Oct. 8, 2024

From Suppression to Success: A Mindset Shift with Jacqueline Francis | EP099

From Suppression to Success: A Mindset Shift with Jacqueline Francis | EP099

Today I am joined by Jacqueline Francis, a brilliant self-image and mindset coach from Ontario, Canada. We first met through Diamond Academy, and today we dive into her transformative journey from working as a probation officer to becoming an entrepreneur. Jacqueline shares how, after the birth of her second child, she felt a deep yearning for more in life—something she initially suppressed. Her family's venture into real estate in 2016, and the personal development it sparked, opened her eyes to the power of managing her thoughts, feelings, and actions. Meeting a coach who introduced her to the power of the subconscious mind became a pivotal moment that aligned her with her true purpose.

Jacqueline's story is one of resilience and courage. She candidly speaks about overcoming financial challenges to join a coaching program, learning to ask for help, and realizing the importance of receiving support. Her journey through personal development didn’t stop with real estate—it evolved as she embraced her identity, let go of alcohol, and shifted her mindset toward compassion and growth. Jacqueline's commitment to rewriting limiting beliefs has changed her life, and she now dedicates herself to guiding others in their self-image and mindset transformation. Her advice? Start with awareness, question your beliefs, and surround yourself with a supportive community.

About Jacqueline Francis:

I am dedicated to helping individuals make profound shifts at an identity level by transforming their self-image. As a self-image coach, I believe that our perceptions of ourselves shape our reality. My mission is to guide you in reimagining and redefining who you are, allowing you to step into your true potential.

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IG @iecjacqueline

FB https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacqueline-francis-iec


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Book: https://www.amazon.ca/How-Hell-Did-Get-Here/dp/0228871220

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When you have faith in yourself you will have fulfilment in all areas of your life!

See you next week and blessing to all!!! 

Shannan Mondor:

Hello everybody. My name is Shannan Mondor, and I thank you for coming to my podcast, fulfillment in faith today. So today, my guest is Jacqueline Francis, how are you doing? Jacqueline,

Jacqueline Francis:

I'm doing amazing. Happy Tuesday. Ah,

Shannan Mondor:

no kidding. Hey. Ah, so I want the audience members to know that I met Jacqueline about a year ago, and we belong to an organization called Diamond Academy, which was created with Kathleen Cameron. And one thing I can honestly say about diamond Academy is there is a family that has been created, and we are such a strong family, and I get so excited about these events that Kathleen puts on live events, and yeah, and she just started doing that here within about the last six months, eight months, or whatever. And this is where I met this beautiful woman, and we connected right away. I don't know if it was because of her personality or I just seen her fashion statement when she walked in the room. She's got the most beautiful, classy out there clothes. Her hair is amazing. Yeah. I just love Jacqueline from the moment that I met her. So this is why I wanted to bring her on fulfillment in faith, so every single one of you would fall in love with her as well. So what I'm going to do is I'm Oh yeah, the little heart. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to let Jacqueline take the floor now, and she's going to introduce a little bit about herself, where she's from, and then she's going to go right into her story.

Jacqueline Francis:

