Sept. 24, 2024

How to Find $10K in 10 Minutes!

How to Find $10K in 10 Minutes!

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Belinda Rosenblum is on a mission to help more women entrepreneurs become millionaires! As entrepreneurs, our potential for making money is unlimited. It’s just a matter of putting together these three core pillars:

  1. Money Story
  2. Money Systems
  3. Money Strategy

In this episode, Belinda shares:

  • Ways to find $10K in your business (in less than 10 minutes)
  • How to reach your fullest earning potential 
  • How to create “take my money” offers for your business that get clients to say yes before they even know the price
  • Signs you may be playing small in your business
  • The top shifts you can make to start selling more now

Join Belinda’s new masterclass: How I Went from Paying Myself $2K to $96K in ONE Year — Without Hiring a Huge Team, Running Ads, or Working More Hours


Belinda Rosenblum is a Business Coach who helps female experts grow their profits once they take the fear out of finances. (No pocket protector required.) Envision the life you want (whether that means actually taking real vacations or picking your kids up from school) and Belinda helps you build a profitable multi-six figure business around it by taking control of your finances, improving your offers, raising your prices, and selling more! 

She brings 16 years of experience in Corporate Finance as a CPA and 16 years in online business (before Instagram existed!) and has been featured in Smart Money + Inc Magazines. It’s wallet, wisdom and a splash of woo. 

Belinda is also the coauthor of “Self-Worth To Net Worth: 12 Keys To Creating Wealth Inside And Out”, became a self-made millionaire at 33, is a cancer survivor, and mom of 3.


FREE GUIDE: Find $10K in 10 minutes! What if there’s $10k or more hiding in your business right now? Get this free guide with 10 proven ways to find more revenue. It could be easier than you think!


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Belinda Rosenblum:

If you're honest with yourself, do you love your business? And I find that so often people kind of do, like, I kind of do. It's mostly working, but we need to take it from like, okay or good to great.

Kelly Sinclair:

This is the Entrepreneur School Podcast where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you, the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur to CEO while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair, and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under three. I'm a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out on this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business while making it all fit into the life that you want. Welcome to Entrepreneur School.

Kelly Sinclair:

All right, we are literally standing in a closet right now, and cannot pass up the opportunity to make at least an intro clip for this podcast we're gonna do together, because I don't get to be in real life with my guests very often, but Belinda.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Hello, so excited to be here.

Kelly Sinclair:

We're in a closet. What I see is an iron and a pack and play, and we just spent the last couple of days together at an event, and it was really great. And it was really awesome to have post event pajama parties on the couch. And Belinda is so good at sitting and, like, she just, you can tell she just, like, wants to solve all of your business problems, like, until she's gonna melt into the couch.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Until sleep. Yeah, it was so fun to get to hang out and to get to connect. And it's one thing to know people on the internet, and then I feel like when you go to events, it just you lose your voice a little bit, apparently, but it just breaks down those walls and those barriers, you know. And it's so fun to get to connect in real life and then come up with fun, exciting podcasts. So stay tuned

Kelly Sinclair:

Before I get into this podcast interview with my guest, Belinda Rosenblum. I want to set the stage of how I just met Belinda in real life, and we got to spend two amazing days together. And those days when you're going to an event, they're very full, and your brain can be like, totally worn out by the end of the night, and yet she still was like my pajama party friend on the couch brainstorming business ideas until the late hours of the evening. So who does want to set the stage for that? Because Belinda is a money coach for entrepreneurs, but we were talking about building your offer and making sure it's irresistible. So this goes so much beyond the spreadsheets and then getting comfortable with what your numbers are and really empowering you with your money in a totally different way. So welcome, Belinda.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Thank you, Kelly.

