Oct. 1, 2024

Get Your Custom Visibility Plan Right Here!

Get Your Custom Visibility Plan Right Here!

Want a custom visibility strategy made for you by an award-winning marketer with over 15 years experience? I want to build it for you!

If you’re a service-based business, like a coach, course creator, consultant with an online or offline business, and you want to grow your audience with more ideal clients so you can increase your sales, this episode is for you.

You’re invited to apply as one of the first Founding Members of the Brand Visibility Accelerator.

Listen to this episode to hear all of the details about this 90-day sprint that blends 1-1 strategy and group implementation support so that you can build a habit around visibility that consistently grows your audience and builds your business.

  • Access to special pricing and exclusive bonuses before October 10, 2024: https://ksco.ca/bva/ 
  • Skip to 18:47 minutes in for the nitty gritty details on the program


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Ready to get visible without relying on social media? Get your custom plan and apply for the Brand Visibility Accelerator!

Kickstart your visibility plan without social media! Grab our Ultimate Roadmap to Visibility Off Social bingeable audio course.

Want to save time creating content? Snag The Simplified Content System for only $47!

Time to elevate your brand? Book a coffee chat to explore working with Kelly


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Kelly Sinclair:

What you need is intentional visibility that is targeted at exactly the right people who need you. So it's all about creating the right plan that fits your unique business audience and goals.

Kelly Sinclair:

This is the Entrepreneur School Podcast where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you, the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur to CEO, while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair, and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under three. I'm a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out. On this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business while making it all fit into the life that you want, welcome to entrepreneur school.

Kelly Sinclair:

I couldn't be more excited to talk to you today about something brand new that I am working on, and that might be the perfect fit for you. So you're going to want to stick around and listen to this episode if you are someone who has been dabbling in visibility for a little while, or even a long while, and you're just not seeing the results that you want, and you know that is now the time to put your foot on the gas and really turn this up and create a consistent flow of audience growth and ideal clients into your world, and especially if you are tired of relying on social media, and do you want visibility strategies that actually align with your strengths and business goals? We're going to talk all about that, and we are going to go through a brand new offer that I have that I just felt like I need to come on and do an entire podcast episode about this. Because one, it's my podcast, and I'm going to talk about things that I'm up to, because I'm excited to share them with you. And I know that if you're a loyal listener of the show, then you are probably here for the info, for the strategies, for the ways in which that you can actually show up differently to grow your business. And I am so much about making sure that every business knows that there's no such thing as a cookie cutter approach that works for everybody. It's so important that you have a customized visibility strategy, that you stop relying on the algorithm and instead focus on building meaningful relationships and connections, and that you know that visibility is something that is non negotiable, and that it has to become a habit for You.

Kelly Sinclair:

So let's talk about how to actually build that and what that looks like, in the context of how I want to help you to do this over the next 90 days, but first I have to go back and tell you a secret. 90 days ago, I actually thought I would be pausing my business and that I was going to get a job, because nothing was feeling in alignment for me. I wasn't excited to show up for work. I didn't feel the energy coming from my business the way that it had in the past. And as I reflect on this, I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I've pivoted probably 10 million times in the past two years. I've gone from being a completely done for you consultant, working in brand and marketing as sort of an extended team member for a few clients over probably the first five years of my business, that was the primary source of income, and then I expanded into digital courses and digital group programs and doing things online. And really it's almost like, when you evolve your business, it sometimes is, is like you're starting a brand new business, and there's the need to build that audience again and align your messaging again, and figure out your offers again, and really kind of connect with all of those pieces before you start really creating the results that you're looking for in terms of bringing the right people into your world, so that you can be serving in the way that you want to, and so that you can be making the kind of money that You want to right so in all of this exploration that I did this summer, as well as all of the vacationing that I did this summer, and the rest and the listening to my human design and needing to have something that I could respond to before I started creating, here's a. Major awareness that I had for myself. I am super great at coming up with ideas and knowing what people need, but you know what? It doesn't matter what people need if they don't want it. So you can make all the things in the world, and if you're resonating with this, my heart goes out to you, because I know the feeling so much it can be frustrating, because as as an expert, you know, you know what people need, but people don't want buy what they need. They buy what they want or what they think that they need. And in my case, that often comes down to, I need to get more consistent on social media, and I need to learn Instagram strategies, and I need to use these trending audios. And I'm sitting here like, no, if you don't like doing those things and they stress you out and you're putting bad energy into it, it's not going to work.

