Dec. 15, 2022

Maison Collawn Went From Limited In Language To Podcaster Extraordinaire

Maison Collawn Went From Limited In Language To Podcaster Extraordinaire

Get to know Maison who was limited in speech and language caused by 18 seizures at 8 months old. Because of hard work in therapy, he is now an effective communicator and has a podcast himself.

About the Guest:

"My name is Maison Collawn. I am the host and founder of MC Anime Podcast. The idea of MC Anime started from blogging and slowly it began to be podcasting. A little bit about myself are that fandoms and pop culture are my pastimes. My favorite pastimes are Pokémon Nintendo gaming, Yugioh TCG dueling, and watching TV shows. It is exciting creating content and having conversations relating to anime, geek culture, and Japanese esthetics or Asian Studies. Overall this project combines my passion towards anime and Mass Communications into MC Anime Podcast as we know it. I thoroughly love doing MC Anime and I want to continue and even having you as potential fans. Feel free to contact myself at for general questions and business inquiries."


Social Media Links:

About the Host:

I am Saylor Cooper, Owner of Real Variety Radio and host of the Hope Without Sight Podcast. I am from the Houston, Texas area and am legally blind which is one of the main reasons why I am hosting this show surrounding this topic , to inspire others by letting them know that they can live their best life and reach their highest potential.


About the Co-host:

My name is Matthew Tyler Evans and I am from the Northeast Texas area. I am blind like Saylor is and we have the same retinal condition. I decided to join Saylor‘s podcast because I have a strong interest in teaming up with him and I think together, we can inspire the world with others with disabilities.


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Saylor Cooper:

Hello, everybody, welcome to another episode of

Saylor Cooper:

How Without Sight with your host, Saylor Cooper,

Tyler Evans:

and Tyler Evans,

Saylor Cooper:

and of course what's doing whether they are

Saylor Cooper:

done next accountable on the podcast content creation camp.

Saylor Cooper:

And this is episode 15. And tonight who I'm interviewing is

Saylor Cooper:

actually my roommate. I've selected to interview him

Saylor Cooper:

because he's had so much adversity himself and he can

Saylor Cooper:

attest that he's ever come in. Please welcome Maison Collawn,

Saylor Cooper:

Maison how you enjoying this camp?

Maison Collawn:

It's been an interesting day. We just got

Maison Collawn:

into a photography session, went to the beach had a picnic.

Maison Collawn:

Puerto Vallarta is more Puerto Vallarta in Mexico, the podcast

Maison Collawn:

and creation camp is really cool. We had the outreach and

Maison Collawn:

fire Palooza to do that. So

Saylor Cooper:


Maison Collawn:

we are ready to go and having a good content and

Maison Collawn:

having various content and life people in the same place usually

Maison Collawn:

goes well, and three studios at that as well. soundproofing

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, yeah, that's right. We're in a

Saylor Cooper:

soundproof studio. It's awesome that we're doing what we're

Saylor Cooper:

calling toll free studios. And yes, we've we've done a lot of

Saylor Cooper:

photo shoots. We took lots of photos today. Thanks to a

Saylor Cooper:

professional photographer. I can't wait to receive some of

Saylor Cooper:

those photos. It's going to be awesome. So yeah,

Maison Collawn:

yep. And you have a device descriptor. So

Maison Collawn:

does guess,

Saylor Cooper:

should you? Yeah, I'm talking to you last week.

Maison Collawn:

So this is gonna do a few bargains to what I do,

Maison Collawn:

and SEO information and website. So basically, I'm the founder of

Maison Collawn:

NC anime podcast. So this is podcast like minded individuals

Maison Collawn:

at this podcast creation camp in Mexico. And as a result, my

Maison Collawn:

podcast covers anime geek culture, Asian Studies and

Maison Collawn:

Japanese aesthetics. And a little bit more about me as I

Maison Collawn:

work full time and CO Deus. And I have a good story to tell

Maison Collawn:

about adversity, and how to overcome it.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, take it away.

