Feb. 9, 2023

From Accountant To Business Coach

From Accountant To Business Coach

Wanting to start a business but not sure what decisions to make? Listen to this episode and Tami will direct you on the right path. She also shares how she overcame her challenges in starting her business.

About the Guest:

Bio: Tami Jaffe is a success coach, energy shifter and international speaker on topics of making better decisions and business growth. Tami helps guide her clients through the sometimes overwhelming prospect of starting a new business. Her Amazon #1 best-selling book You Already Made the Decision, You Just Aren’t Happy With It, is a guide on how to make better decisions or live with the ones you’ve already made.

Tami has made it her mission to liberate independent success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start, grow and scale their own businesses and not only replace their corporate income but exceed it. She teaches you what to do when in your business to have the most success and not waste time and money on shiny objects that can be a distraction. 

 Free gift:

Corporate to Cash Jumpstart Kit. This is your guide for going from employees to entrepreneurs without all the headaches. It shows you how to get a jumpstart on your offer, your goals, your clients and your strategy. You will walk away knowing exactly what you need to be offering, what it takes to hit your target, and what you need to do to get the clients you desire.


Website: https://tamijaffe.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tami-jaffe1/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachingwithtami

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tamijjaffe/

The Inspired Six-Figure Business Bootcamp

Includes: The G.R.O.W. Now plan to get clients and grow your business in 28 days.

The referral treasure chest: One page business plan live masterclasses live coaching calls

Bonus 1: Sales Conversations that convert

Bonus 2: Craft Your Irresistible

Offer Workshop Bonus 3: 1 day virtual event to help you make the leap in your business

About the Host:

I am Saylor Cooper, Owner and host of Real Variety Radio as well as the Hope Without Sight Podcast. I am from the Houston, Texas area and am legally blind which is one of the main reasons why I am hosting this show surrounding this topic , to inspire others by letting them know that they can live their best life and reach their highest potential. I am beginning my journey in Entrepreneurship to overcome the challenges of making a living with a disability and to demonstrate that it indeed it is possible by putting in hard work! Of course I am not sure what is in store, but I am extremely excited for what is to come. My future goals include getting booked to speak on stages and write a collaborative book with my podcast guests.

Contact card, which includes all of my website and socials: https://ovou.me/livefasetiyacehe

About the Co-host:

My name is Matthew Tyler Evans and I am from the Northeast Texas area. I am blind like Saylor is and we have the same retinal condition. I decided to join Saylor‘s podcast because I have a strong interest in teaming up with him and I think together, we can inspire the world with others with disabilities.


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Saylor Cooper:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Hope Without Sight with your host Saylor Cooper and this is

Tyler Evans:

Tyler Evans

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, put episode 23 with Tami I'm sorry. What's your last name?

Tami Jaffe:


Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, Tammy chassis walked into help without site. How have you been enjoying padapalooza so far?

Tami Jaffe:

Oh, it's been so much fun. I love being able to just like have this day where we're all just podcasting. It's so much fun.

Saylor Cooper:

It is so much fun. Yes, I see a lot of fun. I've gotten a lot of valuable information. We just got to do some swapping around. So I was supposed to interview juste, and she was late. So I came in the room and I couldn't record and so we had to fix that now back. So yeah, welcome back. I'm so I'm sure you have a story of overcoming challenges in life, right? Because you were in corporate America for 20 years. And now you're a you're an entrepreneur, you're teaching others how to be entrepreneurs to replace their income. So without further ado, take it away. The floor is all yours.

