July 16, 2024

What is a Transformational Mentor? | EP087

What is a Transformational Mentor? | EP087

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Fulfillment in Faith with your host, Shannan Mondor. Today, she explores the profound impact of transformational mentorship. Shannan shares her journey from addiction, mental illness, and loss to healing and empowerment, thanks to mentors like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Louise Hay. She defines a transformational mentor as someone who uses their life experiences, from trauma to triumph, to guide others toward self-discovery and greatness. While emphasizing the importance of self-love, forgiveness, and responsibility in this process and introduces her four programs designed to help you on your journey.

Join us to discover how transformational mentorship can catalyze profound change in your life.


Website: https://shannanmondor.com

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fulfillment-in-faith/id1653165886

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Book: https://www.amazon.ca/How-Hell-Did-Get-Here/dp/0228871220

Email- info@shannanmondor.com 

When you have faith in yourself you will have fulfilment in all areas of your life!

See you next week and blessing to all!!! 

Shannan Mondor:

Hello everyone, and thank you for listening to my podcast fulfilment in faith. I am your host Shannan Mondor. If you like this podcast, please send to a friend share, like, subscribe and write a review. Today I am talking about what is a transformational mentor? I get asked this question all the time. So I am here to tell you exactly what it is in my definition. A transformational mentor to me is someone that has personally experienced many things in life, and is willingly openly and freely sharing those experiences for the sake to help others. They know this is their life purpose. It is true their experiences of trauma, The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, along with self discovery, that they have learned invaluable tools that helped them to heal and have found their greatness within. They realize that their past experiences are now their gifts to help and work with others. They understand vulnerability as a gateway to freedom and is an incredible strength. It is true their journey they have found self love and their own transformation, that they are using this information to help guide others to also find their greatness within. No, I am not a therapist or a psychologist. But I am a transformational mentor. I am exactly what my definition is. I was brought up at a home of addiction, physical and mental abuse and I suffered mental illness. I was addicted to alcohol for many years, and I did go to treatment. I have suffered depression and anxiety to the point of me wanting to commit suicide. I know what it feels like to live in fear, shame, sadness, loneliness, to devalue myself. I also disrespected myself and I believed I was ugly for many, many years. In my past, I was a people pleaser, a chameleon, and I let others control my entire life. I have attracted abusive relationships with narcissists. And very, very sadly, I lost my baby girl to brittle bone disease. I have endured so much pain and sorrow in my life. But I did find a way to rise above it all. Starting in my 20s, I began seeking therapy to deal with the traumas of my childhood. I am a very strong believer in people going to seek help for their mental health. Because our minds need just as much care as our bodies do. I strongly believe that society needs to see that there is nothing wrong with going to see a therapist. And it should be normalized just as much as going to see any type of medical professional. The biggest thing I found for me was that I had gotten to a certain level with my therapy, and it was no longer helping me. It seemed it even kept out. Even after working with different therapists. It was not enough or they couldn't understand me. And the connection was lost. It was like they kept on going back to my past over and over and over. That's all we ever talked about was my past. I was tired of talking about my past and I wanted to seek help for tools to get me to my future dreams, goals and advancement. I felt like I was at a point that I was stuck. The therapists and I lost connection because they didn't experience what I had gone through. So they couldn't understand my feelings. And it became extremely difficult for me to express myself because they were guiding me from what they knew, which came from a textbook. So this is where my personal development journey started to take form. I needed mentors that had lived a similar life to mine. I still continued with therapy over the years. But I also started to implement the teachings of my mentors, which are Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay. There is such a big list of people that were my mentors. And it was through their teachings that I slowly started to understand that everything that I ever created or was going to create in the future came from within me. And that meant everything. It was in these teachings that I started to believed, trust and love myself. It was from studying reading and taking courses for years from these mentors, that I embraced the tools I was taught that guided me out of the darkness that I had lived for so so long. Those tools also showed me how to take full and complete responsibility for my actions from the past and all The days going forward. I learned how to forgive, have compassion, believe, have faith and to have gratitude as well. Transformation is a journey and it takes time. This is why I offer four programs. You are not alone in doing it. I am there guiding you to your journey of self discovery and finding your inner greatness. I hope I explained it well enough for you. And if you want more info, go to my website and book a discovery call. www. Shannan Mondor.com Blessings to all