Ten Minute Orange

What if you could give yourself 10 minutes to begin to create a better life? What if you could dedicate this time and become so present that you found peace while eating an orange? Grab an orange, sit with your dog and have a listen.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead lead you back to love
Michael Overlie:Hey, guys, anybody recognize the song tequila? Which I don't drink anymore because I used to drink way too freakin much of it turned into a big drinking problem. Anyway, let's get on with the day. So 10 minute, Orange. What the hell is that? What the freaking hell is that? I had been reading, tick, not Han, was a Buddhist monk, who passed away this year, beautiful man. He had all these amazing ideas, concepts, exercises around slowing down, he took any activity and turned it into a meditation. He was fascinating man. But one of the things I dug the most was taking 10 minutes to do something that we normally do in, you know, seconds flat or in a minute. So expanding that timeline, so that we can create a different way of experiencing something and enjoying more. I mean, this guy would chew a sip of milk, and that can chew a sip of milk 50 times before a swallow. I tried it, I can't do it. But what I can do is take 10 minutes to eat an orange. And it still takes practice. But it slows you way down. You appreciate every little part of it more. So what does that look like? When you go to peel the orange bite into that sucker. And just watch that spray, right you get some on your face, and you smell all that incredible, just yummy, tantalizing goodness in this peeled orange, slowly, just loving every bit of that, as you peel the wedges apart, look at all those little pieces and bits in there that that contain the liquid that we love so much. Right? How many of those little pieces are in there. And just just continue with this, I'm not going to do the whole thing. But the concept of this is fascinating. So in the last episode, I talked about taking five minutes and just staring out the window, not doing anything. Right. So this expands on that a little bit. But you're actually doing a thing. While it turns into a meditation, as you become completely mindful into what you're doing at that time. I guess fantastic stuff. This can be applied to so many things. Now, don't do the 10 Minute orange while you're driving, right? This is best shared at home with you and your dog, your dogs gonna love this too. So how can you create this space for yourself, you got to give yourself some extra time to do it are always rushing around. So give yourself 1520 minutes, turn off your phone, block it out and dedicate 10 minutes to doing this activity. And you're going to be looking at your phone to check your time. That's okay. You don't have to make it exactly 10 minutes. But the concept of slowing this down and being so present with what it is that you're doing is it's gonna blow your socks off, right? So do this thing. And then do it again. And then do it again. It doesn't have to be an orange, but you get the idea. Now, what does that give you? What does that bring to you? When you do this activity? And I can't answer that for you. This is something you need to pay attention to be aware of. How do you feel as you're doing this? Right? And you can activate your brain again to check in with that. But maybe you feel just a little more calm. Maybe you feel a little more relaxed. Maybe you feel at ease or peaceful is when you're doing this and you're paying such attention. Such focus by being present on this. Other things that were bothering you and your day are probably going to disappear. Right? Not not permanently, but right now in this time. Oh, you're not worried about you know, a bad review you got at work you're not worried about you know your partner being pissed at you or your dog, you know, towards something a house, you've dug a hole in the backyard. That stuff just disappears, right?
Michael Overlie:So this is a meditation, where we talked about meditation before. You don't have to Sit on a pillow and stare at a candle and go and chant home. This could be your meditation, you can do these things while you're walking to. It doesn't have to just be sitting here, but we're trying to build a practice. So the 10 Minute orange, right? Just just take in the sights and the smells and the sounds even. You can pay that close attention to this and build your own practice around eating a piece of fruit. How freaking cool is that? I mean, you're going to eat anyway? How can you build this into eating a regular meal? Right? Again, you can just keep it at 10 minutes. I'm not saying take an hour to do this. But you can be so present with whatever it is you're doing that you enjoy it more, tune out the world more you gain peace and insights, other things you're going to start to come in, when you can create room for what you want, right? These disturbing thoughts and the things that distract us can start to just wax and wane and disappear a little bit, excuse me. While these other things that you've been wanting to come into your life can start to creep in a little bit. Right? It's because you're creating that, that opportunity, you're opening that door by being in this place. So how else can we do this? I mean, watch your dog, as you're peeling this orange. And now they're just drooling. And just so focused and intense. Think about other times you have a certain food and your dog is just right there. Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, I need some gotta give me some, you know, imagine being able to focus that well. Being that present and mindful. In other days in other places and times in your life, where else could that benefit you? Well, freaking everywhere. Are you fucking kidding me? If we could be this focused in this present and aware of what's going on in a moment? Imagine what you can create. But this is like other things. This is not a practice most of us have had, or have been taught, we need to build this muscle. Right? Let's say you're a gym rat? How long did it take you to be able to benchpress an extra 50 pounds? Right? You had to practice and work at it and work at it and push a little bit. But you had to create that. So why can't you create this? How can we expand on this concept a little bit? What else do you want in your life, maybe you want a better relationship. You can't just change yourself overnight, or push something or expect someone else to do the same little things, little steps, little gestures. Maybe you start doing the dishes a little more, maybe you help around the house a little more. Depending on your relationship, there's always something you can do a little bit more, right? It's the small things in life that are going to make the lasting change, regardless of what we're talking about. Whether it's trying to get a promotion at work, or find love in your life, or train your dog to do something. It doesn't happen immediately. Almost none of it does. Right? So how can you take your 10 Minute orange with you wherever you go? How can you take this concept with you? into your day? Right? Maybe you spend an extra minute doing one thing? What if you got what you gotta be presentation coming up? What about one extra minute of preparation? Right before you go in to give your presentation, you sit and you close your eyes, and you see yourself given given the presentation. And you watch how you you just flow. And people are paying attention. And then it's done and you feel good about it. You can create these experiences. But we have to be in a better mindset to be able to do that we have to be calm and relaxed and open to whatever the possibilities are. So what are you going to do today? What is that 10 minute orange is going to be for you make it a 32nd orange to start. And then a one minute orange and then a two minute orange. Does that make sense? So even in this practice, building it up to 10 minutes can take time. But the goal is a 10 Minute orange, and then what can you do from there? So let's talk about the dog today. Let's talk about the walk. Can you walk with your dog and then stop when they want to sniff and just allow them to sniff