Kelly Sinclair:

So that's why I have been behind the scenes developing a brand new program, which is called the brand visibility accelerator, and I'm going to take this podcast episode to walk you through exactly what is involved in that, because I would love to invite you to apply. And this is a program where we're going to grow your audience full of ideal clients by CO creating your visibility strategy. I will have a one on one session with you and pull it out of you and create it and give it back to you, done for you, so that you know exactly what to do, and then provide you with the container to implement that plan with step by step support and everything that you need to attract those dream clients on repeat. And the exciting reason that this program has even come into fruition is because I am consistent with my visibility. It is something I have been doing regularly now for over a year that I have gotten down to a science of only taking me about 10 minutes a day. And it's just a non negotiable. It's something that I'm always remembering to do and prioritizing, even in times when I'm spending more time relaxing, taking time off, being with my kids, like summer, for example. And because I do this all the time, and it's still continuing to bring people into my world. And so I ended up on a discovery call with a potential client at the end of August, and we were talking about her needs and what she was frustrated with, and she said things to me like, I'm trying to figure out how to grow my email list. Where can I actually find opportunities for visibility, and what is the best way for me to get visible for my business? How do I find people to collaborate with my favorite one? I don't want to have to be on social media all the time. I want to live my life. I'm struggling to be consistent, and I feel awkward when I'm pitching myself for podcasts or collaboration opportunities, or thinking about doing media, or things like that. And as we were having this conversation, and she's sharing all of these things with me, I was like, Okay, I would love to help you with all of those things, because these are all things that I have figured out for myself, and have been doing one on one with clients for years, and so in that moment, I decided that we would co create this program. I would build something that was going to fully support her and be customized to her needs, and that would apply to a broader group of people who have similar needs and desires. So that's what I'm talking about here, in terms of why we have created the brand visibility accelerator. And I am truly so fired up about this program and getting it started. And it's going to kick off the week of october 14. So that is Thanksgiving in Canada, and we'll get started right after that. But what I'm looking for is the next four founding members who can jump in on this at a fraction of the price that it will be offered in the future.

Kelly Sinclair:

So let's go through what this entails. What does this look like if you're considering possibly being part of it, and how do you apply? And what are the next steps? So first thing you need to know is visibility is non negotiable, right? If people don't know about your business, you can't make sales, and you won't be able to make the impact that you want with your business. So visibility is truly the first step in the sales cycle. You have visibility that's what gets you audience growth, that you can turn into leads and ultimately convert into sales. But the question remains, what kind of visibility is best to ultimately increase your sales and definitely. I have to say, a disclaimer, visibility, for the sake of visibility, is not going to get you clients. Because if that were the case, we could all just have a Times Square Billboard, and that would work for everyone, because it's huge traffic. Everyone sees it, but it's not in front of the right audience, right? Because what you need is intentional visibility that is targeted at exactly the right people who need you. So it's all about creating the right plan that fits your unique business audience and goals. And when you put visibility into your routine and you build a habit around it, you can have tremendous results in as little as 90 days. So I will constantly say there's no one size fits all approach when it comes to visibility, because it needs to align with your strengths and it needs to fit into your schedule. You need to actually want to do it and have time to do it in order to implement and be successful.

Kelly Sinclair:

So can you imagine yourself doing some things like maybe these are some of your goals. Podcast, guesting, right? You are the go to expert. People are reaching out to you for interviews, and you're building relationships with those top players in your space. How do we get there? Guesting on the right podcast, putting your story in front of your ideal clients, and positioning yourself as an authority to boost your credibility and generate leads. Maybe you even thought about getting media features. You have this vision of that as seen in bar underneath your signature in your email or on your website. You have your name in Forbes or entrepreneur, or maybe even you just want to start with your local paper. I've had so much success with local media, and we should not overlook that. You want to be recognized as a thought leader and a high profile opportunities come your way all the time. How do we get there? While we look at strategic media placements in respective publications to help establish you as an expert, open doors to those partnerships, I can also lead to speaking gigs and more and speaking, of speaking, maybe you want to get on more stages. You're confidently speaking on stages inspiring audiences. I have this vision of me with one of those little like mics that hooks over your ear, and it's like, so like, you know the evolution of what was Britney Spears in the 90s, and you're inspiring audiences, and you're connecting with high level peers who see you as a leader. How do we get there? Whether you're speaking virtually or in person, you're looking at Summit opportunities, you are getting in front of engaged audiences and sparking meaningful collaborations. It's just a matter of finding those opportunities and aligning them with you and your business.

