The Ten Minute Glass Of Water

What can a glass of water teach you? What can taking 10 minutes to drink that glass of water do for your awareness? Grab your dog, a glass of water, go sit where you can see outside and have a listen!
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love. Not at all.
Michael Overlie:Shooby dooby dooby doo, shoot me do why? Hey, guys, good morning, or good afternoon or evening or night, depending where you are, I guess. How's it going? Glad you're here. Glad you're here. I am so excited. So I want to talk about 10 minutes and a glass of water. What the hell, right? So last week, we talked about taking 10 minutes to eat an orange. And how that can increase your awareness how that can bring you to a greater sense of presence just in that one little activity. Oh, I want to expand on that. And it's it's hugely important. And you'll get widened here a bit. So first, if you're just into this, do something for me real quick, put it on pause and go grab a big glass of water, something you can see through and then grab your dog go over by a window or somewhere where you can see outside. I'll wait. Okay, good. You're back. So if you're listening to this in your car, obviously, you don't have to slam on the brakes and do this. But do this exercise later. It's so cool. All right. So water, what is about water, we obviously can't survive without it. Right? If we didn't never had any illiquid we'd be done. Well, the reason I want you to sit up side, or at least look outside redo this or listen to this is because I'm going to talk about how water connects every thing. And I mean everything. So the grass outside needs water to survive. The trees outside, need water to survive. Your dog has to drink water in order to survive. Your car was manufactured. And it takes water to do all that processing. I mean, every little thing. Right? The clouds are made up of what? Well, yeah, you guessed it. Water. So if water is such an important component of our lives, what does that mean for us as far as being connected to other things? Other beings, whether you believe they're sentient, you know, awake, living, thinking, breathing, or not? Right? Is a large part of our planet. We're What 70 75% water on the planet. Our bodies are similarly constructed as far as percentage of water is no accident. How can that be an accident? It's no freakin accident. So what does that mean? Why do we all need something similar to survive? What does that mean energetically that we all need something similar to survive, to thrive to live to grow? Right? So let's back it up a little bit. Just look at your glass of water. Look at that tree out there. What would happen if the tree stopped drinking? Well, you know what happened. So you in that tree are now inexorably linked because of that glass of water. So what happens when you see your grass is a little brown? You give it a little more water, right? Maybe give us some fertilizer, we'll food but mostly we just give it more water? So does that make you more deeply connected to your lawn? Well, kinda in a way it does. Because if you didn't give it a little more, if you didn't make the effort to give it something it needs, then it would turn brown. Yeah, it would come back eventually. But that that's that's a huge point. So how can we do that for other people? Right? How can we do that for ourselves? What if I need something more than I mean that I really need to survive and thrive not not a new Porsche or a bigger house or whatever. But that connection, that bond to something else inside of myself as well as outside of myself? And that's what water does for us. As we take water in. Right we need that to go with in ourselves to help Read and nourish the cells in our bodies.
Michael Overlie:On the outside, we see how other creatures other beings need that water as well. I mean, how can we not see that link? Now? How can we not notice that connection in that bond? It's impossible. How can you take it a step further? Right? How can you take a step further close your eyes and, and ponder a alpine lake? Right? What's in the lake? Well, there are fish probably. In the fish. need water? Right? How do we get rain? Rain comes from evaporated moisture evaporator water on the planet's surface that goes into the atmosphere condenses and comes back down. Right. So what about the water from your lawn, let's say it's a hot day you water your lawn, the water evaporates somewhat. It goes up in the atmosphere, you may never see that water again. But maybe that travels across the country or across the globe before it condenses and becomes rain again. And that falls on someone else's land. It falls on their upstream face, and they catch the raindrops on their tongue. So now you're connected to that person who may be 11,000 miles away. So think about that. That's fantastic. How can you be connected to one other person across the globe by raindrop? Well, it's completely in the realm of possibility. It's completely simple to perceive once you think about it. Now, what about water that evaporates from their land? Is that the rain that fell on your lawn last night? Right? So are you connected to that person because of what evaporated on their property and landed on yours? Well, of course, you are. Guys, we are so connected to everything. We are the ones that create the division, the separation, the lack of awareness of that connection. It doesn't mean you have to have the same beliefs about life, it doesn't mean you have to have the same ideas about how to dress or what to drive or none of that is truly important. But we have preferences, right? Other people have ideas, they see things differently. Well, of course they do. Because they're somewhere else and have different experiences growing up. But we're still deeply connected. We're connected in this whole other way, this deeper, deeper level, in all ways, by our environment. Right? Right. What about what else air, we all need air. Without the air, we'd be dead. So that's just another way to take this about, on breathing air, your dogs breathing in the air, the guy on the other side of the planet with different ideas about how to live us breathe in the air. So that connects us as well. So energetically, what does that mean? I don't know. What do you think it means? Right? What are my water molecules? They are different elements that are bonded together through energetic bonds. So again, we come back to Everything is energy. Water is energy, hydrogen atom, oxygen atom bonded energetically. We take that in and use it as nutrition for our bodies. Well, of course we do. And guess what? So does every body else are you that different? Now, take your brain out of it. Your body needs water, body needs food, your body needs air. So does that person's so does your dog. So does the cat the bird, the tree? The grass? Hmm. Take this as far as you want. Or maybe just stick with what we're talking about right here. But let's let's open that door a tiny, tiny bit. Create this other awareness, this next level of awareness of how we're all actually connected. Every single being on the planet is connected by water. I think that's fantastic. I think that's freaking magical. I think it's fucking fabulous. And I think it's so walking simple. It's so simple. You don't have to like everybody. No one ever said you did.