Tami Jaffe:

Oh, thankyou, Saylor and Tyler. It's great being here with you guys. Yeah, so I spent 20 plus years in corporate, I won't age myself too much. But it got to a point in that career in my career, where I felt like I hit a glass ceiling, I felt like I had lost control of my career. And, you know, I always thought I was on this trajectory just to keep moving up and moving up and, and got to a point where I was like, hmm, there's got to be something better, there's got to be something different. And I wanted to help people in a bigger way. And so I'm sure you have all been at that place where you have to, like, just kind of stop and reassess. Right? It's like, you know, you thought your life was gonna go one way, and Allison things are changing. And now you've got to look at things from a different perspective, look at things in a different way. And one of the things I always say is, you know, when you get to that point, you do have to stop, because it's like, you know, I grew up on a farm in Michigan, and we used to ride our three wheelers, and we was really dry in the field, we would do these 360s, and the dust would start flying up around us. And they'll just create this big cloud of dust. And we knew we had to stop because he got to a point where we couldn't see anything. And if we went one way, we would end up in a ditch, we went the other way, we'd end up in a pond. And we don't want to dig ourselves out of either of those. No, that's what it's like when you're spinning. That's what it's like when you're trying to figure something out, when you don't have the answers. It's like you have this cloud of dust around you that is just creating this fog, and you can't really see where to go. And you have two options, you can stop and let the dust settle so that you can actually see clearly to get to where you want to go. Or you need to find someone who has been there before. Who can see above that. Who can give you the directions and help you get there faster.

Saylor Cooper:

Very true. Very well. Said. That makes sense. I can't agree with you more. And, and I can I can agree like in corporate America, you can only go so far. Entrepreneurship. You haven't unlimited potential. And Tyler, you and I we discussed about this and not true. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so what do you do specifically entrepreneurship? And what do you what do you teach others to do?

Tami Jaffe:

Yeah, so I help people going from being employees to entrepreneurs, and not just replace their income, but exceed it because like you said, there is no limit. When you are an entrepreneur, when you are working for someone else, there is a limit of where you can go and how much you can make. And so in entrepreneurship, that scale shifts, but you have to know what to do at the right time, to get there faster, and to get there in a more efficient way and to make sure you have the foundations in place. So I hope people as they're putting the foundations in place in their business, to really get clear on what they are doing, who they are helping how they are helping people and getting their messaging really clear, building out their programs that are gonna help them convert, help them have amazing sales conversations. So they don't feel like a sleazy car salesman. Because I've noticed that that is one of the challenges that people have when they are leaving the employer ship like It's like they don't want to sell

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah,sales is tough.

Tami Jaffe:


Saylor Cooper:

Yeah and, it's tough, it is hard to convince prospects why they should buy something

Tami Jaffe:

Yeah. And if you don't know, if you feel like you're trying to sell yourself, then that becomes a conflict. I think that's where too many people are like, Oh, but you know, I've got to sell myself and you're not selling yourself, you're selling, you're selling people, the time that you can save them, you're selling them, the money that you can say them, you're selling them what service or product that you have, that's going to help them do something better, do something quick or do something more efficiently. And so it's not about trying to sell yourself, it's about being of service by showing them, how you can help them, showing them how you can make their life and in their businesses even make run more efficiently or, you know, whatever it is you provide to them, so that they can have a bigger impact so that they can do the things that they want to do and break through their blocks that they have in their way.

Saylor Cooper:

For sure Yes, for sure. And you see, I'm in the process of trying to figure out entrepreneurship, how to monetize this podcast, I've been podcasting for partners blueprint with Chuck in the shell. And they're teaching me all these business models. And honestly, I'm new to them. So I guess it's expected. I don't quite understand everything yet. But I know I'm gonna figure it out.

Tami Jaffe:

Yeah, and you make a great point. It may be confusing, and you may not understand all of it from the beginning. But when you just keep chipping away at it little by little, and you're listening to the experts who have been doing it before and can give you that step by step direction, it becomes more clear. And then you start to get the progress and you start to get the momentum in your business.

Saylor Cooper:

For sure, yes. Yes. So what have been your successes throughout this journey? Like? All your people you've talked to become them employees, entrepreneurs. What ways are they making a difference in the world now?