Belinda Rosenblum:

It's been just so fun to get to meet you in real life and connect and yes, chill out on the couch and chat all things making more money.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yes, I mean, she gave me a million dollars. I'm gonna just say she's Belinda. It's the kind of person who walks around with million dollar bills with her face on them, and I friggin love it. I am so here for that it was and I'm keeping this I'm putting it up on my desk so that I can remember you and remember, like, what big goals that we have now created for your first

Belinda Rosenblum:

If you're listening and you too would like a million dollar bill, just DM me on Instagram at own your money, and I will personally send you one. Well, my husband will probably come to Mercy on the visit too. But, um, yeah, I literally love making millionaires like, whether it's, you know, million million dollars in real life, millionaires like reminding ourselves that that we can think bigger. You know that, like as a PSA, to kick this off, it's kind of a good context. As entrepreneurs, we have an unlimited ability to make money, right? But so often we we set smaller goals to feel safe, or we don't set any goals at all, and then we think that we make those, and then we or we miss those, and then we think that's all there is. But the reality is that there's so much more that's possible for us, but we need to get out of our box, right? We need to start to think bigger, and we need to start to understand how to find the opportunities that are right there in our business that we just never knew where to look before.

Kelly Sinclair:

I want to just repeat what you just said about like, sometimes we don't even set a goal, and that's like a safety mechanism. Oh well, if I just keep it small, then I'm not. Going to disappoint myself or feel that feeling of failure if it don't hit those goals. So if you're resonating with that, keep tuned in to the rest of this conversation, because this is for you. This is for me. This is for all of us who have gone through the highs and the lows and that journey of entrepreneurship, right? So, so let's talk about places where we can find more opportunity for more money, and then even contextualize that too. Because a lot of the time people talking about money on the internet, they're talking about revenue, and not just cash flow or profit or things like that. So, and I know you have this really great new download called find 10k in 10 minutes. And so I want to, just like, you know, dig into a little bit of what you'll find inside of that, if you go and grab that from the show notes, and we'll discuss where are some of the places and the best opportunities, and the ones that are not necessarily just in your spreadsheet.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Yeah, so good, so good. Yeah, that's we can just call this, find 1010 10 minutes, and we'll give them a few different a few different ideas of it.

Kelly Sinclair:

course, that is definitely what the episode is called.

Belinda Rosenblum:

I love it, yeah. And I love doing that for people, right? Because it's like, it is right there. And so i i divide up the guide as well as, like, my teaching inside cash flow CEO to really simplify it. I think sometimes we think that all things money just has to feel super complicated and overwhelming, like, that's the context that we have so much of the time with it. And so that's why I think we run from it, right? We're like, Oh no, thank you. And we like, put up the blockers, right? But part of my job is really to simplify it, right, to take the fear out of finances, so that you actually look and that you set yourself up to make a lot more money as a result and have a life. I think that's the other point that you just need to get from, from the guide, but really from all things. Belinda Rosenblum, own your money cashflow CEO, is that it's not just about growing a more profitable business, but it's also about growing the one that will let you enjoy the time and the cash in your life, right? Because I'm not like, a revenue at all costs or a profit at all costs. It's really about like, what's the business that you want, and then how do we help you create that so that it gives you the life that you want? I think way too often people are trying to squeeze their life in the little bits that their business allows. And I really look to flip that and be like, well, when do you want to work? How much do you want to work? How much do you want to make? And reverse engineer what your revenue goals are based on that, right? And so I simplify it down to your money story, your money system and your money strategy. And if you stop and you're like, those are kind of like three legs on a table, and if you're missing any one of them, being in the right place, the business is not going to be nearly as successful as it can so if you just right, if you're like, Well, if you think about it for a second, right, if you're carrying around this money story that you just always have to live in feast and famine, or, you know, there's never enough money you're going to manifest that, like you're going to create that. And this is not like, woo, woo manifestation, like, if you believe that, you will live into that. We just had one of our students inside cash flow CEO, and she did this Money Story exercise, and she was like, Oh my gosh. My dad was a contractor. I lived in the feast and famine, and that's all I've known to create moving forward. And so she's like, so of course, I run a branding graphic design firm, and what have I done? I've just recreated that for myself. Because that's the narrative that she's told herself is true, that she needs to keep living into and then instead, once she can, like, separate from that, for instance, then she can start to realize, like, okay, what can I be doing? That can start to create more consistent income for me, right? And then we started to raise her rates, and now she's not as hooked in to needing it to be feast or feminine, if that makes sense, right? So each one of these things, if you don't have a money system, and you don't feel like you're a good steward of your money, then you're not going to actually want to attract more, because then it's just going to add more stress to a system that's kind of chaotic in the background.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yes, and I love this too, because while we're pointing to like, how how your beliefs really manifest into what you're doing. The opportunity there is to make a conscious decision when you're aware of what you're believing and how you're making that happen, and change it right? Like you said that that resulted in what a business model change, a price increase, a different system for attracting leads, potentially, like all of those pieces that you once you go, Oh, this is not what I want. I want something different. Then you build that, right? It's not just I'm, oh, I This sucks. I don't want this anymore.

