fun hanging out with you again, Nikki. Absolutely. And I thank everyone for listening in and we look forward to having you back next week. Talk to you later. Bye.

Nikki Gianni:

Thanks so much, Catharine.