Maison Collawn:

So I guess, Gone with the first part of

Maison Collawn:

adversity. Identify the problem, how I got here. The first

Maison Collawn:

problem was, after 18 months, when I was getting the vaccine

Maison Collawn:

shot between 18 months and five years, how I had an episode

Maison Collawn:

about 18 Different seizures. I had all types of seizures,

Maison Collawn:

including the grandmal type seizures. And as a result that

Maison Collawn:

affected my learning process and set me back in the vital months

Maison Collawn:

when I'm in the childhood state to learn and communicate speech.

Maison Collawn:

And that's sent me on a path to be in speech therapy for you for

Maison Collawn:

many years to come. And, you know, have IEP and stuff in the

Maison Collawn:

visual learning environment.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, I know about those IPs. I know Tyler,

Saylor Cooper:

you know about him too, right.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, I've heard of them before. Called ARVs. Ard

Tyler Evans:

meetings. Yeah. That we will review and

Saylor Cooper:

so you so you've had you had how many seizures

Saylor Cooper:

that you have 18 months.

Maison Collawn:

I have had the worst seizures, which was also

Maison Collawn:

grandmal type seizures as well. So be shaking. I can do has had

Maison Collawn:

the last remaining seizures at such a young age as well. Oh,

Saylor Cooper:

my goodness, that's terrible. Yeah, I know. I

Saylor Cooper:

had his title. I told you I had a lot of seizures as well and

Saylor Cooper:

did not tell you my story about procedure that I had. Yeah.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, I'd like to have them, too. I think you have

Tyler Evans:

two different episodes or three of them. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

Yes. Actually. Pepper was cool. When I almost

Saylor Cooper:

drowned. So but yeah, had a lot of seizures. And But thankfully,

Saylor Cooper:

I have a common.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, you have. Now you don't you don't have them

Tyler Evans:

anymore. No, don't have any

Saylor Cooper:

more. No, no, I

Maison Collawn:

don't have them as well. But I do have a very

Maison Collawn:

long time as a young age. And through that mental process. I

Maison Collawn:

went backwards instead of going forward. So what actually ended

Maison Collawn:

up happening? They think that maybe the vaccine at the time at

Maison Collawn:

18 eat lunch was possibly a trigger for beginning seizure,

Maison Collawn:

and then more seizures led up some sentiment after. But, you

Maison Collawn:

know, that is the vaccine to buckle about the controversy if

Maison Collawn:

the vaccines actually is home or home for them good.

Tyler Evans:

Well, we can Are you are you referring to the

Tyler Evans:

COVID 19? Vaccines or what? No, no, no, no

Maison Collawn:

18 months? Vaccine those 18 months? Oh,

Saylor Cooper:

so you got the standard vaccines that all

Saylor Cooper:

babies get out? Yeah.

Maison Collawn:

Thanks. So it's like cars and that vaccine for

Maison Collawn:

the see. I see. Because I came out of nowhere and it was

Maison Collawn:

coincidental that the vaccine happened seizures started

Maison Collawn:

happening after since out.

Saylor Cooper:

So do you still have seizures today? Or have you

Saylor Cooper:

outgrown them?

Maison Collawn:

I started having them up to five years old. After

Maison Collawn:

five years,

Saylor Cooper:


Maison Collawn:

of them in close proximity of timeframe in early

Maison Collawn:

childhood. It set me back very drastically. And that had to

Maison Collawn:

make the like, catch up with my entire elementary and even

Maison Collawn:

middle school, even when I caught us classes.

Tyler Evans:

Wow. So you do know Apple, a lot of people think

Tyler Evans:

that all seizures are epileptic, but they're not. No. Some

Tyler Evans:

people, some people. Some people have what's called NAS, non

Tyler Evans:

epileptic seizures, which can be caused by a number of factors

Tyler Evans:

including diabetes, infection, trauma, things like that. But

Tyler Evans:

also, epilepsy can be triggered by stuff too. Yeah. It's and

Tyler Evans:

then of course, stroke can also be a contributing factor to

Tyler Evans:

certain seizures, too.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. But yeah, I

Maison Collawn:

think in my case, it was just one thing went

Maison Collawn:

wrong and kept going wrong. Because yeah, the fact that so

Maison Collawn:

it kept going back. Yeah.