Belinda Rosenblum:

I guess I just have to resign myself. Yeah, I just one of our. Our our casual SEO students. Just yesterday, she said to me, I had this big aha because we were on a live call yesterday as a group, and she said I had this big aha that I've been building a business that I don't hate, that of building a business that I love. And she was like, Thank you for just making that possible. Right for me to stop making that my goal, to like, let me build a business that I can tolerate and actually bring her skills and her expertise and her heart and her passion to something that she loves. And it was so sweet because she said, then I know that that's the business that will attract the right people in, because I'll be so excited about this business, and I'm creating, right? And it's like, we don't realize how, and a lot of us have done a lot of personal growth work. I totally get it being creative, but this the way that I approach Money Story is just so different, because it's not just like, believe something different, right? Here's an affirmation. It really gets to the source, and then once you can recognize what's going on, then you can actually create something different moving forward. So in the guide, I cover all three of these things, right? The Money Story, the money system, and especially the money strategy, because that's something that we just never learn, right? We have our expertise. We set up our shingle, and then we just think we can just start selling. People will just come, like, knock it off, you know, buy from you, and then it's like, it doesn't actually work that way, you know, like, there's needs to be more strategy. And this isn't just marketing strategy. It's like, there needs to be more strategy in terms of what we're selling and how we're selling, so that we can even attract the right people in with visibility, for instance, right? It's like, I want everybody to be more visible, but you need to know visible for who? Yeah, right, like that, who that you're selling to in your offer makes a world of difference, right? But if you don't have your offer be irresistible for the right person, then it just makes it confusing for well, who should I be getting visible in front of? You know, yes, how should I be putting myself out there? So I have a bunch, actually, five of them, five of the 10 Proven Ways area that that are strategy related. That's my like, you know, Strengths Finder. Like, strategy like, that's totally, like, in my blood. That's why it's, like, 10 o'clock at night, and I am literally, like, creating a framework for Kelly.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yes, oh my gosh. She's like, here, we're gonna make this quadrant thing. And, yeah, like, I have a whole new way of talking about it, because it's so true. Like, you can, it takes one set of, you know, it's a step to say, Okay, I'm starting a business. This is what I do. You know, I'm an expert at fill in the blank thing, right? And that's great. But like, the way that you deliver your service, and the way that you attract people into that has to be in a way that they're actually looking for it. It has to, like, you said, solve a real problem. And we had a lot of conversations too, when we were together. And it came up a lot with other people speaking at the event around, like, not selling a vitamin, like something that, like, yes, long term, this is going to help. This will be great. But selling like medicine that like, this is going to fix you now. This is going to address your top concern right now? And I, to me, that was, like, a huge takeaway to shift in that especially it's totally applies to me, right? I'm like, here we're gonna talk about your visibility. Your visibility is a long game. Visibility. You know, what you do now is what's gonna the results are gonna happen in three months, and a lot of the time. The truth is, people don't want to wait. We're just stuck in instant gratification. Pretty sure this was what my podcast was about last week, just talking about like, yeah, sorry, but we have to shift, like, our own expectations too, but that puts that on the buyer. And so you have some tips around, like, how to put that back into your own positioning and offer creation to make your offer irresistible. And that's part of your your money strategy, piece around how to find more money in your business, right?

