I’ve been listening to Michael Blank for the past two weeks now, I try to fit his podcasts in wherever I can. As a new investor looking to make passive income and get out of the rat race so i don’t grow old in a cubicle, Michaels education as a commercial investor couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve taken in some amazing knowledge and insight from this man. he’s not just a guy trying to make a sales pitch, or someone making a few rich dad/poor dad truisms over and over, he’s a real teacher with real experience and the lessons i’ve learned from him - as well as his his guest speakers - i think, are the best you can get through a free podcast, anywhere. I’ll probably go back and listen to many of these sessions; they’re jammed packed with information and wisdom from a guy who’s been there and I can’t get enough! thank you Michael! can’t wait to learn and apply more of your knowledge!
April 12, 2016 by RobH91 on Apple Podcasts
Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing