One Degree Shift

Do you want to create massive change in your life? Are you ready to go big and do something amazing? Then slow the hell down and make a tiny change. Then do another. Then do another. This is where you begin to create a new way of being.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love. Doo doo doo. Hey, hey guys, well come back. So glad you're here. It's a beautiful morning, as I'm recording this fall is in the air and I'm so freaking excited. I absolutely love winter, I love the cold weather, I can't wait for snow, I got a wood burning stove that's all tuned up and ready to go. And I am anticipating cold and fun and warmth and relaxation and excitement all at the same time. So I want to talk today about change, and how we can begin to create massive change in our lives. So you want to ask yourself, How do I create massive change in my life? How can I get to the place where I want to be? Right now? Well, guess what? You can't? Not in my estimation, anyway, not my experience, how we do these big things often, and expect the results to last we expect our change or desire for change to stay to hold. And it just doesn't seem to work that way. So think of New Year's resolutions, right? I'm gonna do this honor, do that. And how long do you actually do that? It's tough because it's not programmed in our behaviors, our conscious and subconscious behaviors are programmed in over long periods of time. So how do you think you can change behavior, you don't like you to a behavior you like? Well, it's going to take time, there's talk about, you know, 21 days to create a new habit. I don't know, that might work for you. If it does great. Most something I found that I don't get credit for is called a one degree shift. So I got this concept and idea from Jesse Korn and Charlotte Jacobs of Thrive Academy. And they're fantastic. They help a lot people, healers and coaches to create a different way of being in the world and create an amazing business. And Charlotte gave a talk when he talked about doing a one degree shift. And I thought that was fascinating. You make this small change. And you do that for a while. And then you realize, Hey, okay, I can do this. And then you make another small change, do that for a while you rinse and repeat. You do these things in smaller bites, your mere one building your confidence to building your resilience, through persistence that you can do whatever it takes. And next thing you know, you are creating massive change, but you're doing it in smaller pieces. And that was something I didn't realize before, right? There's an image I saw a while back of two ladders standing next to each other going, You know what, into the sky, let's say. And one of them had rungs that were like 10 feet apart. And the little stick figures at the bottom trying to think of how the freaky is going to get up this ladder. And then the other ladder had runs that are only one foot apart, you get what I'm seeing here. So that guy was already making progress. So small, little pieces. How can you start to do that? What were things in your day? One little thing at a time? Can you change in one degree? What about just taking your dog for a walk? Will people go one direction I get to do the same loop they do the same loop. Maybe you go the other direction. Maybe there's a dog park you go to you go to a different dog park. Maybe you brush your teeth with your other hand. Maybe you brush your teeth in a different direction. You start with the top first then go to the bottom. I mean the possibilities are endless limitless for how you can change one tiny thing in your day. Maybe sip coffee with your other hand. Right? Just do that it's going to feel weird, habitually. We do the same thing over and over and over and over and over. Right? It's easy. It's comfort We're guided it's,
Michael Overlie:yeah. It's just an easy way to do things. It doesn't mean that we can't create this incredible change that we want. What else can we do? You take a different way to work, right? Maybe you'll leave 10 minutes earlier, and you take away that might take a little longer. Imagine what you'd notice. Imagine what you could see if you did that. What else could you do? Huh? Get up five minutes earlier and spend five minutes just staring out the window, in reference to a thing, just stare out the window, you're changing a routine, you're changing a pattern in your day. A lot of people don't know how to calm themselves, right, they don't have skills to get themselves cooled down, chill out, when they're in the midst of something stressful. Meditation, right? People don't know meditation is they don't know how to do it. Well just give yourself five minutes a day of staring out the window, that can be an introduction to meditation. But what can come from that, building on that, and allowing yourself just to be in that moment. That is what creates something massive in your life, right? This ability to be peaceful, no matter what is going on around you. Now I haven't achieved guru status by any means, I still get pissed off, I still get bent out of shape, I get triggered. But I don't stay in those places. As long as I don't stay mad, as long as I'm able to respond more as opposed to being reactive. And I tell you that is much more relaxed and happy place to come from. You know, if you stay mad for hours on end days on end weeks on end, that's just sucking your energy that is just bringing you down. You know, the people that you're mad at, they're probably not even thinking about what you're mad about. Right? So why don't give yourself a break. Bring your energy back into creating a life you want. And that's so nice. Look at your dog. What's your dog doing right now? They've been napping, staring at you wondering when you're going to go outside? What? What does that mean for you? Right? How can you create something new today? What does it feel like? Let's get into that a minute. What do you want to feel today? How can you create whatever that is? Right? Think about let's say you're going to work. There's that one guy at the office? Or wherever you work and you just can't stand him. Right? You don't want to see him. You don't want to talk to him. He's annoying as hell. How can you approach that one person a tiny bit differently. Maybe plant a seed in your head, that he's got a horrible home life, or he had horrible things happened to him when he was younger. And he react he's, he acts this way, excuse me, because he's seeking love and attention. He's awkward, and he doesn't know how to just be himself. So just plant a seed in your head, you've got this guy over there who have something horrible happened to him when he was a kid. And he reacts this way. He responds this way. He reaches out in a in a super uncomfortable way that drives everybody else nuts. But now you can see him in a different way. You know, he's a scared, insecure kid inside. And he doesn't know how to be in the world. What about you? Are there ways that you act? Respond, react because of things that have happened in your life?
Michael Overlie:Think about that. Think about being a shelter dog being abandoned, and and left to who knows what you don't know what the hell's going on. There's all these strange people and strange animals around you. Some animals are disappearing, never to be seen again. Right? How would that make you feel? Well imagine what was going on in somebody else's life. Imagine the things that have happened in your life that you maybe have buried and don't want to think about again, how can you give yourself that much compassion and allow something else to just come for you? Right? So look at that one guy at work. How uncomfortable He must feel and go, Oh, I get it. I can understand a little bit more why he acts that way. And now do some work for yourself. What one degree can You change in your day to allow yourself to be who you are, no matter what happened in your life. You can just be right. You can be more loving. You can be more compassionate. You can be more aware and understanding of others. So you know what to do. Leash that dog up. Go somewhere completely different, a different direction. One little thing, brush your teeth different. Comb your hair different. Floss backwards, tie the other shoe first. Do one tiny thing today to start creating massive change in your life. Enjoy your one degree shift. I will talk to you soon. Love you.