
What is the wind bringing into your life? Are there messages that you are not paying attention to? I love watching my dog get all excited when the wind kicks up and her nose goes into overdrive. What is she picking up on? What am I missing?
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend.Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love
Unknown:Hey, how the heck are you? How are you? How are you? Good morning. afternoon, evening. Welcome back. Welcome back to the dogs and men podcast. Something really cool to talk about today. And we all know what it is. But I think we all don't know how it connects us. That's wind, right?
Unknown:Breeze, a breeze just a breeze. Think of a cool breeze in the summertime. Just caressing your face. Come on, you're down a little bit. And that great. And that feel amazing. Who else is feeling that breeze?
Unknown:Right? Where did that breeze come from? What was that breeze 24 hours ago? Who else was feeling the benefit of that breeze?
Unknown:Maybe it wasn't a cool breeze. 24 hours ago, maybe that thing was just a raging raging storm. It was a hurricane. It was a tornado. Who knows? But what does it bring?
Unknown:In some instances it brings relief. In some instances, it brings fear. It can bring messages, right? This is fascinating. We get smells, right? What does your dog do in the breeze kicks up, lift their nose, and that nose is going bonkers. It's going crazy trying to pick up whatever's coming from somewhere else. So
Unknown:we know that our brain works with chemical messengers, right? So as smell that wind is a message. What is your dog picking up on that you are not? Right? We think it's cool. We think it's exciting. When our dog gets all fired up about a smell. We don't understand deeply that that is connecting the dog to something somewhere else. Right doesn't do the same for us. But when you maybe you walk by a house when you're walking your dog and you smell something incredible and like, oh, I want to go inside there.
Unknown:Isn't that a connector? Wouldn't that connect you with your neighbor? It does. or So smells so powerful that brings us these incredible memories. We have an attachment, a deep attachment to smell with emotions and memories. It's fascinating. So let's get back to the wind. What else does the wind bring?
Unknown:Think of think of the fall, right that time of year when everything started to change again. I live in Colorado. So the leaves are changing now. It's absolutely beautiful. And then some of the leaves are falling and they're landing on the ground and the wind picks up and swirls them around and then and then they take off again.
Unknown:So it brings you back into that moment right then when there's nothing going on. But the leaves swirling around at your feet. Right? What else? Oh, you guys ever been in a forest like a pine forest and the wind kicks up. And there's there's just this different sound of the wind that as it filters through the pine needles. It's like nothing else. It's just incredible. I highly recommend spending some time out in deep nature, right not just the park. Get out in deep nature. Obviously take your dog with you.
Unknown:And just spend time if the wind picks up, close your eyes. Listen to that sound. I don't know how many of you have heard about aspen trees or quaking aspen. It's a certain type of aspen. The leaf shakes, it quakes on its stem and makes us completely amazing sound. It's like nothing you've probably ever heard before. If you're a beach guy, you can hear the wind as it pushes sand across the surface of the beach. There's this is this crazy little scattering scampering sound of sand moving across sand and other objects.
Unknown:What is the wind due for waves? Right? When helps create waves on the ocean. Did you know that wind pushes water to create waves you
Unknown:are sometimes fun for you know, boogie boarding and surfing. Other times not so fun when the waves are massive out and see and take out an entire ship. But it when it's powerful, yet gentle, and it brings messages from afar. What else can the wind do?
Unknown:The wind can move youthink of a sailboat. Right? That means the wind to get somewhere else. It's being assisted the boat is being assisted by the winter go somewhere else. And is that correlate for you? Right? Is your dog here to assist you in moving to another place?
Unknown:I think we think so much of our dogs as being a comfort, something that we can rely on something that's constant, it gives us something that we think we need something that we can't give to ourselves, or we don't realize we can give to ourselves.
Unknown:That's fantastic. It's just an awareness, not a criticism. It's just an awareness. So that wind brings your dog in awareness of something else. Your dog can bring you an awareness of something else.
Unknown:What else can you go with this? What else does the wind do?
Unknown:Right? If you've got long hair, the wind when it picks up, whips your hair all over the place. And you get unless you get tied up, I don't have that center that much air left, but it whips your hair around. And maybe that brings you a momentary distraction from something else that was going on. Maybe you're upset, running late, whatever it is, but your hair whipping around brings you to this present moment where you have to do something about your hair, because you can't see what's going on.
Unknown:Right. So in that in that tiny little moment. You have a little distraction, you have this little moment of presence. And nothing else really matters we forget about everything else is going on and we forget about being late we forget about being responsible, we forget about paying the mortgage, whatever it is. So pay attention to the wind.
Unknown:Next time you feel the wind come up, just stop whatever you're doing, wherever you are, and just turn your face right into it. What do you feel? Is the temperature different?
Unknown:Is it strong?
Unknown:Is it soft?
Unknown:Can you smell anything?
Unknown:Are you picking up on anything intuitively? Are you getting a message somehow that may sound a little strange, but pay attention to that. We all have these amazing capabilities, these abilities that we do remember that we have and things that we can tap into that we can tune into things that can help us on our paths to living an exceptional life, living a life of presence, and love and acceptance. Now, let that wind blow. Let your hair get all messed up. And watch the leaves dirt around on the path. Watch the wind. Take the trees, the strong, strong standing trees and bend them over. lens are gonna snap but the tree will probably stand unless it's a really big storm, right? What does that mean? What's the message in this super strong wind? This storm? That is knocking things over rip and ruse off?
Unknown:Is that to get our attention? What are we not paying attention to?
Unknown:Get curious. Start asking yourself deeper questions. The weather is a powerful Enforcer is a powerful informer is gonna bring you information. What are we not paying attention to?
Unknown:Does the wind bring joy? Sure. Does the one bring us feelings of scarcity and scarcity? Lacking? I don't have something
Unknown:or maybe I do have something someone else has something I want you smell the cinnamon roll.
Unknown:What does that mean?
Unknown:Why do we feel like we have to have something that we don't have? Or somebody has something that we think we want or need. What does that mean in your life as far as your job? Your relationships
Unknown:What is the wind trying to bring you? There are messages. There's information.
Unknown:Sometimes, it's just a gentle caress. So enjoy that being that and love that.