Tami Jaffe:

Oh, I love that question. So yeah, they're making a difference by serving and giving people the expertise that they have. And so you don't have clients in all different in lots of different realms. I have coaches, I have consultants, I have a lot of accountants, I think that's because of my recovering CPA background. I've worked with my husband's a chiropractor, and I've worked with some chiropractors and in doctors and helping them in their businesses. But I think, you know, the common thing is helping them to overcome their fears, their doubts, and putting themselves out there in a new way, helping them shift their mindsets, so that they can step into entrepreneurship and be strong. You know, I was just talking to one of my clients, just before we got on this call. And one of the things we were talking about was we're looking at her numbers and where she's at. And she was sharing with me where we are, you know, I asked him like, Okay, what were your numbers for the last couple months, because as a business coach, it's very important that I understand her number so I can help her in another way. And help her increase that because that's her goal. And when she told me what she had hit in the last two months, I stopped. And I went back and looked, and I knew she had way over hit her goal for the year. But I went back and looked at the first time I had met her, which was over a year prior. And she didn't start working with me for a few months after that. And so I'd only been working with her for about six months. And I said, Do you realize you just text your business?

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, wow.

Tami Jaffe:

And it hadn't even hit her that she just had two months in a row where she had 10 X where she had been the prior year.

Saylor Cooper:

So she made a ton of more money,

Tami Jaffe:

a ton of more money. Because when you put those foundations in place, when you do the right things, you can do it quickly.

Saylor Cooper:

And maybe, I don't know, if you don't mind. You can partner up with us as well. Please feel free to send me an email because I put my contact information in the chat.

Tami Jaffe:


Saylor Cooper:


Tyler Evans:

I mean, I have ideas on how we can make money too.

Tami Jaffe:

But yeah, Tyler and I were just talking while you were trying to go get your recording access. So I'd love to chat with you guys more to and take a look at what you're doing and how you can help monetize

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. What ideas have you told her?

Tyler Evans:

Well, sponsorships is one big thing. Particularly you know, you know and talk radio. You know how they say this broadcasts is sponsored by blank. Yeah, then they provide they they promote the product. And then of course, what else? Sponsorships is a big one. In fact, it's probably the main one that radio.

Tami Jaffe:

Yeah, he's great points either. I mean, sponsorships are definitely something with podcasting, that can make a big difference. And so there's a few different types of sponsorships that you can have, you can have a sponsorship, where people pay to be on your show, and that's what's called a sponsorship, you can have sponsors who actually pay to support your show, right, they help to sponsor your show, you can have, you know, we were talking briefly about affiliates, and have becoming affiliates for different, you know, it could be different types of programs, like, you know, there's apps and things out there that you can could become affiliates of that you can help promote on the show. There's other types of businesses that will pay you to just advertise for them on the show, and you can have an affiliate link, so you're not just making money from the sponsorship, they're paying you. But you're making money on the back end as well, when people then click on your affiliate link in the show notes, that takes them to a place where they can reach out to that person or that product. And, and they use those services. So there's lots of great ways to do it.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, I'm in the process I just set up, I set up a Patreon account for different members and organizations to sponsor our show, to help with outside show. And we just need to figure out ways to get people on boarded, you know?

Tyler Evans:

Well, one thing one thing I think we could do, we could contact organizations we already know. Yeah. Now some of they've been if they've been interested partner. As you know,

Tami Jaffe:

absolutely. Tyler's such, that was so good. Like, I always tell people to start with who you know, and start up your own network. Because, yeah, 99.9% of businesses start with the people in their network. And it's not even, you know, it might be directly those people, but it may be the people that they know. So some of the things you can do. And reaching out is like, Hey, who do you know that might be interested? And sponsoring our show? Who do you know who has a story to tell? That could come share in our show? So it's not always that direct person, but maybe someone else that they don't do? A show? Yeah. So

Tyler Evans:

we were also talking about how we have a couple of people help them with a salsa. And they're really, they're really good. And they do golf tournaments, and stuff. Sometimes. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. They help us. They help us financially too. That's great.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. And, but I'm really enjoying this part Padapalooza event. I'm so glad I got to know Kimberly and Michelle. And because there's a big group of people here from a diverse lens landscape, how you say it, there's coaches, authors. solopreneurs. Yeah, that's great.