Thank you so much. And yes, it was amazing. We did like right away when we met, and it was so beautiful. Now I'm Jacqueline everyone. Jacqueline Francis, I live here in Canada and Ontario, and currently I am a self image and mindset coach, and that journey is something that I never thought I could even say that I would be this one day. I have three kids, I'm married, and I started my like career, so to speak, as a probation officer. And I loved that job. I thought it was everything that I wanted to be. It was like, sort of my dream job at the time. Fell into entrepreneurship when I got pregnant with my second daughter, and started working for my husband, and that was great, because I was able to stay at home with the kids. They were small at the time, and I was that stay at home mom and I did my little work on the side, and life was good, except I always had this nagging feeling that I needed something more. Like, I don't know if any of you have felt that way, but something just keeps telling you, like, you're meant for more. You're meant for more. But I would kind of shove it down. I'd be like, I don't really know what else I could do. Life is good, yeah, and it's story, right? And this feeling just kept prolonging within me, and I didn't think too much of it. In 2016 we decided to venture into real estate, and we joined and what I guess you would call it like a education company at the time that was teaching people about real estate and the different investing streams and things like that. We it blew our mind, because, you know, all my life I was I grew up thinking, you gotta pay off your house. You gotta pay that mortgage off. You gotta just, you know, get that job, go to work, and that's it. End all be all go on vacation a couple times, and life is good. That wasn't what I was taught, and it worked for a little bit, but my husband still, like the kids were young, so we didn't take it seriously. So life prolonged, right? We decided to buy a condo in 2018 then by 2020 he had wanted to revisit this real estate thing again, and I was like, Sure, because I felt that I was always the supporting wife anything he wanted to do. He had big ideas, so I was always behind him and what role like? I mean, in the back of my mind, I would always think, like, what role is this like, do? I didn't really feel like I had a voice. It was always like, let's do this. Sure. No problem. I was very and I still am very supportive in all of his big ideas and wanting to get ahead, which was great. So we jumped back into real estate investing. But this time, it was a little bit different. This time personal development started to show its, I guess, its face to me. And I was like, whoa. This is really interesting, because a lot of the things that I was learning about being in this space was when challenges arise, how are you going to manage it? And I never had thought about that, because when you get mad, just get upset, you blow up, you stop talking to someone for a while and or you shove it into the carpet, and life goes on. I just didn't realize. That there was more to life, that you can control your situation, your circumstances, your thoughts, your feelings, your actions. And as the saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher will show up. And I met this woman on a boat cruise, and it's crazy the way, when I look back and think about it, how the dots connected, like I had to, you know, get into real estate investing at the time, meet these group of women that were, you know, lawyers and investors and developers and things like that. And then they were having a boat cruise. It was a yacht party one day, and I met this woman who had was talking about her being a coach. And I was like, Oh, that's very interesting. I'm going to pick her brain later on. So I did, and it blew my mind, because she was talking about concepts, like, money is energy. She never flies at the back of the plane. She always flies first class. She controls her thoughts. And I was like, what? Okay, so she invited me to an event about two weeks later, and I went, and I was very much blown away. And at this live event, I learned about the subconscious mind. I learned about the power of the mind, how our, you know, consciously, we want things, but subconsciously, we have this programming that sometimes doesn't allow us to get the thing that we truly want because of, you know, whatever we feel inside of us that hasn't either been dealt with, that hasn't either been acknowledged, whatever that is. And that's when everything changed for me, and soon after, I decided to join a coaching program, because something felt like home. It finally felt like something resonated with me, and the puzzle pieces fit together. And I never had this type of feeling before, because everything just made sense to me, like I felt like I finally understood who I was being and where I was going shortly after, yeah,

Shannan Mondor:

I want to cut in here for a minute. And what really resonated with me when you were talking is when you had said, when you looked back and you could see how the dots had all aligned. For me, that was a big, pivotal moment, and that was when I knew I was on my right path. Oh, yeah, any of you out there that are listening to this right now, and you're at that state where we were, and you can look back on your life, and you can see where the dots have all aligned to get you to where you are right now, that's when you know 100% that you are on your right path. Yeah,

Jacqueline Francis:

very true. It's

Shannan Mondor:

a pivotal moment, pivotal

Jacqueline Francis:

moment. Even through that experience like this coaching opportunity came up for me to actually take a program to be a certified coach. And it was very scary, because I had to deal with, like, this huge amount of money that I had no idea where I was going to get. And then I learned through that experience the power of being open to receive, the power of letting my ego go, so that way I can ask for help. Instead of feeling like, Oh, I've got to figure this out on my own, the ideas came to me and it was like, let me ask and see what happens. Like, never be afraid to just ask. I know some of us have grown up thinking it's not right to ask for money, or, you know, it's not good. You need to figure things out on your own, but you don't. I'm here to tell you you don't. So be open to however way money is going to flow to you. And that's a different conversation. It

Shannan Mondor:

is because we are always the ones. We are the one and the only one that is stopping the money coming to us. We are the ones that put the kink in that hose by what

