Where Do You Think YOU'RE Going?

Where do you think YOU’RE going? I used to hear this a lot as a kid. Too funny! Now I ask myself the same thing. I can tend to forget where I have been and also forget what I want my life to look like. My dog shows me the things that are important. I am getting better at listening. Awesome.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love.
Michael Overlie:Hey, hey, what do you think you're going? Ah, man, I used to hear this a lot, as a kid a lot more accurately, he was probably like, where do you think you're going? Mister? I was always like, super curious and mad, could I get myself into trouble in no time at all? So where do you think you're going? You know, I, I still ask myself this question. You know, I think society and culture still asks us this question. And we're so concerned with what other people are doing that? You know, we don't pay attention to what we're doing. So I've gotten curious, and continue to ask myself this question. And part of it has to do with am i doing what's right for me? Am I doing what's in alignment with who I want to be? And how I want to show up? Part of it is, you know, Hey, am I am I getting like, way off track? Am I? Am I doing stuff that other people will feel is important? Does it make sense to them? Yeah, it doesn't have to make sense to anybody else. I don't know if you can hear Indigo sneezing back here. But it has to make sense to me. Right? It has to resonate with me. So where do you think you're going? Another big question? Where have you been? What you know, we haven't been present with yourself. And, obviously, we want things to be better in our lives. But if we can't show up for ourselves, the question is, Where have I been? And where do I need to go? Or where do I want to go? Right? What am I not satisfied with a guy that's, you know, that's open up in a whole new Canada, you know, what, but you have to decide what's important for you. It doesn't matter what's important to any buddy else, it doesn't matter who it is, you know, your your partner, your wife, your parents, your siblings, it doesn't matter. You know, we've been trained to take everybody else's beliefs as our own. But it doesn't matter. Don't have their opinions matter. This is really hard to swallow. But it's true. Because at the end of the day, no one else has to live inside of you. But you, right? So what does that look like? What's that feel? Like? Does it sound like just a big ball of shit to you? If so good. If something upsets your sensibility, or triggers you in some way, that means there's something there for you. There's something to discover something to Earth, there's some very treasure to get uncomfortable around. So where do you think you're going? Is there this goal? You've been chasing? Whether it's financial security, looking for the perfect partner? Right? Guy? That's always the hard one looking for love, right? What is it about looking for? We're all seeking this, this deeper connection, even though it scares the hell out of us, right? The How do I get that? How do I open myself to whatever that potential is? As tough, we're not, we're not raised or, or trained or taught to do these things. We, we fumble and Bumble our way along, and hopefully, sometimes we do really well. And, you know, I still do this, I still have my insecurities. And I don't always know what to do with it. So the best thing for me if like, let's say with my partner, there's something that I need to share, I share it right because
Michael Overlie:if I keep it trapped inside of me, all that's gonna do is fester and turn into something I may not like. So we can go back to vulnerability, right? There's actually safety after being able to share something, right, knowing that you're okay. Understanding that doing these these kinds of things is not a sign of weakness, right? So, that's where I think I'm going that's where I want to be, you know, so secure and and I'm sure of myself. And in any moment that no matter what happens, I can respond. And without freaking out and reacting, that I can show up, as you know, loving to myself, because if I can't love myself, I can't really truly love someone else. I think this has been a huge misunderstanding is that we know, we have to get all those needs met outside. So I think if I am able to love myself more, I can show up more for those I care about, I get that from my dog, right? I don't have to do a thing. I don't have to do a thing. And I get immediate acceptance and love for my dog. She holds space for me, she allows me to just be me. She's not sitting there judging me. She's not getting uncomfortable, because I'm uncomfortable. That's fantastic. So how do I learn from that? Right? How can she be my teacher in that moment? So how can I be a student in those moments? How can I do it? How can I learn from her? How can I learn from my mom or my, my dad or friends or partners? You know, I have to be open to it, I have to be willing. That's that's scary, right? letting your guard down. So going to a place that you may not have gone to before because it was, you know, scary and painful. Now, this is tough stuff. This is not. This is not easy. As I've said before, there's no freakin easy button. But if you want to move forward with who you are, right and remembering fully who you are, then you have to be willing to go to these places. You know, not all at once, right? None of us can do all at once. No freakin way. But a little bit at a time. Right? A little bit at a time. We talked about making small shifts, I think that is so important to just do one little thing, right? Take one little step, and then move forward. Take one little step, stay there, and then move forward. You know, we're trying to make these massive leaps and bounds and they just don't work. They just don't work. So let's go back to the original question. Where do you think you're going? Are you going to a place that truly works for you? Is there there discomfort around what you're doing now in your life? Whether it's in a relationship or your job? Is there a way you want to be of service? Is there something you'd rather be doing? But you don't think you could make enough money? Or you don't know how you could actually impact people? I mean, this is all fantastic stuff. Introspection is wonderful. But without action. It just remains introspection. So what does that look like for you? What is one thing you can do today that serves you first, so that you can show a better in your world so that you can be a better husband, a better leader, a better son, a better father? Where can you go? work during direction can you go? Where these things can start to really appear as just magical in your life? What's that look like? Just take a second. Turn around and ask your dog Hey, or do I need to go? Unless dogs anything? Yeah, awesome. No, awesome. Just just be with this little bit. Right? So now it'd be a great time to hook up the leash. Head outside. Turn left or right. It doesn't matter. Maybe go somewhere new. And just give yourself a little break. Count the birds as you're walking along. Just let this thought kick around in your brain for a bit. See what it feels like to decide where you really want to go. Now where somebody else told you to go. Where do you really want to go? I appreciate you. I see you. hold space for you. I love you. Take care