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Much Needed
Finally a dressage trainer I can look to who comes to horses the same way I want to. Wish more were like you, Karen! Your work fills a much needed gap for me and my own journey into dressage.
Thought Provoking
I just listened to the episode on brace and had an AH-HA moment. It made me stop and think about how I had been trying to find the relaxation previously. This was so helpful! Would love to hear your thoughts on horses that get easily distracted!
Dr Raquel Butler
Iā€™m a bodyworker, CST, Myofascial Release, And other techniques. Iā€™m doing Raquelā€™s course. Thank you for featuring heršŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤© Your comments Karen about the different nuance and messages when horse moves nose away from bridle. Brilliant šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Can see Rachel Draissma as future guest on Calming Signals, takes listening to our horses to another level. It has changed me in my approach to bodywork. Thank you for your Beautiful work Karen. Warm wishes June Proctor
Release of tension
What a beautiful commentary on a super important subject for those of us who work so hard to understand our horses. We do this because we love them so much. Most of us have goals and dreams in connection with our horses. Karen has shown how much an be done when we have a way to communicate that minimizes the level of pressure we need and also gives them confidence to withstand some pressure in order to perform for us when we ask. As a body worker I see so much response in the mouth when I am working and it is not always tension release. In my opinion it is sometimes just a response that says oooh that felt great! Maybe people who are concerned about it when they play with their horses could look at it as a message from the horse that the interaction that they just had felt good and satisfying because the horse found clarity and could process what we were trying to convey? Thanks for the great podcast Karen!
More to endings than meets the eyeā€¦
Thank you Karen for Episode 140-endings. I thank Laura for submitting her question with such heartfelt out reach and I thank you Karen for such a heartfelt response expressing profound articulate wisdom in a short amount of time. That you brought up the term ā€œbricolageā€ was fascinating. I am an artist. My main media are found objects from my environment. Art world calls it collage or assemblage, found object artā€¦whatever it is a fabulous metaphor for Life that had never occurred to me before! Gracious and deep thank you to both Laure for asking and you for choosing to share your response in a podcast.
Ep 98 love it or change it
This pod really hit home with me. I have had so many unskilled trainers that Iā€™ve worked with throughout my lifetime because I couldnā€™t afford Upper level trainers. For years I just thought that I was unskilled, inferior and trying to please people. I now realize that just being in harmony with my horse is what itā€™s all about. We are moving forward so much with this mindset and I want to thank you
Episode 100
Typical to Karenā€™s approach to all things her creativity shines through on this podcast. Sprinkled with learning moments and ideas to give me perspective, I enjoyed hearing page 100 of several different books. I think this idea might be a nice addition to my daily meditation and journaling. Pick up a book and read the corresponding page for the day of the year.
Episode 98
I LOVED ā€œLove it or Change itā€!!! Just the thing I needed to listen to!!! šŸ¤—ā™„ļø
Episode 80
Thank you! Genius! I really needed this! šŸ¤—šŸ’œ
Episode 76
Thank you! Genius! I really needed this! šŸ¤—šŸ’œ
Episode 75
Omgosh Karen... This episode was spot on and what I definitely needed to hear, listen, absorb and use to move forward in my journey with my horses... ā™„ļøšŸ¤—
Episode 64
Loved this episode!!! I have the same mindset about most things. Lol. It was mind blowing to realize that I do not like the processes and without them things donā€™t turn out the best they could
This Pod makes every Friday special
I love, love, love Karenā€™s approach to horses and life. This Pod brings such unique perspectives to the discussion of how to be the best we can for our horses. When I get the weekly notification of a new episode, Iā€™m always so happy! Itā€™s often on Fridays and feels like the weekend has arrived (even though I work Saturdays, too, of course!). Just a great joy to have access to info of this caliber, moderated by Karen with her wise and balanced perspective. Thank you for this Pod!!!
Love the approach of honoring the horseā€™s wisdom and the riderā€™s wisdom and wrapping all the best each riding theory has to offer into one podcast. I havenā€™t heard this combination before and it is really inspiring. Extra bonus: Karenā€™s voice can lower anyoneā€™s blood pressure it is so soothing!!
Dressage with a bit or without a bit
Hi Karen, That was the best explanation that I have heard about going with a bit or without. The way you describe your different horses and the way each one was approached made me have a deeper understanding of the progression. Thank you so much! Jennifer
Your horseā€™s fave podcast
Karen Rohlf had to have been a horse in a previous life. In her podcast, she explains and explores how to have a better relationship with your horse, for the quality of everything you do together stems from how good this relationship is. She focuses on dressage, but non-dressage folks will get a lot out of her approach, for sure. As someone who has trained and ridden horses to grand prix, she knows her stuff and her horses are classically correctā€”indeed she bases what she aims for on the FEI rulebook definition of dressage! As she trains horses and humans, though, she approaches everything from the horseā€™s point of view and always helps them to be their best. Her gentle manner, sense of humor and love for horses comes through in every episode. If you love horses and want to learn what may be (for you) a new approach to horse training and riding, listen!