Jacqueline Francis:

beliefs are, yes, 100% so shortly after I signed up for that coaching program, it was like a month or two later, I met Kathleen, and she showed up in my life at Diamond Academy. And this opened up another chapter. And I was like, wow, this is so interesting how I never knew this world of manifesting personal development at all, until I decided to take that leap of faith and say, Okay, I'm going to open up to something very unknown, very brand new. And then these incredible, powerful women started to show up in my life. I took the coaching program, and I just knew at that point, this is what I meant to do. This is what I'm here to teach people, to help them understand themselves. And when I was going through it, it was this, this idea of, like, what do I want to coach on? And so self image came up. And I thought it was so powerful, because I So personally, I never heard of that concept before. I never knew what, what it was like. I thought again, it was just, you know, your self image, what you think, like, what you see in the mirror, kind of saying, but it really wasn't. It was really this idea that's embedded into us from when we're small. Pick up this, these ideas, these beliefs about who we think we are, and then we make them our own. So we live from this identity that truly isn't even ours sometimes. And once you start. To peel away the layers. Ask yourself questions, go deep and go within. You can start to unravel some of the beliefs, some of the patterning that does not belong to you, and you can cultivate a way more powerful self image than the one you might be currently living when you start to see yourself as you truly are, and strip away at things that are not in alignment with your best self, things that are not in alignment with the path that you're going. But none of that happened for me until I became aware of what I needed to let go of Yeah,

Shannan Mondor:

to happen Yeah, and that that's like me. I I had my awareness to that, yeah? Why I quit drinking on August 17 of 2019, because I had my awakening to awareness. Because it was like, Oh my gosh, the identity that I've been carrying my entire life was not mine. It was my abusers, because he told me, ever since I was just a little tiny person, that I was dumb, I was stupid, I was never going to amount to anything. I was good for nothing, and I believed that, but I believed it not on a conscious level. It was all on a subconscious level, yeah, and I was living but, but that's where all the damage is. That's where all those beliefs are locked in. And when I became aware of that, it was like, Oh my gosh, that is not who I am. No wonder I had resistance all throughout my whole entire life, and I became addicted to alcohol, yeah, because that wasn't who I was. But then I could see, like, oh my god, that I could have compassion towards my abuser, because I wasn't his identity either, right? That was who abused him, which was my father. Right? Now I could start to open up my eyes and start to have compassion and forgiveness for all these people that had hurt me throughout my whole life because they were just as damaged as I was. Yeah, that's so I want anybody that this is really resonating with, especially if you have an addiction or are going through this process right now, that you really need to look at your identity, how you look at yourself, because I can tell you right now, it's not yours that was instilled in you by somebody else, and that's why you've got resistance towards it, toward yourself. That's why you've got that addiction. Yeah,

Jacqueline Francis:

yeah. And I have a very similar story as well. Like, um, alcohol was always fun for me, right? Like, you drank, and it's so social, and it was just one of those, like, I had that reputation of, like, I can take a lot of shots, and I, you know, probably half a bottle just on shots alone. And that was the thing, like I just did that. I That was the identity I held for a very long time. And then I started to, you know, my body wasn't handling it. I would start to black out at times and not know. And then it got to the point where I was blacking out all the time. And I met this woman in Diamond Academy who was my manifestation mentor. That's the term now that they use, Shannan. Oh, Shannan. Yeah, Shannan. B incredible.

Shannan Mondor:

Shannan squared. Did you know where Shannan squared when we're together? I love that

Jacqueline Francis:

