Season 1

July 4, 2022

Stop Shrinking Yourself and Expand To Your Next Level! | GBP 210

Where have you been shrinking yourself to fit into places you’ve already outgrown? It’s time to expand and receive that next level! This could be in your business, income, relationship, whatever and wherever, it is for you now! In Today’s...
June 27, 2022

How To Live In Your Heart and Get Into Flow! | GBP 209

First off, this episode is recorded in my car. It’s raw and open, so listen knowing it is a bit behind the scenes and learn how to come back into your heart where it is safe to trust, choose your desires and receive abundantly! In Today’s Episode...
June 20, 2022

Your #1 Tip To Stop Feeling Pushy When Selling! | GBP 208

You’re a female entrepreneur that wants to crush it at sales, yet your pits still sweat, you feel fear of rejection and you question if you’re going to come across too pushy!! In this episode I want to help you to remember how you can sell...
June 13, 2022

GBP Your Vision Is Going to The Next Level Now! | GBP 207

The vision that you desire to live and grow is important. It is needed to be carried out through you and if you feel like blocks are always getting in your way, this episode is for you! What if you knew your aligned action would always bring you what...
June 6, 2022

Big Business Goals In Your Feminine | GBP 206

Do you have a goal for your business but you feel like achieving it is hard? I want to help you achieve your big goals in your feminine so it comes with more ease and flow! In Today’s Episode You Will Learn: How to overcome the limitations stopping...
May 30, 2022

Dissolve Any Business Blocks By Embracing Your Feminine Gifts | GBP 205

Do you feel like no matter how much action you take or strategy you apply, you still find yourself not progressing the way you’d like in your business? I know for a woman with a business you must learn your feminine gifts to allow that flow back in...
May 23, 2022

How Voicing Your Pure Desire Can Heal Your Relationship | GBP 204

It sure is easy to complain and focus on what it is that is upsetting you, isn’t? Especially in relationship! Do you want to know how to find and voice your pure desires?? What happens when you do voice your pure desire is you become more magnetic...
May 16, 2022

Embrace Your Softer Self and Live Magnetic! | GBP 203

Do you struggle to get into your softer, feminine self after your busy day? Are you holding your partner to blame for your lack of happiness or joy?? Today we talk about how all of this is linked and what you can do about it! In Today’s Episode You...
May 9, 2022

Keys To Increase Love, Money & Success with Jenna Faye | GBP 202

If you are ready to do life with more ease, grace and flow, listen to this new episode with my friend Jenna Faye from Soul Meets Strategy! We go deep into how you can increase your love, money and success as a woman in business! In Today’s Episode...
May 2, 2022

You Hold The Key In Your Relationship! | GBP 201

You as the feminine hold the key in your relationship to being desired and cherished and having your relationship thrive! In this episode we dive into ways you can actually start to get what you desire easily and receive his cherishing. In Today’s...
April 25, 2022

How To Save Your Falling Marriage | GBP 200

Do you question if your marriage will last? Have you bee arguing more or missing feeling loved, seen and heard?! You’re not alone. This episode we talk about how you can correct your relationship! In Today’s Episode You Will Learn: How marriage...
April 18, 2022

How To Receive As a Woman with Ryan Yokome | GBP 199

Are you unsure how to actually get into your feminine and receive? Would it support you to have some simple steps? In this episode Ryan and I share some great steps and honest truth for you to embrace your femininity and receive deeply in your life!...
April 11, 2022

How To Safely Express Your Emotions and What Happens When You Do | GBP 198

Do you feel you hold your emotions or doubts in because you don’t want to burden someone else? Maybe you’re like me and had a story that your emotions and feelings “aren’t important” and you can just deal with them on your own… Today we...
April 4, 2022

The Topic of Money & Independence | GBP197

I had a couple BIG questions come in this week “how do you transition your partner to take care of the bills?” and “Is being an independent woman holding me back from deeper love in my relationship?” So, in this episode we talk about how...
March 28, 2022

Why Respecting Your Man Will Help Your Marriage and Business | GBP 196

If you want your man to step up in masculinity and lead in your relationship and or business, this episode is for you! We got deep into why respecting your masculine partner will help your marriage and also your wealth as a family! In Today’s...
March 21, 2022

Money In Marriage | GBP 195

Do you and your partner refer to money as “his” and “mine”? This questions came up from a couple people so I wanted to go deeper into with you! Money in marriage is something you get to negotiate. Who’s going to manage the money and pay the...
March 14, 2022

Speaking Your Truth with Ryan Yokome | GBP194

Do you feel the urge to just stand up and speak out? Or have you felt called to focus on what you have control over within yourself? In this episode Ryan and I share what we have learned over these challenging two years and what we are doing to stay...
March 7, 2022

Understanding How To Cast Out Curses and Inner Blocks| GBP193

This conversation around deliverance and casting out spirits has been HOT on the podcast! Let’s keep this important conversation going and today I want to give you some simple steps on how you can cast out curses, entities and inner blocks. ...
Feb. 28, 2022

Live In Love No Matter How Uncertain Life Is | GBP192

I have a personal share today and one that I know will help you to live in total love, no matter how uncertain life is!You and I get to have total trust in God as we learn, give, receive and love deeply during our time here!   In Today’s...
Feb. 21, 2022

Heal Your Fragmented Soul | GBP191

Do you feel like something is seriously holding you down from creating your dreams and destiny? No matter how hard you work on yourself, you are still facing old limitations? Our souls get fragmented and if we don’t do the healing, we can keep...
Feb. 14, 2022

True Possibility to Spiritual Prosperity |GBP190

Do you feel prosperous in your life? Honestly, I know we have two different ‘worlds’ running right now and in this episode I want to share with you how you can see the possibilities and receive spiritual prosperity in your life today!   In...
Feb. 7, 2022

Tips To Know What Is Your Right Next Step | GBP189

I get open and honest with what I’m feeling as a wife, mother and business owner today. Some days you can question what your next step is and what is right for you in this season…. Instead of staying in confused energy, let’s create a shift...
Jan. 31, 2022

When Your Feminine Heart Roars | GBP188

We are in a mass awakening right now and your feminine heart is roaring and needs to be heard! Have you been investing time into your hearts guidance and what God is asking of you today? Let’s explore the magnitude of this and create a better...
Jan. 24, 2022

Stop Walking On Eggshells Around Your Partner |GBP187

I love having deep conversations with women who are ready to create a massive shift in their life and relationship. Many of the conversations have been around how they never ask for what they want in their relationship and how they feel like they need...