What Is Beauty To You?

What Is Beauty To You? It doesn’t have to be what anyone else thinks it is. Something in nature. The shape of a woman. The colors on a wild horse, running along the hilltop. A fiery sunset. Beauty is in everything if we can begin to notice more. Get curious! Let Your Dog Lead you on a walk and just notice.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead.Lead you back to love
Unknown:Oh Hey guys, what's happening? Awesome. Awesome. Thank you for coming back. Thanks for listening to the show. I hope you love it. I hope you get something from it. I hope it makes you think and it keeps you curious. There's so much more out there. So much more. All right, let's let's jump into some cool shit here today jumping into cool shit. So I want to talk about beauty. And my question is, what is beauty? To you?
Unknown:It's completely subjective. It's more subjective than we realize. And I think we get stuck in what other people tell us. Beauty is,
Unknown:is it? The shape of a woman? Right? We have this this image in this country of what a woman's supposed to look like based on what someone else tells us she's supposed to look like. So is that? Is it? A sunset? Right? A fiery orange sunset? Is it purple mountain majesty?
Unknown:Is that a goal riding on the wind right above the ocean right on a wave? And looks like the goal is surfing?
Unknown:Is it a baby? Is it a puppy?
Unknown:Beauty can be anything. Anything can be beautiful. But what is that for you? Right? There's so many powerful images that come to mind. And
Unknown:a father with his child just laughing and playing somewhere to me that's beautiful.
Unknown:You strip away the the tough guy thing.
Unknown:And you allow yourself to just be with your child, or seeing someone play with their dye and just having fun. That's beautiful. Because everybody's happy. everybody's enjoying it. There's this unashamed enjoyment of the moment. There's no one no one's worrying about being judged. Like, oh, those people are watching me, maybe I should be acting this way.
Unknown:To me, that's beautiful. The ability to just show who you are in that moment or any moment. That's beautiful. Right? What else do what else do we think is beautiful? People comment on each other's beautiful homes. You know, there's there's a sense of order in how a house is painted and how the lawn is cared for and the landscaping. This thing that we consider beautiful because someone else told us? That's beautiful. Right? Again, what is that?
Unknown:What about a horse running on top of this hill? Right? Its main is just flying in the breeze, right? We just talked about wind in the last episode.
Unknown:Isn't that? That's beauty? That is beautiful. This, this concept of his free spirit running through it running in the wild. I consider that beauty are beautiful.
Unknown:What else? What do you come across in your day that you may perceive as beauty or beautiful. But you don't actually spend any time thinking about you don't allow it to really go beyond just a superficial awareness. What if you could let that in?
Unknown:What if you could appreciate something deeply, really in this full manner? And it doesn't have to be all based and staring out the window. But what else could you pay attention to that resonates with you? Right? What else is that? Let's go back to the window. Right? We've talked about this before just staring at a tree outside. Imagine everything that tree has been through to become what it is now. Doesn't that directly correlate to us? So we see the beauty in the tree. But we often don't see the beauty in us in ourselves.
Unknown:We think we have to do something or be some way to be considered beautiful? What does that tree doing? It doesn't worry about what the other trees, think about it, it doesn't. It doesn't even worry about what we think about it. Right? It just exists. It does what the tree does. And we see it as beautiful. Let's bring that back to your dog. What is your dog give you? What should I bring you? Without you having to ask for a thing?
Unknown:Right? Think of the conflict we receive. Think of the love we receive the acceptance. Right? Isn't that beautiful? I think that's freakishly powerful. It's fucking amazing. And it's beautiful all at the same time.
Unknown:What is that beauty trying to teach us?
Unknown:Again, totally subjective. What I perceive and think and feel can be absolutely different than what you think perceive and feel. And this beautiful, right? You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to like what I like. What I want to do, though is is to help you see that there's more, that there can be so much more if you're willing to just allow yourself a tiny bit more curiosity, right, allow yourself to expand a bit more.
Unknown:You get to create your day in whatever fashion you want. Right, whatever way you want to live. Or you get stuck in our default programming, and our different ways of being and our schedules and routines. But you have a choice in all of that. And you can change how you perceive anything.
Unknown:Maybe you've got trees with limbs that break all the time. And it's a hassle because you got to clean stuff up. Well, instead of seeing the tree is a hassle. See the tree is something beautiful, that's maybe forcing you to slow down and spend time with the tree as opposed to spending time worrying about other things or doing other things. You can just go be with that tree in nature outside. That freakin awesome. Didn't that tree just become a little more smart or intelligent to you?
Unknown:It's fantastic. I think nature's constantly trying to get us to slow down. Right? What's that saying? Stop and smell the roses.
Unknown:Well, what the hell, right? We we see these phrases in here these ideas, and we think they're good. We think they're cool. And yet we don't apply them to ourselves, you know, was, let's look at how we work how we live, right? Some day. Also that some day I'll have enough to retire. One day I will do X, Y or Z. Well, that's a load of shit. You know, we see these things happen to people along their path and their journey. People die too young. Oh, how sad. He was so young. He was doing so well. He had everything going for him. Whatever.
Unknown:We get to choose how we live every single day. But we go on this autopilot and listen to what everybody else thinks is important. Oh, that's not beautiful. To me. That's bullshit. That is such bullshit. You have so much power, you have so much beauty inside you. Why not utilize that?
Unknown:Why not spend time there? Spend it energy there.
Unknown:Right? What do you want to create today?
Unknown:You can create wherever you want. It may take a million steps, but you can create something different. You don't have to believe what someone else tells you. Right? You don't have to perceive what someone else perceives as totally okay. Give yourself permission to see beauty everywhere. That will spend time with your dog. Just Just try and be that dog for just a little bit. Right? You done that on a walk yet. Go and be with your dog and you just you can stand and close your eyes while they're sniffing and pick up whatever pay attention. You might hear something you didn't hear. He might smell something you didn't smell. It might be good. It might be kind of nasty. But be in that be present. Right What is your dog showing you what is your dog teaching you constantly? come on folks.
Unknown:We got to wake up we got to start to wake up. As if we want to have a better life. There's no one coming to save us. There's no one fucking coming to help you. Right? There's no one's going to save your ass. Your dog is trying to show you a different way. Wake up and pay attention to find beauty in everything. Look at the people you work with. find beauty in them where you didn't notice it before. That is amazing.