Jan. 28, 2025

People Who Have the Results You Want are Delegating with Diane Rolston (DW297)

People Who Have the Results You Want are Delegating with Diane Rolston (DW297)

Do you have big goals for yourself? Are you looking at other people and saying, “I want the results that they have”? Then you are going to want to listen to this episode where Diane Rolston tells you what it is they're probably doing that maybe you aren't.

Listen to learn these key takeaways:

  • You'll understand why successful people achieve more by delegating tasks
  • You'll discover the wide range of tasks that can be delegated to virtual assistants, from content creation and social media management to technical work and administrative support
  • You'll learn why hiring multiple specialized contractors at North American rates can become expensive and complicated, versus having dedicated virtual assistants who can handle multiple roles
  • You'll understand the power of content repurposing and how one piece of content (like a video) can be transformed into multiple formats by your team
  • You'll discover why trying to do everything yourself keeps you stuck doing tasks below your pay grade and prevents you from serving more clients or growing your business
  • You'll learn how delegation can improve both your business results and personal life, allowing you to take real vacations and focus on high-value activities
  • You'll understand the benefits of working with general virtual assistants who can handle multiple facets of your business, becoming your reliable "Robin" to your "Batman"

Join Diane Rolston on January 31, 2025 at the free workshop “Build Your Business & Reach Your Goals with the Help of a Virtual Assistant”. Save your spot here: https://VAEventJan31.eventbrite.ca

Do you prefer reading blogs or watching videos? Watch Diane’s YouTube videos  here https://www.youtube.com/@CoachDianeRolston or read her blogs here https://www.dianerolston.com/blog

Want to be a published author this 2025? Then join the Dynamic Women Leadership Secrets and become one of the one of the Top Thought Leaders, Experts &​ Dynamic Women ​to Share YOUR Stories & Secrets on Leadership! Save your spot here: https://be-an-author.dynamicwomen.biz/

This show’s host, Diane Rolston, is called THE Expert on Being Dynamic and living a Dynamic Life. After leading hundreds of events and programs in her two businesses, speaking on international stages, being a published author while raising two young children, Diane Rolston knows all about work/life balance and getting things done! As an Award-Winning Coach and the CEO and founder of Dynamic Women®, a global community of women, her purpose is to unlock the greatness in others. Diane works with professionals all over the world to provide clarity, confidence, and action.

Visit my website and Sign Up for my WEEKLY NEWSLETTER and you'll get FREE tips on how to live a dynamic life:


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Learn more about Dynamic Women® at www.dynamicwomenclub.com

Diane believes we are not defined by our titles or our roles. Instead, we are more powerful and happy when we can be who we are.  This brought out her book Dynamic You™, based on a successful program, where she reveals the secret code to confident, wealthy, and successful women and leads women to unleash the Dynamic Woman™ in them!

Get your copy of Dynamic You with this link, and you’ll receive a special discount: https://www.dianerolston.com/store/p3/Autographed_Dynamic_You™_Book.html

The Dynamic Women® Podcast is an Award-Winning action-focused lifestyle and leadership podcast full of stories and strategies to help women design their success and unleash their “Dynamic Woman”. You can learn from the experts how to get clarity, build confidence, and get into action on your biggest goals and dreams.

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