April 25, 2024

A Family's Struggle with Substance Abuse

Paul and Maureen shared their experiences dealing with their son's addiction issues. They highlighted the importance of recognizing warning signs such as poor sleep patterns, lack of loyal friends, and erratic behavior. They also shared how their family dynamics changed due to their struggle with their son's addiction, including the challenges of balancing tough love with support. They recounted instances where their son’s actions lead to a loss of trust and changes in household rules. They also discussed their ongoing concerns for their son, the positive steps he is making, and the benefits of setting boundaries.

About our Host:

Joseph B. Devlin, MA, CAADC, is a respected behavioral health expert with more than 20 years of experience in the specialty of Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Treatment. Joseph’s professional experience includes clinical director, interventionist, professor, facility director, addiction counselor, counseling supervisor, case manager, care manager, treatment facilities auditor, steward of county and state funding for treatment facilities, utilization reviewer and family group decision making facilitator. 

As an expert in the field of drug and alcohol addiction, not only has Joseph personally walked the path of sobriety, he has used his journey to freedom and his education to help others. Joseph is a Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor in the State of Pennsylvania, has received a Masters degree in Restorative Practices and Youth Counseling from International Institute for Restorative Practices, as well as a BA in Psychology from University of North Carolina. Since then, he has become a licensed trainer in Restorative Practices. He also has obtained extensive training and experience in trauma-informed care, combined with a vast knowledge in community building with an expertise in substance use disorders, including co-occurring mental health issues.

Author of A Step Out of Darkness, Joseph also speaks to groups, while he coaches individuals and/or families who are interested in the road to recovery. Often the family is left in the dark in the middle of this epidemic. Where does the family member turn to? Joseph offers experience and knowledge to help you navigate through this chaotic struggle you are walking through.

Learn more about Joseph at https://josephbdevlin.com/

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