Tyler Evans:

they've ever had seizures,

Maison Collawn:

those official diagnosis is no I had seizures.

Saylor Cooper:

They just say you outgrew them when you were five.

Saylor Cooper:

And that you still had use as speech therapy, because you had

Saylor Cooper:

to learn how to speak again or less.

Maison Collawn:

When I was going on a timeframe. I spoke on

Maison Collawn:

language. I was the only person who could actually understand

Maison Collawn:

what I was saying.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow. Black waitstaff, what are you saying?

Maison Collawn:

I said, Oh, my, I call my blue baby. That's how

Maison Collawn:

I call them. Just things I said, doesn't make any sense. Only the

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

And so you want said your mom could understand

Saylor Cooper:

you, but your dad couldn't like. Okay, so

Maison Collawn:

the understanding of my mother was

Maison Collawn:

fighting for me to have a chance to be successful. That's how

Maison Collawn:

understanding my dad the stand of the Asperger's spectrum at

Maison Collawn:

the time. It didn't know how to handle me and discipline me,

Maison Collawn:

right. Wow.

Saylor Cooper:

told me you're on the autism spectrum, right? Yes.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow. Yeah, I know, people on the autism spectrum who are very

Saylor Cooper:

successful. And in fact, Tyler, we interviewed someone

Saylor Cooper:


Tyler Evans:

Yes, we did. Yeah, so question. Not everyone who

Tyler Evans:

has epilepsy has autism, right.

Maison Collawn:

I mean, yeah, I'm not I don't really know that

Maison Collawn:

the underlying condition of epilepsy and connecting with

Maison Collawn:


Tyler Evans:

but there can be a connection. Some people have

Tyler Evans:


Maison Collawn:

There might be a connection, but I'm not a

Maison Collawn:

doctor. I don't know.

Tyler Evans:

Well, my sister in law, she has epilepsy, but I

Tyler Evans:

know she doesn't have autism. As far as I know, she don't

Maison Collawn:

think Epilepsy is a separate condition that

Maison Collawn:

doesn't have to be combined with autism.

Tyler Evans:

No, no. Yeah, it's just interesting how, like,

Tyler Evans:

sometimes it can be interconnected sometimes. You

Tyler Evans:


Maison Collawn:

I don't have autism because of seizures.

Maison Collawn:

Right? Because, oh, I need to sign up both. With traces in the

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. So you have other family members who are on

Saylor Cooper:

the spectrum as well.

Maison Collawn:

Potentially my grandfather, Oh, wow. could have

Maison Collawn:

skipped a generation. Be a recessive gene in the banana,

Maison Collawn:

banana co monopoly, because my mom thinks he has Asperger's as

Maison Collawn:

well. He axes, like very specific of politics and has a

Maison Collawn:

routine that he sticks to the common trend of gay common or

Maison Collawn:

intelligent, high skill and Pacific areas, fixed interests

Maison Collawn:

routine, don't like change, and you can get combative

Saylor Cooper:

easily. Yeah. And by the way, it's not Asperger's

Saylor Cooper:

anymore. It's just as defined by the DSM. It's now considered

Saylor Cooper:

Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Maison Collawn:

Okay, I'm still gonna classical. Yeah, of

Maison Collawn:

course. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

So let's fast forward. After you will seizure

Saylor Cooper:

free five years old, you went on, you'll do all the speech

Saylor Cooper:

therapy and all that. And will you did you have other hardships

Saylor Cooper:

besides that? And if so, how did you overcome them,

Maison Collawn:

um, most of the hardships while being isolated

Maison Collawn:

in school because I was different. I didn't get along

Maison Collawn:

with people my own age level, I often got along with people, way

Maison Collawn:

older than I was. So most adults, we get along with

Maison Collawn:

better. And throughout the entire high school. All

Maison Collawn:

throughout elementary school, I only have very few friends. And

Maison Collawn:

then six, Middle School in high school, I had no friends, like,

Maison Collawn:

no friends, like outside of school. I knew everybody they

Maison Collawn:

knew me. But it wasn't the same as actually having a no

Maison Collawn:

obligation to someone outside of that school environment.