Belinda Rosenblum:

Yeah, totally. So I talk a lot about offers, because all of the profit planning that we do is only as good as the offers that you're selling in it, right? Like and how you're positioning those offers, and are you positioning and as something that they need right now, because I do feel like what's happening in the economy is that people are being a little bit more discerning. They're not trusting as easily. It's a bit of a trust crisis, probably partially triggered by like, presidential election and but I feel it just like in a down economy, grocery prices people are just being a little more cautious, yeah, and so they're still spending, though, I will say, so it's not like spending is totally dried up. It's just that I think people are being choosier. So maybe instead of buying two or three programs, they might buy one program each six months or each year, right? And so you want to make sure that you're the program that they want. So I look to create what I call take my money now offers. So they're like, so irresistible. Goal that it's like, yes, I want this. And I remember doing, like, making an offer after cash flow CEO, we offer our cash flow CEO Academy is, like, our way to continue working with us. And I was talking about on a call, and one of the women, I hadn't even gotten to the price yet, and she was like, Belinda, just take my money. Now. She's like, I'm in, I'm in VIP. Like, this is just too good. And I was, it was such a good, like, lock in, you know, hook to be like, right? You want to create an offer so good that they're like, yes, I want it even before they know their price right, because they know that it's going to help them. They know that this is like, the right next thing that they want. And so when I teach offers, I teach it inside cash flow CEO, and then there's an early bird bonus coming with my offer intensive, because I spent a lot of time on offers, and I feel like we don't spend enough time on offers. It's kind of like, you know, we take longer to plan vacations than we do to figure out, like, what we're actually going to be selling and people are going to be paying us for.

Kelly Sinclair:

And, oh, my God, you were that was, like, the perfect example you are. So right about that we do, and especially because sometimes we're like, Okay, I'm a scrappy entrepreneur. I can bend, I can pivot, I can do all the things. I can try again, try again, try again, try again. And then eventually, after not using myself as an example, like two years, or whatever, you're like, I am so sick of throwing this spaghetti at the wall, being like, do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this? And it's like nothing has ever like, had all of the right pieces in place at the same time. So

Belinda Rosenblum:

I ended up with like, 12 offers too, right? Yeah? Because, well, I did this for this one person. I guess I could do it for you. And then we feel really scattered. You know, the business owner feels really scattered too, because they don't feel like they have a clear direction. They're not really what is it that I sell? What is it that I want to sell? Right? And in the very beginning, spaghetti on the walk and work right? Because you are just figuring out, like, what are people going to pay for? But after, like, a year, two years, three years, we need to dial it in, because otherwise you're just working your cells to the bone, because everybody's customized, everybody's a little bit different. You know, you're doing all these proposals and, like, just trying to figure it out every time. And what I really want you to do is, like, put a line in the sand and be like, these are my offers. This is my signature offer. Like, I want you to have a major offer, and then you can have a few minor offers, but I want you to know like, this is my flagship. If you want this outcome, you want to work with me here, right? And you have that kind of clarity, and you have the 5p that I talk about, like, you know the problem that it's solving, you know the person you're solving it for. You know the promise of the program, because sometimes people are just super vague on all of that, right? Like they try and serve everybody, so they kind of serve nobody with their person. Their problem is like, I'll help you grow your business, or I'll help you be healthier. You know, it just because they can do a lot. But then it feels like, well, but do I need that? But I'm kind of good at this already, right? So it's like, need to be clear on the problem, the person, the promise, the plan for the program. So really being clear of like, okay, what do they get in the program, and how does each of the things that they get in the program have value to them? Like, how is it going to help them get to the solution that they want to end their suffering faster, easier than they would be able to do it on their own, right? And then the the last one is the price right. And really being strategic with the price, I teach a whole module, or sub module, I guess, on pricing strategically. And there's actually one of my favorite and like best pricing strategies in this fine 10k guide, where I talk about creating a strategic Wow offer that price positions your main offer. And when you do that, it makes your main offer look so much better. And this is a bit of a side tangent, but I was actually on TV talking about girl Math A few months ago, like when it first came out. And it's kind of like, Girl math

Kelly Sinclair:

was taking out on

Belinda Rosenblum:

