What Is Power?

What does it mean to wield power? Is this Superhero stuff? Presidential? The Yakuza? What if you had more power than you could imagine? Nature has power. My dog has a TON of power. Wake up!
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love. Good day. Good morning. How are you? Man, we got some seriously cool to talk about today. I want to talk about power. What is power? Usually we think of it in terms of superhero things, Superman, the Hulk. And when we think of raw strength, muscular strength, or the ability to blow some shit up, we think of that as power. What if you could look at it differently? What if you could think of it completely differently and understand what's available to you? Do you realize that you have way more power than you can even fathom? This is just a seed to be planted. You don't have to do anything else with it. But imagine yourself as having the power to completely change your life and live in a manner that is freaking phenomenal. Right? Look at your dog, for instance, how does your dog exhibit power? Or how does your dog hold power? What does that mean? My dog is a Belgian Shepherd. She's not massive, but she's power full. And her power is not just in her physical abilities, but in her appearance in her stature. As she freaks people out just by looking at them. It's really interesting. One way she can be extremely power or full, as in scary. And then another way she's extremely powerful in her ability to soothe and comfort in heal others. Right? It's fucking amazing. Your dog does the same thing in its own way. Your dog is trying to show you how to wield power in a completely different way. Let's look at some other powerful figures. You guys remember Muhammad Ali? Now, his power wasn't in necessarily in his punch. His power was in his ability to intimidate and completely freak out that competition. This guy would mindfuck you so bad that you were you didn't know what was going on? And then you get in the ring. And he'd already won half the time. He didn't even have to hit you. Right? He would just stump you before you even got in there. Bruce Lee, little guy, but power full? I don't know, was it his muscular strength? Was it his speed? Again, he was just a Jedi variety used his mind and his ability to move energy to accomplish amazing things. He took martial arts and made it and he made his own he created his own form. There's so much power in that. So how can these guys be so creative and so powerful? And we hold them in this place, you know, like Schwarzenegger or the rock or you know, these people who we see as having power. Maybe it's a politician or Richard Branson, Elon Musk, these guys have power to do things. They have a lot of money, which we also equate with power. Right? What about a mob boss, the Yakuza, we think of these things as powerful people have power to wield. Unfortunately, we oftentimes allow others to wield their power and hold us in a place. Right? We allow that to happen.
Michael Overlie:You want to real power is think of Gandhi. He was the most peaceful, passive man that was bringing attention to the way that the world was being run where he was and in other places, and it scared the hell out of people. So he was taken out basically by one of his old people. He was assassinated for being passively powerful. Isn't that fascinating? And I'm Martin Luther King. He He stood up, he got vocal, he was also a pacifist. But he was showing him how things actually were in the world. And he freaked people out. So they took him out. It's amazing. What's one person, one person speaking up has huge amounts of power. Mother Teresa, she was amazing, incredibly powerful. Yet so gentle. And they're fantastic. What is your dog trying to show you around this? You know, we, we get different breeds of dogs for different reasons. Myself, I wanted dogs that seemed imposing and big and powerful. And you know, and I liked that when I was younger, I needed to feel safe. I wanted, I wanted that, that strength that Look what I've got, look what I can do. Because I didn't know how powerful I was. My partner and I were talking this morning about a gal she knows who asked her, ask my partner, are you afraid of your own power? And I immediately immediately had this like, gut reaction. Like, God, I know that I'm so still so afraid of what I'm capable of. But it's in a good way, right? My my ability to move energy and help others learn about energy is powerful. What our dogs teach us is powerful. But I have this aversion to the responsibility that comes with that. And so yeah, in a way, I'm afraid of my own power. Because where's it going to lead me? What does that look like for me down the road? It's fascinating. How, what else? What else has power? Right? What's really powerful? Think of a mom who lifts a car off her kid got run over? Right? The strength of one small little woman to do such a physical feat? That is power, that and where does that power come from? Right, that energy comes from the heart. And the body isn't capable of amazing things. If we can align it with the other things inside of us. We all have this inside of us. How do we tap into some of these things? Right? Not to be the fastest man on the planet or, or benchpress the most, but how can we tap into this power to help heal ourselves? How can we tap into this power to help heal others? Alright, my first lesson in all of that was with my dog Darby. After my brother died, he exposed me to something that I had no idea even existed, he shared with me a glimpse into the power that's available to all of us. And from from the moment I hit that, I was addicted. And I wanted to learn more. So I studied all these different modalities. And I trained in some studied even more, studied even more, and came upon something one day where I actually tapped into my ability to be powerful. And it's not to influence or when favor over or anything like that. But it's in my my ability to help heal myself. And all the things that came along in my life that I didn't know how to deal with. Right, I bottle that stuff up, I've pushed it down, I've shoved it buried, it tried to cover it over, but it shows up. It has to it's gonna show up in myriad ways in your life. Now until you're able to heal these things. They're gonna keep showing up in some way. Right? And that's powerful. These messages that are stored in the body these emotions as energies, they have their own power you ever stopped and said, Why is this happening to me? Why am I here? Again?