April 3, 2023

Guest Alistair Moes on Anger Management | HR 59

Guest Alistair Moes on Anger Management | HR 59

Interested in learning more about the impact of shame and the inner critic, of the toxic shame spiral and our shadow, and of the negative impact that unexpressed anger can have on our health? In this podcast host Susan Ney and her guest Alister Moes explore the importance of anger management.

The pain, sadness, hurt, fear, anxiety, shame, and often trauma, are what leads someone to react disproportionately to events. It is only when this is examined, with compassion and deep respect, that a person can alter their response to the triggers in their life and learn to relate to the emotional reactions that have led them astray.

Alistair Moes and his team at Moose Anger Management have been humbled and inspired by the many people who have taken up the courage to take on this type of investigation.

Hope you decide to join us!

About the Guest – Alistair Moes

Alistair is an international anger management expert and author. He has been working with people worldwide, and professionally since 1989 as an anger management specialist. He has been in private practice since 1995. He has worked with those who have enormous challenges in the world: from high-performance business leaders, gold medal-winning Olympic and professional athletes, to people that are close to homeless. Anger is indeed an equal opportunity emotion.

Alistair has developed a manner of working, which is respectful, solution-focussed and based on both academic theory and extensive experience. This experience includes working with trauma, and historic abuse in a manner that honours each person and allows for deep healing.

During the last twenty-eight years, he has worked with thousands of people who have made the call out of a desire to create change. Although he has facilitated court-ordered situations, he now works exclusively with self-referred clients, which includes those sent from the workplace, or strongly encouraged by a partner, or even unfortunately sometimes, a lawyer.

Alistair’s approach focuses on the gifts and potential of each person. In this manner “the good” that is present in an individual is attended to, as are the challenges that face each person.

He also has extensive experience working with what is behind a person’s anger. As he shares on his website, it is only when this is examined, with compassion and deep respect, that a person can alter their response to the triggers in their life and learn to relate to the emotional reactions that have led them astray.

Alistair regularly presents workshops to diverse groups. He also provides counselling for parents with an extensive focus on Dads. He has developed and facilitated parenting groups for Dads and co-facilitated Parenting Together groups for couples.

Connect with Alistair:

Email:      alistair@angerman.ca

LinkedIn: Alistair Moes | LinkedIn

Website: www.angerman.online

Phone: 604-723-5134

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoseYourTemper


Books (both available at www.angerman.online):

-Lose Your Temper: A Conscious Exploration of Anger

-Healing Anger: Transforming Anger into Growth

About the Host:

Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bring

both employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series. 

Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from

Within available on Amazon – click below

Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.ca

If you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following:

Website:          Home - Effecting Change from Within

Email:               susangney@gmail.com

Linked In:         www.linkedin.com/in/susan-ney-197494

Facebook:        www.facebook.com/susan.ney.5/

Phone:            (604) 341-5643

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