And I was like, Well, honestly, this is a little bit of how we think. But it's like, you know, when you go into the Coach store and you see, like, the $450 purse at the front, and you're like, Well, I'm not gonna buy that. And then you keep walking, or, walking, you're like, Oh, but I really like this $200 one. We literally think we just made $250 right in the saving of the $250 right? We went in and we didn't even know we needed a purse. But now all of a sudden, we left the $200 and we feel like we're patting ourselves on the back for the money we saved. It can be a lot like that, right in that if you give them the higher one year version of what you could do for them, that all in one that you would love to work with a client that intensely over a year period, right? And that is maybe like three to five times two on the low end, but usually three to five times what you're seeing. Your offer is. So when you're positioning your signature offer, you're they're not in their mind, just positioning against zero. Do I buy it or don't buy it, right? So now they're looking at it like, Okay, do I buy this $3,000 coaching program, or do I buy this $12,000 year long coaching program? And they might be like, Oh, well, I'm not sure I'm ready to buy the year long program yet. But you know what? Let me start with the $3,000 and because so much of the time we have trouble talking about our pricing, I talk a lot about this inside cashless CO two. I want you to get so comfortable that it's like, past the pepper, past the salt. Here's what I charge. Like, no tonal difference, no like, here's what I charge. Maybe, maybe you'll pay me, you know, like, it's so interesting how we buy those, right? But, you know, we, like, we make it a question mark at the end, like, I charge $3,000 you know? And so then they're like, Well, do you, you know? And it's like, I want you to be so clear on the price. And if you can get comfortable offering them a $12,000 offer, then you're gonna feel like this 3000 is a no brainer. So actually give the script, even inside this guide of what do you say on the sales call and what do you put into that strategic Wow, offer so that everybody wins?

Kelly Sinclair:

Hmm, that's so helpful. It's true, like when we're questioning ourselves, that confidence is really transferred right over to your your person that you're talking to this. This is true in every instance of when you're putting yourself out there and talking whether you're having a sales call, whether you're approaching someone for a collaboration opportunity, like the more that you get comfortable and talking about what you do, what you offer, and how much it costs, that is going to transfer directly to into your conversions, right?

Belinda Rosenblum:

Right. Because they're often wanting to pull from your confidence in the program and in them, you know, because oftentimes I can see a vision of what's possible for somebody that they can't even see yet, and they're like, You know what? Like, I love the vision that you have for my business. Like, I want to work with you so that you can help me go create that. Because the vision I have is like, way smaller, and the vision you have just has more zeros on it and has more impact on it, right? So, but you have to allow yourself to have that kind of confidence. And if you are more starting out, because I know you serve all sorts of different entrepreneurs. Go get that confidence. Like, instead of feeling bad that you don't have it, go practice. I mean, Lord, when I first started, I helped so many people. I mean, including my mom, my friends. I was like, You have money. You need my help. Because I started in personal finance, and I did that for like 12 years, and wrote a book and had a TV show and, like, all this stuff in the personal finance space, and then transferred to business finance in, let's see, January 2019, so like five and a half years ago, because I just got so tired of Telling people, go make more money. Like I am a expand your bank account, don't shrink your dreams kind of person. And so much of the personal finance industry is just spend less than you make. And I'm like, go make more. And my entrepreneurs have this unlimited ability to make money. So if I could help them tap into it, I think of it almost like they've been digging the well, but they don't know how to pump the profits out. And that's part of my job, is to help show them how to do that, so that they get to live like the person, the woman, that they want in their life and in their business, right? They don't feel like they have to compartmentalize who they are. They get to be their full selves in their business and make great money doing it.

Kelly Sinclair:

That's so beautiful. I love that unlimited potential of earnings, right? And, yeah, beyond the time, freedom and all the stuff with entrepreneurship that is absolutely, like, top of the list, reason to keep going, even when it's hard, and push through and because eventually you can, like, you can have some you can have an explosion so good that you never even predicted it, and it makes everything that was ever hard be like. What? Who cares?

