Sync With Your Cycle and Sexuality with Melissa Sanger

Melissa Sanger is a Womb Witch guiding women to the power of their menstrual cycle and sexual energy. She came to this work having had no period in 3 years - which took her on a life changing journey around Latin America where she worked with plant medicine and shamans to bring her fertility and femininity back to her. She now works with women all over the world to help them connect to their wombs and the wisdom it holds by weaving womb massage, ritual and coaching to empower them to have incredible sex, relationships - with their partners - and most importantly themselves.
In this episode we cover -
- How to use the energetics of your cycle to help you in your work - and relationships
- Using dynamic energy to plan.
- The importance of ovulation every month and the benefits.
- Fertility awareness method vs birth control.
- How to create time for rest and what actually means to rest.
- Tantra Yoga and sexuality.
- Working on your sexual energy.
- How to work with a yoni egg.
- Shame and self-consciousness.
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