FF88: Global Impact Built By Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs with Angela Faye

In this episode, Angela Faye shares her love to empower individuals and geographically connected property owners to imagine and build ‘Places Worth Living For.’ Angela also shares her work with property owners to collectively build commercial...
In this episode, Angela Faye shares her love to empower individuals and geographically connected property owners to imagine and build ‘Places Worth Living For.’ Angela also shares her work with property owners to collectively build commercial ecosystems that are purpose driven.
Highlights From This Episode:
- How entrepreneurs can leverage their high return assets into an ecosystem that is purpose driven
- Leveraging the geographical environment to build a place worth living for
- Commercial property owners collectively building a Massive Transformative Purpose
- Companies working collectively on a big mandate thru agricultural technology and carbon removal projects
- The disrupted workplace with teams now distributed around the world and technically working from anywhere
Links & Resources From This Episode:
Resources: MTP Tool - Massively Transformative Purpose
Learn more: LinkedIn
More About Angela Faye
Angela is a mobilizing speaker, impact coach, promoter & author who loves to empower purpose-driven individual and geographically connected property owners to imagine and build ‘Places Worth Living For.’ Angela leverages her own 10x mindset, plus core competencies of business building, destination development and public relations to help others break through ‘building blocks’ and access maximum happiness, social impact and profits through ‘place.
Angela leads by example - her and her partner each made their first $1 million by building, then selling Award-Winning commercial buildings and business while having the BOLD vision of contributing to Vancouver Island as ‘Sustainability Capital of the World.
As founder of FuturVille, the #1 Accelerator Program and Platform for independent commercial property owners, Angela is impacting the lives of entrepreneurs by empowering them to realize and achieve higher access to purpose, property and profits in today’s rapidly changing times. Angela’s vision has evolved to ‘Mobilize 1 Million purpose-driven individual and geographically connected property owners to build a place worth living for their family, community and generations to come.
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Val Low is a digital & efficiency expert to entrepreneurs to clear the business clutter and thrive. Through her Focus&Freedom™ Method many entrepreneurs have experienced more focus, time and freedom.
Val shows entrepreneurs how to calm the overwhelm and distractions with focus and efficiency strategies and tools that enable them to have the freedom to do the things that matter most in their business and life.
Through her Magnify Your Brand™ program, entrepreneurs and experts clarify their message that attracts their ideal clients, a brand experience that people love to talk about and setting up in a one place online platform that makes it easier for entrepreneurs to spend time in their expertise.
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