Belinda Rosenblum:

Yeah, well that. I'll give you a quick example in my own life. And I have a new masterclass coming up that I just updated. It talks about how I went from paying myself 2k to 96k in one year, without running Facebook ads without hiring a big team, actually working less over that time. And that was my big like explosion. I guess you could say, because my first year, I grossed revenue of like, 65 grand, but I lost money like I was throwing all the spati. Second year, grossed 155 grand, took home, no joke, $2,348 like, I'm not missing any zeros on that. I literally only took home two grand on 155 that the business brought in. So I am an absolute proponent of it's not just about the revenue, because if it was then I would have made a lot more money. But it wasn't because I was sitting there like, this system is broken, right? Like all the CO. Coaches were just like, just make more revenue. It'll all work out. And I was like, No, I just lived through this. It did not work out. I made two grand. Like, fortunately, I have a I was like, house hacking back then, like I had a two family house. I had somebody staying with me. I rented out the other apartment. Like I wasn't homeless and camping out, you know, but my business was not funding me, and I was single at the time, and then the next year, I was like, something has to change. Several things have to change, because I couldn't just work harder. I was already working, like, 60 hour weeks, right? I was like, Well, it can't just be about making more money, like, more revenue, right? I can't just take on more because, like, how is that ever gonna work, right? Like I was already doing too much, and it was, I will say, a source of shame for me. For years, I did not tell that story. I was like, I was a summa cum laude accounting major, you know, like I worked for the big firms back in my CPA days. And like, how could I have let this happen? Like I just felt so bad about it. And then once I started to do more business finance, I started to realize that actually a lot of people go through what I did, where they make a lot of revenue and they don't make a lot of profit, because I wasn't actually looking at my profitability. I just wasn't I was so focused on revenue like that seemed like it was the goal. And so in that next year, and this is what I cover in the class, is I had to make changes in all three of those areas I touched on, like the Money Story, what I was telling myself, what I was willing to tolerate, you know, the money system, like, I need to be looking at my numbers differently. And I talk about, kind of how I had to manage my team differently, and what that cost me, and how that was different, because then and then the strategy that was the biggest thing, like, I committed to paying myself, and I started right away to do to give myself, like a regular salary, and then I started upping it that year, but that and then I started charging more. I hired another coach, like, I go over exactly what I did to make those changes to then explode in your terms, right to almost $100,000 in profit from basically zero, right? And then we just kept growing from there. And we actually raised revenue to 256,000 so revenue went up. We spent about the same amount, but I reallocated where that money went to, and that's what I talk about, kind of the shifts I had to make, and then I had 100k in profit. And sometimes it's like, we think we just have to contract, especially right now, honestly, when it feels a little bit like the sky is falling, we think we just have to contract. And I was like, well, actually, how do I lean in to make more money right now, and how do I make sure that I'm taking good care of the spending that's going out? Because everything you're spending in your business is money that you have worked for. It's not like it's this magical money that's in your bank account or on your credit card. It's like you had to make the sales do the work to have that money. And so I really figured out, like, a different way to view spending and how we manage expenses, and really how we look at money in general. Because I think for so many people, it's, it's like a necessary evil, a lot of time for honest, right? And my whole approach is, instead, like, actually, what if money is the language of business, and you're just learning to speak the language you know, or, like, understanding the rules of the game, instead of trying to play a game blindfolded, not ever understanding the rules like you're not going to win when that's the case, right?

Kelly Sinclair:

And then that's just even adding to the shame, too, because right? Or yeah, you're not, you're not recognizing that it is not you. It's a game, it's a language, it's a whole new experience. It's not a reflection of you personally. So thank you for sharing as well that story about your own shame, about your numbers, right? Like we all go through this, it is totally normal. Just when the time is right for you, you will know that, okay, I'm gonna put on my big girl pants now I'm gonna, like, get comfortable with this. I'm going to acknowledge these things. I'm going to look at the numbers more, I'm going to really be strategic, I'm going to change my money story, and I'm going to go and talk to Belinda, because she has, she has so much to offer in terms of, like, support for this. It's so incredible, like hearing how you put all these three things together. I think that's, that's what's really unique about you from other like financial experts in that that we've talked to you before, or that maybe we see on the internet, or people who are just, you know, showcasing their lavish lives with their $500,000 months and whatever else is happening,

Belinda Rosenblum:

