Nov. 24, 2023

HH317:Happy Thanksgiving!

HH317:Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I want to talk about gratitude because Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it is a time to think about what we are grateful for.

About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherapy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get lasting results. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.  Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 & 2022 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler.

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit and many more! She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get started.




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Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to another edition of health hack. And today you might want to tune in as I talk about gratitude. And I know American Thanksgiving is coming up at the end of November, but you can start implementing daily gratitude now and just see how that impacts your life, even by the time you get to American Thanksgiving. So the power of gratitude and ask you, what are you grateful for today. And sometimes, if we're not in a practice of gratitude, we might find it hard to think about what we're grateful for, we overthink it, where we can simply be grateful for the meal on the table, the roof over our head, the clothes that keep us warm, the town that we live in the job that we have, or the career that we're building, the ability to play, whatever sports it is that we want to play, because our body is healthy and mobile enough to be able to do so there's so many simple things that we can start with. And then what happens as we start to build a practice of gratitude is we find it's easier to come up with things that we're grateful for four, because that's where our mindset goes, versus focusing on what's not going right, which is typically where we go. Until we get into a practice of gratitude. Our brain is designed to keep us safe. So it is looking for things that are going wrong in order to make sure that it's keeping us out of danger and alerting us etcetera, etcetera. And we can get stuck there. And when we get stuck there that has us living in a lower vibrational frequency, one of you know, being upset, angry, frustrated, irritated around what's not going well in our life. But when we start to accept that everything that's happening, for us is happening for a reason. We can let go of all of that, as we open up to why is this happening to me? What am I to learn from this experience, and then come to a place of gratitude. And so when I lost my job, eight years ago, whatever given an hour to clear out my desk, I could have gone into a place of bitterness and anger, etc, etc. But instead I chose Why is this happening for me? What am I to learn? And as I look back, now, I have so much gratitude for the fact that I was let go, because it literally changed my life put me on an entirely new career path into health and wellness, a career path that is extremely fulfilling as I help my clients regain or optimize their health, as I also improved my health through my own learning, and I love the fact that that happened. So what is it that you are grateful for today? I would love you to just stop and think about that. Take some time to write it down. And as they continue this week talking about gratitude. Come back and join me so that you can start implementing a gratitude practice if you don't already have one.