Shannan. Love her, and she was actually the first person I had talked to in Diamond Academy. I was assigned to her, and we shared a very similar story, and she's the one that actually put this idea in my head. When she was telling me alcohol start like she started to reject alcohol, where she started to get really sick, something within me started to say, what if that is happening to me, but just in a different way. So I'm not getting sick, but I'm blacking out, so I'm like, Huh, that's interesting. And I had never had that awareness before, because, you know, I'd always, I don't have the excuses. Well, I didn't drink enough water, I didn't eat too much food. Oh, I drank tequila rather than vodka. It was all these things because I had no understanding of, like, exactly what was happening, maybe on a subconscious level. And when she told me that it's like something started to, like nudge at me. Maybe this is the reason. Maybe this is the reason. And I had tried to give up alcohol before, because I was sort of forced to do it, because I had landed in a situation that changed my life, because that situation helped me to open up to things like manifestation, things like these women coming to my life and showing me what was possible for me being with somebody for so long I'm married 14 years, been together almost 26 with my husband, so I was 17 when I met him. I'm 44 now, and I realize now that being with someone for so long and understanding this work and this material they come with their own damage their own. Baggage, right? And being so young, you take on, sometimes, their identity. You take on what they tell you that you are so I was, I felt like I was living in the shadow when, you know, he'd be like, Oh, don't you know, you talk too much. You do this. Don't shine your light like it's all these things that I played so small because he wasn't comfortable with me being who I was. So it was always like hiding in the shadows, right? You can't tell people about this, you know, don't talk about this personal thing. Don't tell people my business. So that means don't talk about your business. It was always and and it didn't like, it wasn't a problem before, because I didn't have the awareness to know what was happening, until I started to understand myself, and I started to look back, and same thing with you. I was able to give him compassion for what he had gone through when he was younger, the environments that he was in that programmed him to be this way, and so that programming that that served him and that he held on to was now projected onto me, and I was like, no more, like, I'm not living this way anymore. This is right. I had to take a step out of the comfort zone and decide to start my own business, decide that, you know, I needed to change my identity of who, of who I was being, and step into this version of my like, true, authentic self that I can like, wear this crazy hair, I can like, wear these amazing clothes, because that's what makes me feel good, and this is why I'm so compact like I'm so passionate about helping women, helping men, helping Even teens, really come to terms with who they truly are within

Shannan Mondor:

when when you look at individuals out there, because we know so much about emotions and feelings and that, like with me, I probably have the most compassion for People that have jealousy. Oh, wow, especially towards me, yeah, um, because I used to have a lot of jealousy, okay? Because I never thought I was good enough for any of that. But now, when I see people with you know that are extreme jealous, that means that they are putting a lack of limitation on themselves, right? And I've been there, I know what it's like. So it's like, oh my gosh. You can have what I have, or you can have what Sally has, or you can have whatever. Stop putting limits on yourself. So my question to you is, what emotional state do you see in others that you have the most compassion to them for. I

Jacqueline Francis:

think it's a complaining. It's the complaining. And when people say and it's so like, it like, rolls off their tongue, when they're like, Oh, I can't do that. I'm not like, when people actually say that and verbalize it like, How many times have they repeated that to themselves? Because then I think I must have done that. How many times have I maybe complained, or sat in a group of friends where we complained, or we talked about other people and they started to see how terrible that was, and that energy could be used for something better, instead of like, that low vibration that I'm now sitting and like, what gives me the what gives me the like, like, permission to talk about other people. I don't know them. I don't know what life they're living. So I'm not like, why am I judging them? Right? Because the same way I'm judging others, they're judging me. So I decided to, like, eliminate the complaining and the judgment it comes up. And this is where you, you know, it's a muscle. You train it, right? It's directly

Shannan Mondor:

together. Concentrate. Becomes better. There. There is constant training and, and, of course, we're humans. They're, you know, I'll be driving along or whatever, and I'll start thinking about something, and then the next thing you know, I'll have that emotion of, okay, let's say jealousy,

Jacqueline Francis:

yeah, I'll

Shannan Mondor:

be like, Oh my gosh, that is jealousy, right there. Stop that, Shannan, because I'm putting the limit on that. Or, yeah, but there. But that's what I love about personal development, is we can go inside ourselves and, you know, we know what's right and what's not right. And then we can be like, Okay, what is it within me? Why am I thinking this way? And then we can go deeper and deeper and deeper. And that's what I love about where I am in my life, yeah,

Jacqueline Francis:

and I, too, never used to do that like I would just,

Shannan Mondor:

I would just go with those angry emotions. Then I would gossip. You know what I mean? Like, oh, I yeah, I was so low vibration, I can't even believe it,