Saylor Cooper:

It's like you couldn't connect with them or

Saylor Cooper:


Maison Collawn:

No interest,

Saylor Cooper:

no interest.

Maison Collawn:

I didn't pursue a friendship as much. I just

Maison Collawn:

stayed in my own bubble. But I was highly volunteering in high

Maison Collawn:

school and being involved. That's good. But that was mostly

Maison Collawn:

me volunteering.

Saylor Cooper:

That when I was most you volunteering. And

Saylor Cooper:

you're I know you're working full time. But you're in college

Saylor Cooper:

now too, right? Yeah, I have my associates. Cool. And did that

Saylor Cooper:

gauge their friendships change? In college? or

Maison Collawn:

Yes, I was able to find a group but the enemy

Maison Collawn:

club rentals community college in Virginia, that have a very

Maison Collawn:

unique following in similar interests. The thing that I was

Maison Collawn:

lacking was a group of people that had similar interests that

Maison Collawn:

were very strong in such an interest. I see the interest

Maison Collawn:

building was not there for me. So I pursued my own method of to

Maison Collawn:

entertain myself in dive into volunteering as a means of

Maison Collawn:

escape. No friendship in high school. i That's why I did the

Maison Collawn:

bingo. That's why I did the two you videography recording for

Maison Collawn:

the basketball team, the football team for five years

Maison Collawn:

volunteering the concessions at football games and actually keep

Maison Collawn:

doing it. And also do bingo and chain games as well.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow. I mean, you had struggles but you did adapt?

Maison Collawn:

Well. It was mostly when sixth grade. I had a

Maison Collawn:

I had a champion in my side. My mother. My mother has a

Maison Collawn:

background in teaching what she was able to do. She took her

Maison Collawn:

teaching background and apply the Individual Learning Plan

Maison Collawn:

pacifically for me, that the school didn't want to adapt

Maison Collawn:

because they didn't have previous experience doing it.

Maison Collawn:

After she developed that model in the elementary school. Other

Maison Collawn:

people were able to benefit from her action. And they were able

Maison Collawn:

to learn and actually succeed on a learning plan that was

Maison Collawn:

actually getting them ahead. She was a fighter every single way.

Maison Collawn:

It's amazing.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, Tyler, I know you've probably shared a

Saylor Cooper:

similar story with Mason tell tell him

Tyler Evans:

I was I was basically thinking the same

Tyler Evans:

thing. My mom fought for me so that I could be mainstreamed in

Tyler Evans:

class despite my blindness. Basically, we went to Austin

Tyler Evans:

where I live in Texas. That's the Capitol. We were there twice

Tyler Evans:

to rally legislatures to pass a bill here to where anyone with a

Tyler Evans:

disability if they if their family permits, or if their

Tyler Evans:

family they can be a normal classes, mainstream classes,

Tyler Evans:

regular classes like everyone else. And basically we this

Tyler Evans:

group took us to Austin on charter buses. And we went with

Tyler Evans:

them We went there twice. And yep. It was back when I was

Tyler Evans:

about five or six, five and six. I think.

Maison Collawn:

So your mom was like that. And largest later

Maison Collawn:

than mine just been in a fight me at the school board every

Maison Collawn:

which way for my individual blame?

Tyler Evans:

Oh, yeah. Well, she went to all the meetings. So

Tyler Evans:

what's called ARD meetings, admission review and dismissal

Tyler Evans:

meetings and all that. And, yeah, she thought for me, my dad

Tyler Evans:

did too. But it was really my mom who did it.

