Taking Responsibility

Do you consider yourself responsible? What are you actually responsible for? Who are you responsible for? How is your dog teaching you about responsibility? It is way deeper than we have previously even considered. Have a listen, take your dog for a walk, create an exceptional life.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Mentioned in this episode:
Taking Responsibility
Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead You Back To Love
Michael Overlie:Good Day Good morning, good afternoon. wherever the heck you are. So glad you are here. Think about this, how fucking amazing is it that we can just click a button and learn or share or witness experience. That's, that's amazing to me I kind of a technophobe. But I do love some of the capabilities and the possibilities that we have just from being able to click a damn button. That's freaking awesome. Oh, my God, guys, I'm so glad you're here today. So glad, so glad. This is one of my favorite subjects, because it is often misunderstood. And super, super freaking uncomfortable at the same time, when you understand that depth of what's possible. So, let's get started. Do you consider yourself responsible? You know, in what ways right? Are you a good provider financially, for your family? Or for yourself? You know, do you show up to work on time and take your breaks when you're supposed to? Are you a good son? And you do what you're supposed to do for your mom? How was she responsible? You take great care of your dog. Maybe you buy the best food you can. Maybe you take your dog for lots of walks. So all these things are part of our ideas or our identities around what it means to be responsible, right? I'm a, it's an identity for you. I'm a responsible person. I'm a responsible guy. So how true is that actually? Right, not calling you out? Not calling you a liar. But how deeply aware of you of what it means to be responsible. What else are you responsible for? Let's get into this a little bit. So you're you're not gonna like me very much. Are you aware that you are responsible for everything that has happened in your life? Every tiny, little miniscule, seemingly insignificant, every tiny little thing? Every big thing, every mediocre thing. Every super awesome, happy, amazing thing. So what the hell am I talking about? I'm not saying that things didn't happen, right situations didn't occur, where maybe something deeply hurtful or something traumatic, super sad. You know, these things happen in life. But we're, we're guided in a way that's hard for us to fathom. And we're part of that process in the decisions that we make, how we handle our emotions, and then the choices that come from that place. end up putting us in situations. Think about a time where you were in a rut, maybe you couldn't get out of it. Maybe you're there now. And why me? Why do I keep repeating the same thing? Well, that's because you make choices based on you know, your emotional capabilities, your willingness to be uncomfortable. That puts you in a similar state. We keep ending up in the same place unless we do something different. Now here's where it gets uncomfortable. I have to own all my shit. All of it every single bit. It's tough to do at once. So one little piece at a time. How can I become a little more accepting and responsible for my shit. Just know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be. And we've talked about this before. This this is going to go into another level though. You are exactly where you're supposed to be. And you're listening this because this is what you need to help move to the next place to your your next level except that you can be a real dick, right? Except that maybe you're not good at relationships take responsibility for how you show up how you act, or react in any given situation. You can't blame somebody else, people are going to be as they are, just as you do. How can you take responsibility for your feelings and come from a place that is not reactive and hurt, but a place that is aware and capable of making a different decision? See, we're making choices all the time. Even when it doesn't feel like we're choosing something or choosing to be a certain way. You still are. And by not changing those behaviors, you're still choosing to be that way. Does that make sense? Do you think I'm just a jerk? Oh, man, and don't get me wrong, guys. I am. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But I've I've come to understand that I can definitely show up better definitely show up in a more compassionate and loving way. Not just towards others, but towards myself. As guys are really good at knocking ourselves down, beating ourselves up. And we don't know, another way, right? We're not taught by our parents, most of us anyway, to show up in this more open and receptive way. There's a formula. And both of my parents, they they played by that rulebook without understanding that maybe it wasn't beneficial for how I needed to be in the world, or how they needed to be in the world. And that's amazing, right? We just we do because that's what we were taught. And we don't question, but we're uncomfortable. And we don't know why we we can't have a good relationship. We don't know why we can't find love. And then it comes back to our dog who just is right there. No matter what. Being patient, showing us another way to be in the world. Our ego gets in the way again, you know, how does my dog know more than I do? How is my dog more in touch with everything than I am? Right? They just are. So take responsibility for your lack of awareness, not as a shameful thing. But just as a Oh, hmm. And then you can get curious, right? How is my dog more responsible than I am? You know, they get a little grumpy. Maybe there's a scuffle, there's a fence fight, whatever. They're not blaming you for that situation that occurred, just because you were walking them on the leash by that other grumpy dog. Right? There. They're owning it, shaking it off and getting on with their day. Maybe your dog does something in the house that pisses you off. You're not going to judge your dog for weeks on end. For something that happened, they destroyed something, you may tell some stories about it, whatever. But you're going to be able to forgive your dog more easily than you do. The other people in your life. Somebody at work somebody in the family. There's a saying if it's hysterical, its historical, which families tend to bring up the best and in the worst in us, right? There's such an emotional charge around the people that are in our lives. And when we judge them good or bad, that enhances that emotional charge. Does that make sense? What does that mean for you? Like, who in your life just drives you? Freaking batshit crazy. Okay, and then who in your life? Do you want to spend more time with or around because of how you feel when you're near or thinking of that person. That's where the power lies. This is where you can put those two situations, those two people across the table from each other. And go, Oh, you mean I can see this person differently. I can feel differently towards them. That's where the power all this lies. You taking responsibility for yourself, how you show up, how you treat yourself as well as others. This is a place to come from. This is a place of awareness, and compassion and love. So I think that's just fantastic. What are you gonna do today?