Throughout this series, I have shared the importance of looking after your gut health for your overall health and today I am going to share how to maintain gut health long term.
About the Host:
Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherapy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get lasting results. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.
Melissa is the winner of the 2021 & 2022 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler.
Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit and many more! She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get started.
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Welcome back to another episode of health hacks, as I round out my series on gut health. Throughout these episodes, which started at episode number 484 we have discussed the gut brain connection, we've gone into detail about the microbiome. We've talked about signs of poor gut health, leaky gut foods that help the gut foods that hurt the gut. We've also talked about stress and gut health, pre and probiotics, sleep and gut health, as well as detoxifying the gut. So we have gone through all of these topics to give you a really good foundation. We also talked about skin and gut health as well, and we I want you to have this foundation so that you can take the small action steps that I've mentioned in each and every episode and just implement them into your life. Just change one thing at a time in order to better support your long term gut health. Because remember right back from the very beginning that all disease starts in the gut. That's what Hippocrates said. What I love to say is that all health starts in your gut. So if your health is a priority for you, then you definitely want to be making sure that you are focusing on looking after the health of your gut, focusing on your diet, focusing on your sleep, focusing on your stress management, focusing on your mindfulness around What you eat, how you eat when you eat, and build all of that into a beautiful, well balanced lifestyle for yourself, because these are all things that you can absolutely implement on your own. If you want to do additional lab testing to figure out, okay, what, where is my gut out of balance, and what can I do about that? Do I have Candida overgrowth? Do I have bacterial overgrowth? Do I have h pylori? Do I have parasites? Then absolutely reach out, because we've got a series of lab tests here. We can run these lab tests in the comfort of your own home to determine what is going on, and then know the exact next steps for you to be able to take in order to heal your gut, without you having to figure it out all on your own. And that allows you to then relax into being guided on your healing journey. And when you relax into being guided, you're getting out of the stress state. And when you get out of the stress state, that is when you can heal. If you are in the stress state constantly wondering, what is wrong with me? How do I fix this? I don't know who to turn to. The doctors are telling me nothing's wrong with me. That is a vicious cycle that is going to keep your gut in an unhappy state. You need to work with someone who works with this all the time, and I'm part of an organization that sees hundreds of 1000s of patients a year using these same protocols that help people heal their gut in a really gentle, easy way. So reach out, Melissa at your guided health If you would like some lab testing, or if you would like support through a protocol, even if you don't want to do the lab testing, we can do that too, or simply start to implement all the tips throughout these episodes, from number 484 to 495 into your daily life, one at a time, And notice the improvement that you experience as a result. So here's to your happy gut.