
What does it mean to Surrender? I used to think this meant giving up, and in a way it still does. Surrender the ideas and concepts that no longer serve you. But what if Surrender also meant allowing? Allowing your beauty and greatness to shine through? What if you could Surrender to how freakishly amazing you are? No internal Mafia or Yakuza chasing you down. Just a super cool life, full of love.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love
Michael Overlie:Hey, what's going on? So I have a surprise for you. I have a big surprise for you. So today, we're going to talk about surrendering. Right? This is not, you know, the cops outside your door, you know, surrender or come out with their hands up. This is something completely different. But most of us when we think of surrender, is that we have to give up. So this, it's true. And it's not true. So let me explain. So when you surrender, the things that no longer serve you, yes, you are giving something up. But you're making room for something else. Right? What else could that be? We'll get into that a little bit. So what can you surrender? What can you let go of give up? that no longer serves you? Is it this motivation, this drive for money? Image, power, fame, things? Everyone else's acceptance? I mean, we can make a huge list out of this. What is it though? What is one thing that comes to mind for you, right? We're not going to change everything overnight. What is one thing that comes up? What can you surrender, so that you can make room for something else? Let's say, Yeah, acknowledgement, right. acknowledgement of either a boss or supervisor or someone that you look up to. If you're able to let go of that, which is not easy. If you are able to let go of that thing. What do you think you might make room for? What if you could make room for the fact that you were already fucking amazing that you are already awesome at what you do? Or how you show love to people? What if you could realize that, right? It's hard for us to see ourselves as already being incredible. being lovable, being worthy, because we have all these other things. tightly bonded to who we think we need to be who we need to show up as, but surrender one, right? Let go of one thing, and it can be the smallest thing, the tiniest thing, let go of that and you create room for more magic to appear in your life. Okay. Think about it this way. Super simple. You've got a cupboard full of food. You want to buy newer, healthier foods for yourself. But your pantry is fucking stuffed to the gills. There's no room for anything else. So what if you took everything out? And you looked at it? You said okay. So I probably don't need the Kraft mac and cheese. Right? It's a comfort food. But it's got so many goddamn preservatives in it. And stuff is really not good for me. I can maybe I got 12 boxes, maybe, maybe I get rid of half of them. And you keep the others. So bam, right there. You just made some room for some healthier version of that. Right? Maybe you're getting the Annie's mac and cheese to replace some of those. You still got the craft as backup because it tastes good reminds you of your childhood. That's okay. But what you just did one small thing made room for something a little better. Right? So you're making a better decision for your health by getting the NES mac and cheese. So a couple months down the road, maybe something else comes up. You're like, oh, okay, I'm gonna I'm feeling a little better. I want to do better still. So you do the same thing. You empty the pantry. You remove the other Kraft mac and cheese that you didn't eat. Because you knew that the earnings was better. So now you have even more room to replace. Both of those was something else right? Because you ate they ate Daniels mac and cheese. It was good. You're like okay, it's taste good. So you'd left the craft as the backup and you never touched it. Okay, so now the Annis is gone. The craft is gone. Now you have even more Room for something else. So you surrender something that doesn't serve you to make room for something that does. Okay. So continuing on with the surrender piece, what if you surrendered? To the idea that you are compassionate? What if you surrendered to the concept of being more loving? You know, even to Fred, that guy down the hall that just drives you fucking bonkers? What if you realized that he was struggling, and was always trying so hard to be with people and, and be loved and feel like he was worthy enough, right. So you don't necessarily have to hang out with him on weekends. But if you could show him a tiny bit more love, because now you've increased your compassion, because you've surrendered things that don't serve you. and surrender to the idea that you can be more loving. How freaking cool is that? How fucking amazing is that? This guy's is power. Right? For men, we're always searching for ways to be powerful or appear powerful to others. What if you could surrender to being loving and compassionate as a form of power? Right? This is internal power that spills over to other people. It's not dominating, it's not domineering, it's not putting others down to make yourself feel better. It's allowing others to see that they can feel better, just by being in your presence. That's, that's like ultimate power as far as I'm concerned. So they could learn from that they could relax a little bit and not have to try so hard. And that might allow them to surrender something that no longer serves them. So you see where we're going with all this. Surrendering the stuff that doesn't work. And surrendering to the possibilities of what can come allows us to be more of service to ourselves to be of better service to others. Right. And this doesn't mean we all have to be Gandhi or Mother Teresa. And, you know, give up everything in our lives. You know, as far as material goods, that's not what I'm saying at all. But if you could find another way to better serve yourself, that ends up better serving other people. Who knows what's possible for you? Maybe you get that promotion, maybe you get past some block that was keeping you from moving forward in your company. Hell, maybe you leave your company, maybe you start your own business, because now you're like, oh, shit, I don't want to do this thing. Now I got the balls to do it. I don't have to worry about what other people think I'm gonna go do this frigate thing. It's scary as hell. But I'm going to surrender to the fact that I want to do it. How cool is that? Fuck, there's there's limitless potential. Inside each one of us. Limitless. We are the only ones that put limits on ourselves. And once you start to own your own shit, take responsibility for it. And surrender it. Only then, are you going to open up to your own potential and realize I can be scared I can be uncomfortable. I can be hurt, angry, miserable, but it's what I do from there. That really matters. Okay, so if you don't surrender those bricks in the wall that are keeping you blocked, you're not gonna be able to see it. It's fucking amazing, right? This is gold guys. This is gold. I didn't make this up. This is things that have come to me, people that I've learned and studied with and have called me out on my shit. Right? Because a lot of times we just can't see our own stuff. We really can't. And that's the magic I get from my dogs is they are being who they are in the moment period into story. Right? There's they're not telling tales about, you know, what their last owner did to them. Right. And, you know, my last several dogs have been all been rescued dogs. There's, they're not stuck in that story. They're not telling tales as to why something happened. You know? Sure. They may be fearful. They may be reactive and aggressive at times, but they're not too Have a story about it. Those are just immediate responses. So how can you change your story? How can you surrender into a better life? Reframe surrender for yourself guys. reframe it. You can surrender yourself to living a better, more loving life.