Sept. 17, 2024

Hiring the Best Person vs. Hiring the Right Person: 3 Key Tips for Business Owners | EP68

Hiring the Best Person vs. Hiring the Right Person: 3 Key Tips for Business Owners | EP68

In today’s episode, we’re talking about a critical decision every business owner has to make: hiring the best person for the job vs. hiring the right person for the job. While many business owners get caught up in credentials and experience, the...

In today’s episode, we’re talking about a critical decision every business owner has to make: hiring the best person for the job vs. hiring the right person for the job. While many business owners get caught up in credentials and experience, the truth is, the best person on paper isn’t always the right fit for your business.

I’ll be sharing my top 3 pieces of advice to help you identify the right candidate for your team, so you can build a stronger, more cohesive workplace that drives growth:

  1. Prioritize cultural fit over credentials: Why values and work ethic matter more than experience.

  2. Focus on soft skills and growth potential: The importance of adaptability, communication, and learning potential.

  3. Hire for where your business is going, not where it is today: How to future-proof your team for long-term success.

I also talk about the role a Fractional COO can play in streamlining this process and helping you make strategic decisions that align with your business goals. As a Fractional COO, I guide business owners in building teams that support sustainable growth.

If you’re struggling to hire the right people or unsure about your hiring process, I’m here to help! You can book a free assessment call with me, where we’ll take a look at your business and how I can support you.

Listen and Subscribe: Don’t miss out on future episodes! Subscribe to the podcast to get valuable insights and actionable tips delivered straight to your inbox.

Get in Touch: Are you ready to shift your focus from daily tasks to strategic growth? Book a free assessment call with me here and let’s discuss how a Fractional COO can help you take your business to the next level.

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Connect with Pam: 

If you need guidance with your marketing, operations, or team building, Pam is here to help! As a Fractional COO, Pam provides the strategic support busy business owners need to scale effectively. Reach out today to schedule a conversation.


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