What About Beauty And Power?

We tend to see things and isolate them. What if we could put things together? What if you could see things that were more than they are perceived to be? Think of something that has Beauty AND Power. How does your dog represent this concept?
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love
Michael Overlie:Bienvenidos welcome Guten Tag V gates Ohayo gozaimasu? What's going on, guys? So glad you're back. Hey, did you listen to the last episode? Right? Power? One before that beauty? Well, let's put these together. Again, more fast na ting concepts, ideas. Now, remember this, these are just pointers, right? These are not, and all definitions or ways of being necessarily, but they can be a great place to start to realize to see things differently. How can you open to other ways, right? So all the things that you thought you knew in your life? All the things I thought I knew in my life, I realized, I don't know shit, right? All the time, I'm reminded that I don't know, shit. And then coming from that place that kind of beginner's mindset. POC, Iraq's it absolutely rocks. So let's dive into it. Let's dive into it. What about beauty and power? We can think about this in myriad ways. All kinds of different things. Start with a waterfall. Stand back and which is love looking this water. It's gorgeous. There's water just falling and falling and falling and falling in this mist that surrounds it. But when it hits the bottom, it's there. It's this roar, and it's pounding. So that has beauty and power. Right? What about the wind? What does that? What does that do you watch the leaves swaying in the breeze. And we see that and we feel that that energy that feels beautiful, looks beautiful. If you can see it, that's energy. So there's a beauty therapist, and there's such power, it can take that tree out completely knock it flat, pick it up, throw it. Right. So there's beauty and power. What else? What about a beautiful woman? Right? There's this, this physical beauty that we constantly think we need to strive for this appearance. So it holds power over us. Right? We we think we might need to look a certain way or act a certain way, you know, show up as something that maybe we're not. So there's this beauty and this power, because we think there's this thing outside ourselves that we need. I'll think about that for a second. What are we looking for? What are we always looking for striving for? Even when we don't realize it, usually we don't realize it. We're looking for love. We're looking outside of ourselves for acceptance, and recognition and praise. And we, we have the ability to give that to ourselves. But we don't remember how we come into this world with everything we need, as far as that's concerned. And we lose that over time. People telling us how we need to be how we should be. And we listen to them. And we get further and further away from ourselves. So further and further away from our ability to just love who we are right here right now. Right? This is hard for me to you know, I don't like the fact that my hair is leaving me I don't like the fact that I'm not as fit as I used to be. You know, I can still shame and blame myself a little bit for for eating a doughnut or being pudgy whatever. And that's that's mine to deal with. I'm not going to blame someone else because I make poor decisions on my diet. But there's something there right we're striving, looking, searching, seeking. We want other people to tell us how awesome we are. We want other people to tell us that they love us. Right? That's beautiful right is so much beauty and power in someone else loving us
Michael Overlie:Just like your dog, your freaking dog does this all the time. Think about what you get from your dog all the fucking time. Unconditional Love, we've talked about this before, it's unconditional. We can't do that to ourselves, we can't give that to ourselves. So we expect it from others. And when we don't get it, we get upset. Our dog seems to fill that void a little bit. And we don't understand that this is just a temporary thing. There's a lesson in that. They're not just gifting us something. And that's the end of they're trying to show us that we're worthy of loving ourselves, show us that we're capable of loving ourselves. They just show up, they show up no matter what. Whatever that lesson is. And it can be different for everybody at different times, but they show up. So there's such beauty in that in their care of us, and their willingness to give to us. And there's also so much power. Holy shit, guys. Can you start to get this? Can you grasp? What is actually available here? As fucking phenomenal? Fun, fucking phenomenal. What else is possible for you? Right? Where do these lessons lead? If you're willing to start to wake up and pay attention? What else is possible? If you can understand what this little animal is doing for you maybe have a mastiff not such a small animal. But what is this dog doing? How are they showing up? How can you emulate what they're doing what they're giving? Can you be a little more compassionate to somebody? Maybe there's a co worker that you just don't like? And that's okay. You don't have to hang out on weekends. But think about everything you've been through in your life, all the things that hurt, the discomfort, the shameful things that you never ever want to share with anybody. Well, what about that guy? You don't like? Don't you think he's got that same shit inside him? Why do you think he's acting the way he is? As not because his life is bitchin right. He's not acting out or, or attention seeking or being a dick because he's happy because he's dealt with things in his life that that he's shoved down. He's hurt. Everybody's got stuff Everybody Hurts inside. But if you let it rule, how you show up, this is what you get. You get anger. You get bitterness you get isolation, loneliness, your crappy relationships. Should happens. I didn't realize this. I was married before. And you know, at the time, I wanted to blame my ex for all my shit. I tried hard I did this I did that I continually bla bla bla, What a load of shit. I wasn't able to take responsibility for myself for a long time. She was just showing us the best way she knew how. I can't blame her for one fucking thing. I can only be responsible for myself. Huge point here guys. There's beauty and power in that how do you show up for yourself? What is your dog showing yours capable for you? Just be with that for a second. Right? What do you get from your dog every day when you come home? Pure fucking Joy right dogs stoked to see you may be goofy may jump around and do tricks. May whatever my dog does this thing where she drops her shoulders, butts in the air and she's just like, ah, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch scratch. They're just so happy to see you. Are you happy to see yourself at the end of the day? Or are you just happy to be home and have it all over with? Right? What can you do today? What one little thing can you do today to recognize more beauty and power in the same place? Your dog has beauty and power available and they're constantly trying to show you this
Michael Overlie:costera tree, go watch the clouds. YouTube waterfall. beauty and power. It's right here. It's available. I'll talk to you guys soon. Love you.