The ones that you don't really know their profit. But yes, totally you know. And I think it's, you know, I think there is so much like, get rich quick stuff that's out there, you know, and that even the like, fine 10k in 10 minutes, these are proven strategies. They're not just like a momentary cash infusion, like one another. One of them is, how do you turn a one time sale into recurring income? Because so. Any coaches like, do a service for somebody, or even, like a designer, like some people do a service, and then they're like, great, bye. Please send me a testimonial. And then that's it. And I'm like, oh, no, there's a gold mine in those people. So I tell you, like, where to look, and you know how to start to create more recurring income for yourself. And it's kind of recognizing this element of like, you know, that old saying, like, What Got You Here Won't Get You There. Recognizing, like, Okay, I or like, Einstein's quote about, you know, the same level of thinking won't get you to the next place. I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but like, it'll keep you where you are. So it's kind of recognizing, like, Okay, I know how to do this level, but if I'm honest with myself, I literally just sent an email today that's like, if you're honest with yourself, do you love your business? And I find that so often people kind of do, like, I kind of do. It's mostly working, but we need to take it from like, okay or good to great. Like, you owe that to yourself. You owe that to your family. Like you're putting so much time and energy into this, let's figure out, how do we really optimize the time that you're putting in and helping you not feel like that overworked employee in your business, but actually feeling like what I call the cash flow CEO, like, I know that may sound a little scary at first, but like you feel like you run the business, like you get to be the CEO of your business who understands her numbers. Because I think about it like I have a total girl crashed on Sarah Blakely.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yeah, and I saw you with your sneaks last weekend,

Belinda Rosenblum:

Right? That too, that too. And I met her a few times, and, you know, and I think about like, if she took the kind of winging and approach that so many business owners take to their businesses. Like, if she was, like, okay, purchasing department, just go buy whatever you want. We'll find the money for it, or it'll go on credit. Or, like, sales department, just go do your best. Just like, just go sell some stuff. You know, she would absolutely not have been the first self made billionaire woman, right? Or, like, been able to get spanks valued at $1.2 billion if she took that kind of approach, and she is not super into the spreadsheets and all that. Like, you know, I've seen a lot of different interviews with her, and it was some funny interaction between like her and in like, someone was explaining, like, net profit. And it was like, well, that's like, if you think of a net, right? It's just like, that's the money that you catch at the end, after you pay your expense. So she was like, hey, that's what Richard Branson said. So I figure, like, okay, that's one way to learn it, you know. But it's like she knows it enough that she can set goals, that she can set priorities, that she can, like, not feel like she's winging the growth of her business, and I think that so much of the time we do that, you know, you know to circle back to the beginning, because we're afraid to set goals, because we're afraid to be disappointed, because we don't know how to get there. So we don't want to set something too high and then be disappointed in ourselves, right? But instead, my thought for you, and I think our thought, you know, is very much like there's another level for you, and it's okay if you don't know how to get there, but you have to find a guide. You have to find someone like me. You have to even just start with the find 10k in 10 minutes guide to start to open your eyes to other opportunities that are right there in front of you, but that you just haven't thought about, or you haven't known where to look. And a lot of times, people take specific programs, like, I want to get better at Instagram reels, or I want to, you know, build a course. And I kind of feel like cash flow CEO should be the prerequisite to all of that, because it's the one that like, helps you set up the right offers, so your Instagram reels are attracting the right people, so you're developing the right course, right and so it's like thinking about this is helping you have what it takes to survive and thrive in this current economy, because you know how to grow a more profitable business. You know how to pull the levers in your business, that will keep you resilient, will help you make more money. And I just think that more of us need to be talking about this. And like, I bumped into Heather Chauvin at makermark, and it was so funny, because I was sitting at her table. This is just another good reminder that, like, you never know who's watching. You know, like your stories and everything, because I follow her, she follows me. And she was like, I just love how you take a stand for women making real money. And I was like, first off, how do you even know me? She has like, double or triple my followers now? And I was just like, and I said, That's so funny, because I loved how you support women to take care of themselves while they're growing their business, while they're being a mom, you know, while they're in their career. And I bring this up from the standpoint of like, we get to decide how we want to show up, right? What's the business that we want to have? And I. Love that she could tell that I care about women making money for their own freedom, like, not to prove anything to anybody, but to show to themselves that they can do this right, like we don't need to prove it to our partner, to our family. Like after the first six months of my business, my family and friends basically had an intervention for me, because they what are you doing? Why are you leaving a job you know, to go and do this business? And I just feel like there's something about you know, you surrounding yourself with people who are going to support you and lift you up and really see you for who you are and the impact that you want to make in the world.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yes, and it's okay to be excited and to feel really good about that too. We don't have to be like, Oh, but what if it doesn't work? And, oh, but what if, you know my like, mother in law was right, or whoever was judging you was like, they said I couldn't do it. And what if they're right? Like,