Maison Collawn:

Yeah. My dad was at some meetings because it got

Maison Collawn:

pretty bad. And the administration in my elementary

Maison Collawn:

school was like, no, no, he can do the best he can in the lab.

Maison Collawn:

And he is why don't you want to succeed? At the level he's at?

Maison Collawn:

Why do you want him to do things though? Make him fail and not

Maison Collawn:

have progress? They were very relaxed about doing anything to

Maison Collawn:

help me.

Saylor Cooper:

I never was they didn't think you can go. You can

Saylor Cooper:

reach your highest potential, although you could write

Maison Collawn:

highest potential they didn't care. Wow.

Maison Collawn:

All and actually the thing in the old court. So my mom had a

Maison Collawn:

fight them to the nail. And he actually, like, some of the

Maison Collawn:

things that you did was way beyond what should have actually

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

Wow. And, yeah, cuz a lot of school public

Saylor Cooper:

schools, they, you know, underestimate children along the

Saylor Cooper:

way, especially with special needs. I've, I've had that

Saylor Cooper:

experience as well.

Maison Collawn:

And also No Child Left Behind Act doesn't

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, totally familiar with that, right. Oh,

Saylor Cooper:


Tyler Evans:

And in fact, I've never agreed with it. In fact,

Tyler Evans:

it should be my opinion repealed.

Saylor Cooper:

Why we appealed?

Tyler Evans:

Because it's why because it's one size fits all.

Tyler Evans:

stigmatizing. Yeah. It's one size fits all. That's from Yeah.

Tyler Evans:

In my opinion, in my opinion, education does not belong.

Tyler Evans:

centralized in one area in Washington, DC, we need to just

Tyler Evans:

make it to where the states play a role in education and the

Tyler Evans:

localities play a role, not the federal government at all?

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, makes sense. Makes sense.

Maison Collawn:

But at the same time, without the regulation,

Maison Collawn:

the states, some states be less than other states. So it has

Maison Collawn:

somewhat equal playing field, at least for like a basic model

Maison Collawn:

where the states still put their own changes to that bottle.

Maison Collawn:

Yeah, well, you know, one other thing about me was doctors

Maison Collawn:

wanted to label me as retardation. And my mom was

Maison Collawn:

refusing that label because she thought I could do better, and

Maison Collawn:

actually, was not mentioned in the title. Doc was wanting to

Maison Collawn:

label me as that and they she refused to have that label.

Saylor Cooper:

Now you're doing great, in my opinion, really

Saylor Cooper:

awesome. And you're you're here, you're here for VR to for

Saylor Cooper:

reason, just like I am to hopefully to begin your journey

Saylor Cooper:

in entrepreneurship. You want to make money with your podcasts,

Saylor Cooper:


Maison Collawn:

Well, potable water I paid out of pocket for I

Maison Collawn:

didn't ask for help. Well,

Saylor Cooper:

yeah, you put my money. Yeah, me too. I paid to

Saylor Cooper:

you. You're coming here. You want to learn to hopefully

Saylor Cooper:

monetize and make money, right? Yeah,

Maison Collawn:

I don't need a podcast manager. I just need a

Maison Collawn:

way to make upscale my business and be able to make a profit

Maison Collawn:

margin of some kind of in the scheme of things a bit of the

Saylor Cooper:

audience base. Exactly. Yeah. Like,

Maison Collawn:

you know, Logan, Paul, the story that, me that,

Maison Collawn:

you know, after that launching of that Pacific learning plan

Maison Collawn:

that was later used for other people at the elementary school

Maison Collawn:

that actually succeeded for them as well. After that

Maison Collawn:

successfully, I was able to catch up to my reading level.

Maison Collawn:

And fifth grade, I was like, I was still in special ed. But

Maison Collawn:

when Sixth grade came around halfway in the year, I caught up

Maison Collawn:

to sixth grade Calab and special ed anymore. I just I was all in

Maison Collawn:

to teach classes at that point. Oh.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, right now. Yep. That was how awesome is

Saylor Cooper:

that? Yeah. Oh, yeah. And so let's fast forward now. To the

Saylor Cooper:

highest score you did well, right?