Dressage plus fun training
Karen focuses on ethical horse centered training for good posture. What could be better? Iā€™m so excited to continue listening and being inspired to be my best for my horses.
I am loving Karen's podcasts. Very cool concepts and lots to think about for myself and my horsemanship! Thanks Karen for inspiring us and educating us!!!!
Love love love the clear realistic insights
I have loved Karenā€™s ā€œpictureā€ of horsemanship for years! These podcasts are such a great addition to all of her teachings because I spend quite a bit of time on the road or doing farm chores. Each one is packed full is clear, realistic tips and thoughts for any horseman or horsewoman! Enjoy!
Karenā€™s basically a life coach!
Iā€™ve been following Karen on webinars for several years and have done her HEH course and listened to her audiobook. This podcast makes it even easier to access her wisdom! Itā€™s a great way to start your day or make any time you choose to listen more meaningful. She has helped me remember to be light hearted with my horses and with everyone else in a chaotic world. I am now moving through my days and spending time with my horses making a more conscious effort of being rather than doing. Profound stuff.
I love to watch Karenā€™s videos. I watch the horses and they are happy and willing - and thatā€™s what I strive for in my interactions with my horse.
These podcasts make me stop and think. They are changing the way I think about my horses.
Vibrant with Fresh Perspective
Just as she has a way with horses, Karen Rohlf has a way of explaining intricate information in a pleasant format that is fun, thought-provoking and inspiring. To me this is the Goldilocks fit of a podcast, concise yet engaging. The way Karen examines facets of creating healthy biomechanics addresses some conflicting issues directly, yet opens the conversation to the learner to foster self-awareness. Dressage Naturally sparks curiosity and confidence in both horses and their humans.
Favorite Podcast
This is already my favorite podcast and Karen just happens to be my favorite horse trainer. I am amazed that in the first 3 episodes I have heard more useful information and actionable tips than in most other equine podcasts put together. Not only does Karen give me great advice as a horsewoman, but also on being an all-around better person. Thank you for finally joining the world of podcasts!
The Thinking Riderā€™s Podcast
Lots of podcasts, videos and books attempt to provide a step by step guide to success to with your horse. The problem is that horses (and people) are unique individuals. The step by step guides often result in tension, refusal and failure. Karenā€™s new podcast and her books and videos are different. She helps you build a trusting, confident relationship with your horse. She encourages experimentation to find the right answer for you and your horse. Most important, Karen gives you the knowledge to be aware of what your horse is offering you so that you can reward it and build upon it. If youā€™re looking for a five-step guide, this podcast may not be for you. If youā€™re willing to embark on a journey to build a relationship with your horse, youā€™ll be amazed at what you can achieve in harmony with your partner.
Fostering Partnership
The longer Iā€™ve had horses the more I keep coming back to that childhood dream of having a horse that will run up to me when I call, let me leap on their back anytime and will go wherever I need them to. As an adult I thought I had to give that dream up for a more ā€œrealisticā€ relationship that involved ā€œtaking chargeā€. Since I signed for Karenā€™s online programs I can now see that the childhood dream is possible. Karenā€™s focus on building partnership, even in the demanding and precise riding style of dressage, gives me the tools and the psychology that I need to work on myself and become a wiser and kinder partner for my horses. Her podcast gives the listener a picture of what they can achieve while giving the knowledge of how to make it happen. Not a step by step, more like an understanding of what to look for. 5 stars!
Super good podcast!
I love that Karen is doing these great podcasts. Perfect for listening to while driving. I get a new bit ingrained in my brain each time I listen!
Yes! This is needed!
If you have been following Karen for years like myself or new to horses in general, this pod cast is a must! She is amazing and her words of wisdom and training tips! Make your horsemanship complete by listening, expanding into her classroom, and learning more from her books and teachings (maybe with a different perspective). You will not be disappointed!
A Humble Genius
Karen is both a deep thinker and a practical adviser. She has developed a methodology based on small do-able pieces which come together to create big improvements. All while being kind and encouraging to both horse and human.
Awesome Listen
I really enjoy this podcast. Each episode stems from fact-based, horse-first knowledge and offers practical applications. After listening to Karen I am always motivated to go out and try new things and to have fun with my horse. Grateful that she has decided to share her knowledge in this way!