Belinda Rosenblum:

Sometimes you have to protect your ideas, right? Like, sometimes you have to be careful exposing a big idea to a small mind. Like, I kind of half joke that as entrepreneurs, we're wizards and everyone else are muggles out there. It's like they might not really I'm a big Harry Potter. We're a whole family fans, right? But that they might not get it. I still don't think my sister and brother in law totally understand how we have the business that we have 16 plus years later. But that's okay. You know, it's about making sure you're surrounding yourself with entrepreneurs who are like minded, who want to support you, who can like, appreciate your vision, and then even help expand and help you grow bigger. So, you know, I totally agree with you, and you know, it's okay if they don't get it, just make sure that you have the support that you need in other places, probably in this online entrepreneurship space instead.

Kelly Sinclair:

Well, this is why I have this podcast, and it's here for two reasons. One, of course, to make sure that my listeners get access to hearing all these wonderful guests and their great insights and their expertise, and have their minds opened in different ways. And two is so that I get to also meet you, because I know the power of having a good circle and having the right people around you, that's it's so important. And thank you so much for everything that you shared today. I'm really excited for people who are going to go on to check out your all of your great courses and master classes and everything that's coming up. And there's going to be a whole long list of links inside of our show notes, stuff that's happening in real time. So for those of you who are habit fans of entrepreneur school, and you show up and you listen every Tuesday when we drop our episodes, like there's stuff happening right now. So make sure you go check out Belinda and all of her amazing goodness. Do you have any final words of wisdom or anything you wanted to make sure that you said that I didn't ask you.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Oh my gosh. Let's see.

Kelly Sinclair:

So Morgan needs a podcast.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Kind of simplified a little bit, so I would say, definitely get that download of the fine 10k in 10 minutes, because it's a it's a quick little guy. There's even, like, a one pager with, like, all of the ideas on it. You can go and be like, Oh, this idea sounds really good. Let me go look at that, right? And, you know, it does a really nice job there. So I would say, start with that, if you can make it next week. Come on for our how I went from paying myself 2k to 96k because I think you'll find it very relatable. But I also think that you'll get some creative ideas and they're like, Oh, I haven't tried that yet, or, Oh, this is what works, right? This is like real life, what I had to do to pull myself out of that hole that I put myself in, right? And so I think that that's really helpful. And I'm on Instagram at own your money, so if you're listening to this, take a screenshot. Tag us. I'll reshare it. I love to know when people are listening and what you're a highs, because we really we want to make making money more accessible for you, right? And to feel like, Yes, I can do this, and yes, I can go after bigger goals, like remind yourself, yes, I have an unlimited ability to make money, but I have to figure out, how do I not just make the revenue but also pump the profits out right? And it's not just about working harder. If it was just working harder, we would all be millionaire businesses as women, because we working hard is not a problem for most of us to do, but it's how do we work on the right things, right? How do we actually, like, know what's going to move the needle, what are the right levers that we need to pull, and how do we make sure that the business we're creating is built around the life that we want to have?

Kelly Sinclair:

Absolutely couldn't agree with you more. This is why we're so aligned. This is why you're here, why we're connected. And I can't wait to continue to stay in touch with you, Belinda, and for everybody else here to get to know you as well. So thank you for. Being with us.

Belinda Rosenblum:

Thank you.

Kelly Sinclair:

You did it. You just listened to another episode of the Entrepreneur School podcast. It's like you just went to business school while you folded your laundry, prepped dinner or picked up your kids at school. Thank you so much for being here. I want to personally celebrate your commitment to growing your business. You can imagine I'm throwing confetti for you right now. If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review. Make sure you're subscribed and let us know you're listening by screenshotting this episode and tagging us on Instagram. Head to For tons of tools and resources to help you grow your business while keeping your family a priority, you can subscribe to our email list and join our community and until next time, go out there and do the thing you.