The Role Of Nature

What is the role of nature? Is it just a pretty thing that we like to look at? What if there was something more powerful yet subtle about what nature provides us? Download this one and take it into the forest or the beach. Let Your Dog Lead you around as you listen to this.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love
Michael Overlie:Pop, pop, pop, pop. Hey, what the heck is going on? Oh, man, it's a nice chilly morning as I record this, please are just starting to change definitely cooler in the mornings. Still sleeping with the windows open, which is really nice. I love that. But it's it's a mighta it's not cold in here. How you doing a day? How the fuck are you guys are doing? Where are you? What are you up to? What's on your plate? For today? Can you spend some time in nature? Because that's what I want to talk about. Nature. Natural, naturally, naturally occurring. What does this even mean? Right? We have this idea, this concept of nature this thing out side. Right? But if it's natural, aren't we natural to what does that even mean? What is naturally occurring? Is that something that is just as it is? without interference from anything else? Right? I think we have a hard time with this. We push we're constantly striving we're seeking we're reaching and we we forget how to just naturally be. So this is singularly important guys, we we bring nature into our homes. Right, you know, as a species is not that long ago, we used to just live forever outside. But now we know we're missing something. So we bring plants and animals into our homes. Why is that? What is it that we aren't getting? That we think we need to get? So we bring these other beings in? I mean, this is fascinating. Think about that. Why did you bring plants into your house? If you have plants? I got a bunch. Why did you bring dogs? Or cats or whatever into your house? Why? Why is this other being necessary for you? To have so that you can live a better life? Right? Is it just because we see something pretty? Is it the attention we get? Is there a feeling that having these other beings around gives us? Right? I mean with with our dogs gathered, they're so simple, yet the relationship can be so complex, right? Because we have all these stories and things that we create around it all the relationships in our lives. And yet, we don't understand it, we don't get it. We don't even stop to think about why I want this other being to share space with me. Oh, this is wonderful, right. And there's nothing more natural than sharing space with another being. We have beings that we want to share space within those that we definitely don't. And that's that's natural to. You don't have to like everybody. You don't have to want to be friends with everybody. It's just natural to have your own preferences. But what is it we're searching for? In the natural world that we feel like we can't give ourselves and that's where I wanted to go with all this. So we have our own preferences, what kind of trees we like, or what kind of plants we like, what kind of dogs we'd like we we like certain breeds. Is it just a familiarity thing? Do you like the big powerful dog? Do you like the sweet, cuddly little sensitive dog? You know, it doesn't matter. It's just what your preference is. But there's something in that for you. There's a lesson in that in what type of dog you brought into your life into your home. That is seems really important for you. Now, this is totally natural. This is completely natural. So what is it? What do you have? Right like so this time I brought a Belgian Shepherd in and I have my own reasons for getting her.
Michael Overlie:Some of that was around. She's a rescue dog right and I had this thing about wanting to save. I've done this a really large portion of my life wanting to help others. And part of it was because I didn't know how to help myself. So I have this little thing called rescuer syndrome. And it showed up as, as being a rescuer in the other relationships in my lives. My life, how many lives have I had? Better? No. But I had this thing where I put all this time attention and energy into helping others, when what I was really looking for was a way to try and make myself feel better. Not interesting. That's fantastic. What a great revelation. So what is about your dog that type of dog that size of dog the colors? What is it? You know, I mean, the dog is is naturally being a dog. But there's something that drew you to that particular animal, that particular breed. Give yourself a sec, kick that around a little bit? Is your dog even in the room? Go get your dog? If not, go get your dog and ponder this went over for a little bit. Let's go back to the window. If you can go back to a window, just look outside. Right? What are the things you appreciate about what's right outside your own house, or your office, wherever you are right now? are driving around in your car? With sometimes we're satisfied with where we're at? A lot of times we're not. So we'll travel to far off places to see amazing wonders of the world. Right? I have. I have Patagonia on my list. There's just something so raw and beautiful. And it's just this pure, natural thing, right? It's in its natural state that has not been messed with by man. And I crave that right? I'm seeking that thing. I want to be close to that thing. What is it for you? Where have you been? And why did you travel there? Is it even just in your own city? Is it halfway across the globe? Right? There's something that drew you to that there's this attraction, this, this energy, this sense of beauty wonder like, I can't get this anywhere else. Right. That's that's why we go on vacation. We go to do something that we think we can't do, right in our own homes. We go somewhere else to experience something that we don't know how to experience right here, right now, something that could not be any more natural. Right? So what is that? What is that for you? Think about the places you've gone? Or the things that you've seen in the natural world? And what that gave you? Right? Was there a sense of freedom, a sense of openness, a complete lack of worry about the rest of your life at that time, you could just be present with whatever was there in that moment. And these massive waterfalls or giant mountain peaks or massive waves on the ocean? You remember the North Shore and Hawaii watching the waves as the Banzai Pipeline kicks off? Are you kidding me? It's fantastic. It's beautiful and peaceful, and serene and incredibly powerful all at the same time. I mean, that's fucking incredible. That is just amazing. Where else? Right? How about floating down the Amazon? Are you kidding me? Think of all the sights and sounds and smells and water. And all the things there that you can't see or can't experience you think? At home? Right for a places I spent 10 days in the jungle in Costa Rica once. Whoa, mind freaking blowing, peaceful and powerful. I mean, these things can coexist. We don't understand that. This natural state of being. So the ability to slow down and really appreciate what we have right here in this moment. Whether it's uncomfortable or comfortable, that is powerful, that can help us create peace, serenity, in our own lives. So what is natural for you? Where do you thoughts go naturally? If someone says something you really don't like, right? What is natural for you? What is a natural state?