Tami Jaffe:

Yeah, it's great meeting new people and making those connections and being able to support each other. Yeah, that's what we need in the entrepreneur world. We need to be able to support each other and help each other along the way.

Tyler Evans:

Also, we have a radio station online real variety. radio.com. And it's on the seventh. And we're hoping to get sponsors through that too. Yes, lint and other stuff. Yeah. Love it. affiliates.

Tami Jaffe:

Congratulations, you guys on getting all of this going? Because it's not easy, right? Like, out there. Yeah. So that's high five.

Tyler Evans:

All right.

Saylor Cooper:

Do you have anything else to show? Should we wrap up with conclusions? Because guess what, obviously beyond the main stage pretty soon here?

Tami Jaffe:

Oh, can't wait, can't wait. It's gonna be awesome. Yeah, I'll just share I have a free gift I can share with the audience that that's all right. Sure. What gift is it? It is the corporate to cash jumpstart kit. And so this is for those of you who are wanting to go from employees to entrepreneurs, or you've already made that leap, but you're just not getting consistent income. This is the kit that's going to help you get a jumpstart on your your business, your clients your strategy, and understanding your numbers so that you can hit your goals so you can get that at the Jumpstart kit.com.

Saylor Cooper:

That Jumpstartkit.com show. Yes. All right. So we'd like to wrap up with a customary ending of You have anything else. Else. To anybody who's struggling now, we're good advice would you give them

Tami Jaffe:

take that time to just stop and reflect. And then get really clear on what you want. And don't be afraid to go out and ask for it.

Saylor Cooper:

That's good advice there. Amen. Well, Tyler, do you have any other questions for guests?

Tyler Evans:

So what will this kit entail? Is it just a guide?

Tami Jaffe:

Yeah, it's gonna give you some tools to really understand how to get a jumpstart on your clients, how to get a jumpstart on your numbers and your goals and how to get a jumpstart on the strategy and what strategy you should be using at this phase of your business.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, I'm filling out some information right now.

Tami Jaffe:

All right.

Saylor Cooper:

Sweet. Well, well, Tammy, it was so great having you on Hope Without Sight

Tami Jaffe:

Yes, I love the name of your podcast. I love it. It says because I think any transition you want to make in your life is that Hope Without Sight, right? Like you have to believe. Before you jump out.

Tyler Evans:

Yes. You know what I would also say, you know, Hope Without Sight goes way deeper than just hope without vision. It's, it's about sometimes in life, you can't see what's ahead, which, but you keep pressing forward because you have faith that things will get better in the future, even though it may not seem like that. Right? There you go.

Tami Jaffe:

Really. You've got to believe believe in yourself, believe in what you want, and then go after it. For sure. I love that.

Tyler Evans:

I do. But ultimately, I believe in Christ. That's what I believe. Absolutely, and that he's gonna He's gonna call me to a mission and he already has, it's this. I truly believe that.

Tyler Evans:

It's awesome.

Tyler Evans:

So I can spread his gospel in a small way

Tami Jaffe:

I love it. It's It's so incredible when your mission aligns, and you have that impact and you know, you're being guided.

Tyler Evans:

That's right. You got it by the Holy Spirit, and you're guided by his word to the Bible. So yeah, that's right. I know it's churchy. But yeah. But anyway, well, it was good to have you on the podcast, Tami.

Saylor Cooper:

Give it up for Tami Jaffe, everybody.

Tami Jaffe:

Thank you guys. Great being here. Thanks.

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