Slow The Fuck Down

Why are you rushing around? Do you realize what you are missing? What if you could just Slow The Fuck Down and notice more? We are constantly attempting to reach a goal or attain some status that is usually important to someone else. The ability to Slow the Fuck Down opens up so much more.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love.
Michael Overlie:Won't come back from Dead Man's curve. Hey guys, I used to love surf music. I lived in San Diego for about on and off for like 17 years and I had a buddy of mine who, but he's just a freakin funny guy. And I really look up to him. And he loves surf music. So I love surf music. He loved to surf, and I couldn't surf for crap. But I was I was a wannabe surfer. It was fantastic. Love surf music. I don't know if you guys know Jan and Dean are but check it out. Fun stuff. fun music back then. So what are you doing? What are you doing right now? Where are you going? What's happening? What do you do yesterday? We fast? Are you still? are you rushing around? Why are we always rushing around? I didn't realize I was always rushing around. And then I realized one day, I don't have to rush around. So this is fantastic. This is like this program state of mind that we're always in. We have to do doo, doo, doo, doo. And we forget to just be running from one thing to the next one email to the next one text to the next. And we miss so much in this, this constant pursuit of getting things done. Why don't you just Slow the fuck down? Seriously, still pop down. I mean, every single thing in your life, not everything all at once. That usually doesn't work. But one little thing, you know, maybe give yourself a little more time for your commute, or a trip anywhere, whether it's to go see a partner or spouse or friend. Just give yourself a little bit more time and see what you can notice. I think this is hugely important. We don't notice what's going on around us. Usually at any given moment. We're so focused on some cool or attaining some thing that is probably more important to somebody else than it is to us. But we're so caught up in whatever that activity is. We may not even remember or realize that it's not that important to me. Is not that big a deal to me. Oh, yeah. Another huge lesson that I learned from, from my dogs. Especially Darby as I don't have to be what anybody else wants me to be? Oh, I think it's a singularly important. You know, we've talked about identities and expectations and what everybody else wanted me to be or thought I should be based on their life. But I think this is massive. I know this is massive, because I've had massive shifts around some of these things. I want to be calm, I want to be peaceful, I want to be happy. And if I'm out there running around chasing all these things that somebody else might feel is really important. And I don't remember who I am. I don't remember what's important to me. So Slow the fuck down. What's one thing you can do? Just one thing? Well, yep, you guessed it, grab the leash, hook up the dog. Go for a walk. You can change directions. If you want. You can go somewhere else if you want. Try it just a little slower. And your dog might go wait a minute, this is no normal pace. But that's okay. Just slow it down. Stop and look at every little thing your dog looks at.
Michael Overlie:Are they here? Are they notice their ears perked up, they look to the left. Just stand there, spend some time there. And we may not be able to hear what they hear because obviously their hearing is much better than ours. But we can pay attention we can begin to notice. Maybe just by looking in that direction. You see something that you've walked by 1000 times but you didn't notice before. Oh, that's that's pretty freakin cool. A lot of times I will allow the dog, my dog to just leave me where they want to go. And if I'm not too impatient or feeling too rushed, I can and just enjoy so much just looking around. It's like letting somebody else drive. If you're heading somewhere for a weekend, you don't always have to be in control. And someone knows steer that thing around. And you get to look. Oh, I never knew that was there. Do you know that? Was there? Other people go? Yeah, yeah, it's always been there. So what else can you do for yourself? How else can you slow down? Can you give yourself more time in the morning? Oh, my God, this is huge. So I get up at like, 330 in the morning, I don't actually have to leave the house until closer to seven. But I get up at 330. So I can spend time doing what I need to do for me. I could spend time with Indigo. I can spend time meditating or reading. This is my version of paying myself first. Maybe I'll exercise maybe I'll just sit outside and stare at the stars. I mean, guys, we don't pay ourselves first. In other ways. There's a concept of paying yourself first financially, which is awesome. But what if you could pay yourself first and this other way? What if you could start your day in this calm, peaceful, mindful space? I think I think we'd be a lot happier. You know, we could take on a lot more of whatever it is that comes our way. And there's a misconception that, you know, some day I'll be happy Sunday, I'll be better at this Sunday, I'll be better at that. Point, you got to start now. All this begins with you, right where you're at. So what's one thing you can do just Slow the fuck down? And begin to notice something else? Maybe you notice, you're more prone to allow feelings to come up? Maybe you notice you're more approachable by other people? Or that's awesome. How do you carry that forward? You know, in yoga, they have a saying, if you do all this practice on the yoga mat, but how do you live the rest of your day? Right? Can you take your practice off the mat? The same holds true here. I enjoy this, this quiet comfort of my mornings and my ability to learn more about myself and, and peaceful and calm. But what do I do for the rest of the day? Right? When I run into people that give me a hard time or maybe do something that is triggering for me. That's the real practice. It's not the one where where it's quiet and peaceful and easy. And nurturing. It's, it's when you're out there and the things aren't happy and peaceful and calm and nurturing. You know, you get in a fender bender, whatever it is. That's your practice. So let's say something happens in your day. You don't have to immediately react. This takes practice. But you can respond after you Slow the fuck down. And just realize, Hey, okay, I don't have to do this the same way I normally do. I don't have to, you know, jump down this guy's throat because I'm uncomfortable. I think it's massive. So what else? What other ways can you slow down? What about the way you eat?
Michael Overlie:Right? Always rush. I gotta I gotta hurry up. I don't have much time. Time. Right? Time is always gonna be there no matter what you do. So how do you enjoy a more? Tick, not Han, Vietnamese Buddhist monk. And he did all these great practices about slowing down. Being mindful when eating? Right, he would take a spoonful of milk and chew it 50 times. Now, I tried it. I can't do it. Maybe another 20 years, but just the practice of slowing down. Everything you're doing in that moment is wonderful. Just yeah. What can you do? How can you do one thing differently today. And again, guys, this this is how you create change in your life. One little thing, one small step one shift. This is what you do to become who you truly are. Remember who you truly are. So what are you gonna do with your dog today? Where are you going to go? And how slow Are you going to do it? You guys take care slow The fuck down and enjoy everything you're doing no matter what it is. I'll talk to you soon. Love you