Jacqueline Francis:

yeah. And then I could see looking back, who I attracted into my life, yeah, who I surrounded myself with, right? Because when I am at that frequency. What I'm bringing. And when that started to change, people dropped out of my life. People fell away. And now I can understand why they fell away. And I was at peace with that. Yeah, I knew I was growing, and I knew they were just not meant to go in the direction that I was going in. And that brought me to eventually, I made a decision in 2023 that I was going to stop drinking alcohol. I wanted more clarity, I wanted my intuition to get stronger, and I decided I was going to try it for six months, but it became longer, and so now I'm here at a year and a half no alcohol, and I don't even know, like, I've never missed it. It's not something. And, you know, at one point, about three, four years ago, I thought it would have been the hardest thing to give up, hardest ever, because I just I loved drinking. It was, it was, but then I came to see that it wasn't who I truly was, right?

Shannan Mondor:

And it's, it's so funny, because when you truly love yourself, you don't need any of that, yeah, oh my god. You want to deal with your emotions. You know you're that an emotion is popping up for one specific reason, which is something that needs to be healed within you to take you to the next step of elevation, right? Why high elevated people you will not see drink very often at all, like, there's like, really, nobody? Well, I'm going to say there's one person in my life that drinks. Anybody else that I don't, yeah, they might have one, but I don't, I don't even, I'm not even around people that get intoxicated anymore. Yeah, they don't need to,

Jacqueline Francis:

right? That's the thing. I was always this party girl, like, let's drink. And I got like, you know, my personality, where I thought my personality came out, but I realized I was just masking Right? Like I wanted to be accepted by the people I was around. So the alcohol made me be accepted. And then when I got rid of that, I realized I can still be accepted by the right people. I don't need this thing to help me be anything other than who I am right now. I could dance still. I could, like, enjoy myself. I can still, like, be this shining, bright star and have conversations, feel that I'm outgoing, and make friends without the alcohol.

Shannan Mondor:

Speaking of dancing, that is one thing, you know, liquid courage to get up on the dance floor. Yeah, I can remember when I when I started dancing without having a drop of alcohol, getting up on that dance floor, shaking my booty, and it was like the most freeing thing ever. And I could actually look around the dance floor and I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm actually up here. Having fun. I'm doing it, and I don't care what anybody thinks. This is all about me now,

Jacqueline Francis:


Shannan Mondor:

yeah, and that's what my feeling,

Jacqueline Francis:

yeah, it's a freeing feeling. But it took, you know, it took me going through that journey. It took me getting into a car accident, getting arrested for drinking and driving, to wake me up and say and that was, as I mentioned, that was a turning point for me that happened in 2019 and to speak of that, that is where the power of belief for me became Very strong, because I had to convince myself that I was not going to be convicted of these charges. It took three years for the whole court process to go through for different judges. Lawyer dropping. You know, different things happening for that day in November 2022, I believe, where everything was wiped away, and I walked away with being free and clear. And I would write that down, and I would keep telling myself, you know, I'm I'm not going to be I'm like, I'm going to be free of this. I'm going to walk away free of this, like, whatever I needed to do, I convinced myself, and I always go back to that experience. Actually, it was recently that brought me back to that experience of like, Wow. I believed in the possibility that I was not going to be convicted of this. Because, I mean, drinking, driving, Canada is a huge conviction, right? I needed my license. I drove the kids to school to practice a dance class, basketball, like I can't have this breathalyzer. And I understood, you know, what was happening. I looked back and said, okay, the universe, God, source spirit, said to me, you need to freaking wait. Cup. This is something that I'm going to put into your life, but I'm going to just make it so big, but, but not where you're at the point where it's devastating, but it is. It is devastating that it's going to be a huge wake up call for you, and this is going to be a turning point for you. Now you're going to take this experience and you're going to help change people's lives.

