How to Respond to Biphobia and 5 Common LGBTQ+ Myths

039 - In this episode, Heather discusses biphobia and the five most common LGBTQ+ myths. Like transphobia, biphobia is common in both the heterosexual community and the LGBTQ+ community, making it exponentially more isolating and difficult to combat. Heather shares facts and ways that we all can be good allies and advocates.
She also shares the five most common LGBTQ+ myths and easy responses when you are faced with these myths.
1. Being LGBTQ+ is a choice.
2. Being LGBTQ+ can be "cured."
3. The parents did something wrong.
4. The Bible condemns being LGBTQ+.
5. Being LGBTQ+ is contagious.
Here are the links she talks about in this episode:
Trevor Project
Detailed definition of Biphobia
Robin Ochs website
Bisexual Index - Biphobia
Bisexual Index - Bisexuality
Strong Family Alliance
Bisexuality 101
Click HERE for Heather's Coming Out Process Cheat Sheet!
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