Kelly Sinclair:

And another really great way for visibility that I've talked about a lot too on the podcast, is landing collaborations and partnerships. So if you feel like you want to build a business that's powered by strong partnerships, that involves other people and their businesses, you are co creating with other leaders as a norm, and these new opportunities keep flowing. This is one of my absolute favorite ways to grow, because it also doesn't feel lonely and it feels very giving in the process. So your visibility path for that is strategic collaborations will expand your reach and build trust with new audiences while attracting high quality leads and opportunities. So aligning with people who have similar audiences, identifying what those Win Win opportunities are, and then going for that. And then also you might be loving in person events, maybe you want to bring together amazing groups of people to learn from you and from each other. You want to have a brand that's known for delivering value and more doors are opening for you every day. So whether that's about hosting or attending live events, these all help to create lasting relationships with your audience and fuel your brand for the long term.

Kelly Sinclair:

So if you are ready to stop guessing how to make your business stand out, then this is your invitation to do it together, because I have worked in marketing and communications for over 15 years with everything from Fortune 500 companies to nonprofit organizations and small businesses across dozens of industries, and I have never written the same marketing plan twice, because maybe you're amazing at podcasting, or maybe you love being at live events, but probably you're tired of social media and you don't want to rely on some dude in the Silicon Valley's platforms to find Your clients, because no matter where you want to be, we will map out a visibility plan that is aligned with your goals, helping you to get noticed by the right people. And in a matter of only 90 days, you'll not just have visibility, but the confidence and the clarity and the momentum that keep your brand three. Driving. So brand visibility accelerator is the blueprint that I have built for your customized visibility strategy, so that you can go from feeling like you're hustling for clients to actually having a steady flow of dream clients waiting to work with you. So if that sounds exciting, keep your earbuds in.

Kelly Sinclair:

Let's get into the details. So what I wanted to create with this was that sense of relief where you're like, Finally, a visibility plan that works for me. This is all about building and implementing your custom visibility strategy alongside other service based entrepreneurs who are ready to stand out as the go to in their space. I know, and you know that you are an absolute badass, amazing at what you do. You just need more people to know about you, and more people need your gifts, and that is one I'm here to help you to elevate and expand and amplify because brand visibility accelerator, let's call it BVA, because acronyms are cool. It's your complete support system for designing and implementing a bespoke visibility strategy just for you that aligns with your strengths, does not rely on social media and attracts your dream clients on repeat. And if you're like, oh my gosh, where has this been all of my life? I feel you. I feel like it's been something that I've been building in a variety of different ways, and it's now coming together in this format, and I'm so excited to share with you, and you're going to love it. You know, as much as your favorite pair of leggings that you wear every single day if you want to become the go to in your field by sharing your expertise as a service provider, a consultant, course creator, a coach or a speaker. So anything where your business is based on your experience and your expertise in your brain and your teaching or showing people how to do that in any way, that doesn't mean you have to sell courses or digital products. You might have one on one services, you might have group programs, or you might do done for you, consulting work, any of these fit this is not really a program that I have have created for product based businesses. I do work with product based businesses, but more in a one on one capacity. This group is also designed to be very collaborative, so I'm looking for people who have similar audiences or ways that they can connect each other's networks together to really grow beyond the people who are even in the group. Because I believe that I have cracked the code on visibility and how to make it work for your specific business, and then also how to actually get you to take action instead of staying stuck.

Kelly Sinclair:

So to get into the nitty gritty of what this entails, I'm building BVA as the best of both worlds. You're getting one on one support and a group implementation container. So you can think of it as a 90 day sprint. Here are the four core pieces that you get to have. Here's the things, the stuff and the things for you, one a custom visibility strategy. So this is a private strategy session with me, a visibility coach and brand strategist, following which I deliver you a plan that fits your goals, your strengths and your schedule. Sit back, sip your pumpkin spice latte, if you like those things I got you. The second piece is group implementation support, so you're getting a 90 day accountability and community container, which includes weekly calls, three times a month and a group chat. So we are going to do any training, any practice, pitching, collaboration, sharing, fine tuning of visibility materials, all within these calls. And then, of course, I have a visibility toolbox for you, so any templates or tools or resources for everything visibility related, everything that I personally use to find land and track all of my visibility opportunities is for you to implement, to help you even simplify visibility even more for yourself. And then the cool additional add on that I have is visibility amplification. So I'm going to be bringing you bonus opportunities to get featured on my platforms. I also have regular invitations to be part of collaborations, and I am not gatekeeping anything. So if you're asking yourself, How do I find these opportunities? How do I get into bundles or onto summits or part of events. I know where they are. They are in my inbox every single day, and I am curating those and sharing those all with you and giving all those opportunities and also helping you to choose which are the right ones, because we don't want to say yes to everything. We only want things that are aligned for you with your audience, getting you in front. Of the right people.