Shannan Mondor:

There's been so many things that you've experienced, and you just named a few of them, and I know that there's way more. But what it is, what is it throughout your whole journey up to this date, do you feel that you have learned the most

Jacqueline Francis:

believe in myself to put the power back in my hands to stop seeking validation, even if it's from my husband, because he was the person that I that I sought out the most validation from. I needed his approval for everything, for his permission, right? I was always seeking like, Oh, is he going to tell me I'm going to do my hair? Is he going to tell me I look pretty enough? Do you like what I'm wearing? I'm wearing? Is it okay that I, you know, even take the course? I was still seeking permission, and now I realize that I don't need anybody's permission, right? I can have your support. I just need myself to be aligned with the decisions that I'm making. And that is the most powerful thing I learned throughout this journey that I have the capability and the power within me to start my own business, to take care of the kids, to be financially independent, and everything else is extra.

Shannan Mondor:

So someone that's listening to this podcast, would you give them that same advice, or is there more of an extension of what you're saying that you would like them to know to get them to where we are right now? Yeah,

Jacqueline Francis:

it starts with awareness. It starts with awareness. Sometimes it could even start with getting into a community of people that can help you to realize your dreams, and then from there, you know, you will start to question things about your life. You will start to question the beliefs that you have. Why am I thinking this? Why do I always tell myself that I'm not good enough? Why am I feeling like I'm not good enough? What does it feel like to be good enough, and just by having those initial introductory thoughts, can open up so many doors. All you have to do is start questioning your beliefs and who you are, and

Shannan Mondor:

that's the thing we like. I look back before, I never questioned anything. No, neither did I. I just went with the flow of things, or never questioned anything about myself, because I was so worried about what everybody else thought. I worried about the questions that other people would think of me, not the questions that I was asking myself. Ever, never would I have thought of it that way. I gave everybody else the power, right? It's I'm, I'm the power, right? I know I am the power,

Jacqueline Francis:

even when my husband would tell me things like, I would just believe what he said, right? If he's like, Oh, well, you know, this is not going to work out because of x, y and z, I just went along with that. I never just, I never questioned, Well, where did he get that from? Is that even his belief or did he pick that up from somewhere else? I don't need to choose to. Isn't that

Shannan Mondor:

funny. Now, when you look at your spouse or whatever, and you're like, oh, my god, yeah, yeah, you can so see where they have that belief system, because down, you can see it in their parents and then, and then to teach about identity too, because it's like, Wow, holy smokes. It's such a eye opener, it is,

Jacqueline Francis:

and you don't even realize that you're carrying around these things. Like, I had no clue about what was in my subconscious mind, that my subconscious mind was controlling the things that I was doing, controlling my debt, that's where my identity is stored in my subconscious, until I had that realization and know and and knew and understood that I can change it like we can, like we are, like a computer program in here, right? And all we need to do is rewrite the program through repetition, through belief and through faith. Yep,

Shannan Mondor:

absolutely. Oh, this is such a good interview. I love talking to you. So my last and final question is, where are you now in? Oh, my

Jacqueline Francis:

gosh, yeah, I'm in a great place. I still navigate challenges. I mean, we all do. I understand the laws of the universe. I understand the law of rhythm. I understand the law of opposites, right? And we're going to experience contrast in our lives. And now I welcome it. I say thank you, because I know the best is yet to come, and I'm coaching right now. So I have some coaching slots available. I'm, you know, helping as much as I can, because I understand now that my place in this world is to be of service to others. And if I can just bring a smile to your face, if I can just help you shift your perspective in just one small area of your life through a conversation, then I know that I've served that person in the best way possible. I live by the idea of leaving everybody with the impression of increase that stood out to me. That is the one belief that I hold so dear to my heart.

Shannan Mondor:

Yep, that's absolutely beautiful. So if anybody wants to reach out to Jacqueline, you can go into the podcast notes, and that's where all of her information is, and she's all, yeah, she's all over social media, Facebook, Instagram, yeah, I follow her. Of course I follow her. Why wouldn't I not follow her? Yeah? So I absolutely loved every minute with you. So thank you so much. And you know what? For being a part of my journey, I attracted you into my life, and that's

Jacqueline Francis:

what I wanted same, you know? So

Shannan Mondor:

thank you so much. Jacqueline,

Jacqueline Francis:

thank you. This has been amazing. Wow.