Maison Collawn:

Yeah. The only area that actually I exceeded

Maison Collawn:

all my academics. I took my academics very seriously. I love

Maison Collawn:

that. And the concepts that were really easy for me. I understood

Maison Collawn:

it in minimum effort. I got straight A's and one B. That's

Maison Collawn:

the 4.1 point 4.018 When I graduated high school.

Saylor Cooper:

Awesome. Wow. And you went to a community college?

Saylor Cooper:

Why did you study there? Why'd you major in

Maison Collawn:

science as a bridge to transfer to a

Maison Collawn:

bachelor's for bass communications? Or blog?

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

Do you want to transfer to a university or what

Saylor Cooper:

are you? What are your future plans?

Maison Collawn:

Well, I'll do it when I get the moment. Just

Maison Collawn:

right now, doing the podcasts need the money flow? So I'm

Maison Collawn:

looking for time to get the money flow because the pockets

Maison Collawn:

not making money. Pocket stop making money, I'll have a

Maison Collawn:

incentive to go back to college to finish my bachelor's.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, awesome. Wonderful. Well, Nathan, you've

Saylor Cooper:

overcome so much. A lion. You deserve a hand and clap. That

Saylor Cooper:

say yeah, you would hope to the future to get this podcast

Saylor Cooper:

making money and Oh, yeah. Yeah, meet you meet you. My co

Maison Collawn:

host. I do like one episode a week. And then I

Maison Collawn:

have a couple of designer and Asana.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. And, and I helped to translate on a podcast

Saylor Cooper:

last night, in fact, with Suzy, her favorite TV show?

Maison Collawn:

Well, we did her favorites, hello novella. And it

Maison Collawn:

was interesting because I really, when I did Spanish in

Maison Collawn:

high school, in Spanish in college, tell them whatever was

Maison Collawn:

interesting soap opera, volitional programming in

Maison Collawn:

countries like Mexico that were actually really kind of cool to

Maison Collawn:

people liking. I wanted to count for that podcast because it

Maison Collawn:

covers a fan base cultural fandom that is in a different

Maison Collawn:

culture. But still unique to that culture. Just like anime

Maison Collawn:

animation in Japan is unique in that regard.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow. So your podcast mainly is on animation.

Saylor Cooper:


Maison Collawn:

That's animate the cultural, Japanese and Asian

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

How Austin? Great. Well as always, Tyler, do

Saylor Cooper:

you have any more questions for our guest?

Tyler Evans:

I don't think so. Just

Saylor Cooper:

share should we wrap it up?

Tyler Evans:

Basically. Actually, let's do it.

Maison Collawn:

Let's go into that show. Before we go. Ah,

Tyler Evans:

well, I was basically born blind. I was born

Tyler Evans:

blind like him like him. In fact, I have the same story.

Tyler Evans:

Almost the same story as him.

Saylor Cooper:


Tyler Evans:

And I'm blind still.

Saylor Cooper:

You will come how to live with it.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, we came how to live with it. Pretty much

Maison Collawn:

you fortunately

Tyler Evans:

that's her brother. Brothers being a distraction

Tyler Evans:

right now.

Saylor Cooper:

Okay, so are you blind? Are you totally blind or

Saylor Cooper:

partially blind?

Tyler Evans:

Oh, I have life. Yeah, I have read enough. I have

Tyler Evans:

retinopathy of prematurity. Basically my eyes. The retina

Tyler Evans:

detached because it lacked oxygen on the retina.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. Yep. I have to. Really now they're almost

Saylor Cooper:

brothers brothers from another mother. Isn't that

Tyler Evans:

crazy? Yeah. And what's interesting is I have a

Tyler Evans:

twin brother and a blog and get This he was born blind to, but

Tyler Evans:

his eyes reversed three months after birth, meaning he went

Tyler Evans:

from Blind decided

Saylor Cooper:

and, and I have a twin sister is saying the same

Saylor Cooper:

thing happened to her so

Tyler Evans:

you ever tried and it's just amazing. You tell your

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, I probably told you I was Yeah, that's

Saylor Cooper:

fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah. It's just an and here's what's cool man

Tyler Evans:

sailor met in college at SFA Stephen F Austin University in

Tyler Evans:

academics in the fall of 2014. Yeah. That's how we met. And I

Tyler Evans:

truly believe that God put us here for a reason.