Kelly Sinclair:

So your custom visibility plan, plus the group implementation support of this program is going to result in things like growing your audience or your email list with potential leads, attracting more of your ideal clients, becoming more confident with putting yourself out there, because it's the repetition and the action that creates that result. It's going to help you build awareness for your brand and secure collaborations and visibility opportunities that you never dreamed of happening. And the exciting thing is, after 90 days, visibility becomes a habit. It's just who you are. Now, no more trying to get yourself into the mood, getting yourself to take those actions. It's just like a thing on your to do list every morning that you check off, or however often we talk about you doing it, we're going to make something that's realistic for you. It's just like how if you are starting an exercise plan, you don't start by going to the gym five times a week. We slowly build up into that rhythm and get it so that it's easy simple, and you can do it literally in under 10 minutes a day.

Kelly Sinclair:

So again, hand raisers here, put your hand up if you're tired of relying on social media and you want visibility strategies that actually align with your strengths and business goals. You know visibility is the key to growth, but you're not sure where to start or how to stay consistent with it. You're maybe looking at launching a new offer, or you're aiming for a significant business growth, and you know that you need to build an audience and increase brand awareness fast you're ready to step up as a thought leader in your industry, speaking on stages, guesting on podcasts, securing media features, maybe. And you've tried DIY in your visibility, but you haven't seen the tractions or the results that you hope for, and you're really ready now for expert guidance and the clear roadmap you crave support and accountability from a group of like minded entrepreneurs who are working towards similar goals, because doing it yourself is lonely, and it is a really easy way to fall off of that track. You also want custom, personalized plan that focuses on your business, your audience, your visibility goals, because I said this before, there are no cookie cutter strategies here. And lastly, it's important to know and recognize for yourself. Are you committed to taking action, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone in order to achieve the lasting visibility and business growth that you want? I see you. I feel you you are in exactly the right place, and I would love for us to do this together. This program is designed to help service providers and coaches and your business can be online or offline or a blend of both, and that'll help you to build a repeatable visibility plan that consistently brings in hyper targeted leads so you can grow your audience and get sales faster. And here's the most exciting part.

Kelly Sinclair:

Here's the time sensitive information. If you are listening to this in real time, brand visibility accelerator is launching in october 2024 and I am filling the first of five founding member spots at a fraction of the future price, you get everything and the most personalized support for me for about half of what future bvairs Will pay. Plus this group is going to be handpicked by application only to make sure that we create the best experience possible. So what I want you to do to get your application in so that we can chat about it and see if this is the right fit for you. Is go to ksco.ca/BVA, that's Bravo, Virginia Alpha. I think that's how they do the airplane speak.

Kelly Sinclair:

And just to recap, this is a custom visibility strategy built just for you, 90 days of group implementation support, access to my visibility toolbox in the bonus visibility application opportunities that are coming to me and from me for you that I will help you to sort through so that you really can grow your audience and get your next clients know where your next clients are coming from. They have to be in a space where you're already able to talk to them. And of course, they have some amazing bonuses that I'm not going to read on the podcast, because these can change at any time. So you're going to want to go over to the website to check out what those are and apply now to become a founding member the investment. I'm also not going to say on the podcast, because I mentioned it will change over time, and podcasts last forever. So just know that it's the lowest that it will ever be at this moment in time. It is a four figure investment because it is a three month program, and it involves one on one support of. Well, so you're getting a lot of personalized attention, but I promise you it's an absolutely fair and affordable price, especially because I will offer you payment plans to make sure that it works for you. And I just want to talk about results again for a minute before we sign off, because results come from action, and that starts with you. This doesn't always look like you're going to get a new client tomorrow. Sometimes that happens like sometimes you land five speaking opportunities in one day. I talked about that on the show recently, again, as a result from the efforts that I have put into my visibility strategy, that can happen, but results can also be as simple as the confidence that you build by putting yourself out there, because when you take bold action, you start doing hard things, and those hard things become easier over time. Brand visibility accelerator will help you to become more confident in sharing your message and your story, to gain clarity on your positioning and your audience, to build authority as a thought leader in your space and to secure visibility opportunities that lead to long term growth at the end of the day, visibility is a learn by doing process. So the more you do it, the more the opportunities will flow your way, and that ripple effect will carry your brand further than you can ever imagine. Prioritizing visibility has changed everything in my business. Since committing to about 10 minutes a day of this over the last year or so, I have seen amazing results, right? I've had multiple media features, top 1% podcast invitations, not even me pitching like I've been on September has been like podcast parade month for me. I think I've recorded five episodes with other people, and have at least that many in the hopper for October. So I'm going on a podcast party parade right now. It's also resulted in in person speaking opportunities. I got to go to Nashville for business and speak to a group of moms about PR for your podcast. It was incredible. I've had over 1800 new email subscribers in just a year. My podcast is now on the top 5% globally. We're nominated for the women in podcasting awards, and there have been multiple exciting collaborations that I have never thought I would be able to secure. There's people coming on my show who I'm so excited about over the next while, because I have made the connections that have made me now, you know, one or two steps away from people who are big names, who pull together amazing, incredible events, who have businesses that I admire, and that's all as a result of continuously building relationships as part of my visibility strategy. And I just want to show you and support you in exactly how to do that. I want you to be able to be so proud of your visibility and the things that you're doing that it infuses confidence and that creates amazing sales and results for you in your business. So let's not miss this. Don't miss a spot in the brand visibility accelerator, because if you're serious about growing your brand's visibility and taking your business to the next level, then this is your opportunity to do it with expert guidance and a community of supporters by your side when you claim your spot. Today, we're starting to build your visibility strategy that's going to set your business up for success in 2025 what you do now is going to create the results for three months from now and beyond. Setting up this piece is the missing wheel that has not been running in your business if you are currently at a place where you're not getting the results that you want.

Kelly Sinclair:

So on the website, ksco.ca/bva, you will also find all of the frequently asked questions, payment plan information, investment start dates, bonuses, all the exciting things that are happening alongside of this program. And I just couldn't be more excited for it truly like I have done some fun courses and programs and one on one, coaching and projects in my community, in my business, and this has me more excited than I have been in months, if not years, to be honest with you. And so that's why I just had to put it out there. And sometimes that's what it takes, right? It's actually just showing up and putting it out there and seeing what happens. And I'm really excited, because I know that I'm building this based on a request. I've had multiple people in my DMs talking about how they would like to have this kind of support, and so one of those founding member spots is already claimed, so that means they are going fast, so please get over and. Apply. And you know, if you have any other questions, please reach out to me and we will chat about it, because we want to make sure this is the right fit for you, and that everything matches up with what you need and nothing that you don't need. Because I'm not stuffing this program full of modules of training that you have to go and consume and hours of things that you need to learn. We are going to add those pieces in as they're needed, as they're requested, so that you don't feel like you're behind and that you are fully guided and supported every step of the way. I can't wait to start this. I can't wait to share more about it as we get rolling with the first group, and it will be something that I will open the doors for at various times in the year. And again, the price point will change as a result of that. But I'm so excited about the people who are going to come into this program, get amazing results, create consistency, build their audience, build their confidence, build their business, and really see how their passion can be more successful. Like, that's my that's what I'm here to do in this world. I want to help there be more happiness, because people are building businesses that fit into their lives, that are freaking working and firing them up. Because this is an amazing place to be. So ksco.ca/bva and I look forward to reading your application. Bye for now.

Kelly Sinclair:

You did it. You just listened to another episode of the Entrepreneur School Podcast. It's like you just went to business school while you folded your laundry, prepped dinner or picked up your kids at school. Thank you so much for being here. I want to personally celebrate your commitment to growing your business. You can imagine I'm throwing confetti for you right now. If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review. Make sure you're subscribed and let us know you're listening by screenshotting this episode and tagging us on Instagram. Head to entrepreneurschool.ca. For tons of tools and resources to help you grow your business while keeping your family a priority. You can subscribe to our email list and join our community and until next time go out there and do the thing.