Season 1

Jan. 21, 2022

Crystal Gregory - Freedom through Coaching Business

On today’s episode, Jeff interviews Crystal Gregory. Crystal is the epitome of a Freedom Day entrepreneur. In 2020 Crystal was laid off from her corporate job during the pandemic and had to find a new way to generate income f...
Jan. 20, 2022

Freedom Engine - Amazon Store

In today’s episode, Jeff begins a series of shows exploring possible Freedom Engines. In this show, Jeff shares his experience running an Amazon Store which became his first successful business. Jeff shares his story of how h...
Dec. 31, 2021

How to Set Your Goals For 2022

On today’s episode, Jeff discusses simplified strategies for setting your goals for the next year. The end of the year is the best time to set goals that you will actually complete. Jeff discusses: The new way to do goal plan...
Dec. 29, 2021

Using the “Three Markets or Desires” to Determine Who Your Business Will Serve

On today’s episode, Jeff shares what is known as the “Three Markets or Desires”. This is the process that you will use when you create your Freedom Engine to help you determine who your business will serve. Jeff covers: The T...
Dec. 24, 2021

What I am doing to prepare for 2022

On today’s episode, Jeff talks about what he is doing to prepare for 2022. Annually Jeff begins his next year planning the week prior to Christmas and runs through the first week of the new year. During this time Jeff will be...
Dec. 22, 2021

How in the Heck Do I Get So Many Things Done?

In today’s episode, Jeff discusses one of the most common questions that he gets which is “How are you able to do so many things?” Jeff will share: His Daily Routine. How he tracks his time. How he sets up his calendar. The L...
Dec. 21, 2021

Why the Tax System is Stacked Against Employees

In this episode, we discuss how the tax system is stacked against employees. Business owners have an advantage in the tax system because of how it was originally created. We will discuss: Origins of Income Tax System in the U...
Dec. 15, 2021

The Book that Connected Me to My Grandpa

In this episode, we discuss Dale Carnegie’s, "How to Win Friends and Influence People". This is a book that I found in my Grandpa’s library after he died. For someone that was always an employee, 40 years with GM, my grandpa’...
Dec. 13, 2021

A Cautionary Tale - My First Freedom Day

We talk about a cautionary tale from my first Freedom Day on today’s show. Just because you no longer work for someone else, it doesn’t mean that you are free. In this episode, we discuss: Jeff quit his job and went out on hi...
Dec. 10, 2021

Take a Snowball to Debt Freedom

On today’s show we talk about what it takes to be financially free. One of the key things that you must do is eliminate debt. Debt is cancer in your finances and if you do not eliminate it, you will never be truly free. In th...
Dec. 9, 2021

How much Money Do You Need To Be Financially Free?

On today’s show we talk about what it takes to be financially free. This is a loaded question because it can mean a dollar amount, an amount of income, or an asset that produces enough income. We discuss the concepts of: Free...
Dec. 7, 2021

Stop Whining...Start Doing!

Up to this point, we have discussed the principles of Freedom Day, we have talked about how to get out of debt, how to control your finances, and how to find a Freedom Engine (™) that is going to help you reach your dreams, a...
Dec. 2, 2021

Finding Your Freedom Engine

In previous episodes, we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. In today’s show, we discuss the cornerstone of the Freedom Day strategy, the Freedom Engine (™) We will discuss: What ...
Nov. 27, 2021

Living for Weekends and Vacations

In previous episodes, we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. In today’s show, we discuss what to do if you really dislike your job.. We will discuss: What happens if you hate your...
Nov. 26, 2021

Special Thanksgiving Episode

Jeff shares what he is thankful for on this special Thanksgiving episode of the show. Jeff shares his thanks to: His wife Crystal His family The team at BKA Wealth Consulting The team at T-Werx Coworking His new team at Apric...
Nov. 25, 2021

From the Corporate World to becoming an Entrepreneur with Laura Capes Terry

In previous episodes, we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. In today’s show, Jeff interviews Laura Capes Terry. We will discuss: How Laura went from 25 years in the corporate wor...
Nov. 22, 2021

The Big Reveal - My New Freedom Engine

After teasing this for weeks, on today's show Jeff shares his new Freedom Engine (tm) to the audience. What another business? Always wanting to lead from the front, Jeff believes that if he tells you that you need to start a ...
Nov. 16, 2021

When You Know It is Finally Time To Quit Your Job

In previous episodes, we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. In today’s show, we discuss when it is finally time to quit your job. We will discuss: First, should you quit your job...
Nov. 13, 2021

Creating the Blueprint for Your Freedom Day

In previous episodes, we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. In today’s show, we begin to discuss creating the blueprint for your Freedom Day. We will discuss: Understanding how m...
Nov. 11, 2021

Making Debt Go Bye Bye

In previous episodes, we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. In today’s show, we discuss the biggest financial cancer that people face, debt. Carrying debt is the biggest threat t...
Nov. 9, 2021

The Four Principles of Freedom Day

In previous episodes we discussed the different aspects of Freedom Day and what that means in your world. Today we would like to discuss the 4 key principles of Freedom Day. These principles are the guiding philosophy that we...
Oct. 30, 2021

The Most Important Business Book I Ever Read

In this episode, I will talk about the book that I had read titled Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, which helped me realize to change habits and helped me discover the CashFlow Quadrant that changed my entire life. We wi...
Oct. 28, 2021

You are not a victim of your job. Take Control of Life

Losing my insurance, no retirement plan, and income security; are excuses for not taking risks outside our job. I will also share my story of the day I got fired and my irrational fear for the next 10 years, which led me to m...
Oct. 26, 2021

Forget about Retirement, Plan Your Freedom Day

In this episode, Jeff discusses why did he stop talking about retirement. We have to know what the difference is between having your own "Freedom Day" and Retirement. The first step towards your "Freedom Day" Determining Your...