Saylor Cooper:

Yes, he did. Yes, he did.

Tyler Evans:

I believe the same thing is true, inspire others.

Maison Collawn:

God put us on a path that is who we are, who we

Maison Collawn:

want people that he shows along the way when they come along.

Tyler Evans:

That's right. That's right. And for those who

Tyler Evans:

don't believe in that sort of thing, you do have a purpose.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, you do, whether you believe in God or not, or Allah

Tyler Evans:

or whatever,

Maison Collawn:

you know, whatever your when they said

Maison Collawn:

they don't believe but they believe that something is there.

Maison Collawn:

And that is working. That even if you're not being felt, people

Maison Collawn:

reach out to them. You know, you made them in a gently knit

Maison Collawn:

fashion, not forced upon them, but let them choose the

Maison Collawn:


Saylor Cooper:

And so,

Tyler Evans:

exactly. Yeah. You're hearing a lot of noise

Tyler Evans:

folks on the podcast. That's just my sister in law's little

Tyler Evans:

brother. Yeah.

Maison Collawn:

All right happens.

Saylor Cooper:

Well, yeah, you have nothing else to share, I

Saylor Cooper:

guess let's wrap it up. So like customer ending, I always end

Saylor Cooper:

with is, what advice would you give anybody who's struggling

Saylor Cooper:

like now can't see a way forward.

Maison Collawn:

Okay, they can't see it very forward. Let them

Maison Collawn:

have a network to be able to rely on it as my that was my

Maison Collawn:

mother. Because I couldn't fight for myself, because I was too

Maison Collawn:

young. And she could have easily been reversed. If she wasn't

Maison Collawn:

having a teacher background. She could have possibly given up and

Maison Collawn:

not known in the education system to fight for the child.

Maison Collawn:

Because sometimes people with disabilities and the education

Maison Collawn:

system seems to lack is a poor parent or non educated parent

Maison Collawn:

who doesn't know what to do. Those types. People need to

Maison Collawn:

reach out to a specialist to have an advocate for them. So my

Maison Collawn:

best advice is reaching for an advocate of some kind, to help

Maison Collawn:

you go through the struggle and actually have that loyal support

Maison Collawn:

of some con has to be someone that you can trust. Even if it's

Maison Collawn:

a spiritual leader or community leader, it doesn't matter. You

Maison Collawn:

need an advocate to get to the next step.

Saylor Cooper:

That's very good advice as always having advocate

Saylor Cooper:

and just know that you're not alone. Well, everybody, let's

Saylor Cooper:

give it up for nesting. Episode 15 of Hope WIthout Sight, we're

Saylor Cooper:

gonna have a good rest of time. And yeah, yeah, we have a brunch

Saylor Cooper:

tomorrow. Let's see. We have some more recordings to do. We

Saylor Cooper:

have salsa dancing, right. And Sunday, we have a boat trip.

Maison Collawn:

Tyler, thanks for being here. You're a great

Maison Collawn:

correspondent and able to provide interesting dialogue in

Maison Collawn:

the conversation as well.

Tyler Evans:

You're welcome. I appreciate it.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, let's enjoy time and quarter by yards and

Saylor Cooper:

till Tuesday.

Maison Collawn:

And don't forget, you can come the name of

Maison Collawn:

the podcast, MCAnime, with Apple and Google and I'm on WW dot

Maison Collawn:

NCMA I hope to see you there if you'd like my

Maison Collawn:

correspondence. Thank you.